Movie Theatres
| Movie Theatres | 11,223,573 |
Drive-In Theatres
| Drive-In Theatres | 3,698,358 |
Motor Speedways
| Motor Speedways | 3,486,147 |
| Lodging | 3,142,030 |
Amusement Parks
| Amusement Parks | 1,626,497 |
| Dining | 1,303,740 |
Opera Houses
| Opera Houses | 913,078 |
Drag Racing
| Drag Racing | 852,038 |
Malls and Retail
| Malls and Retail | 736,761 |
Roadside Attractions
| Roadside Attractions | 580,927 |
Sports Venues
| Sports Venues | 516,145 |
Ghost Towns and Old Towns
| Ghost Towns and Old Towns | 363,592 |
Dance Halls
| Dance Halls | 318,157 |
Camps Resorts Parks
| Camps Resorts Parks | 245,761 |
| Automotive | 186,530 |
Airport Military and Infrastructure
| Airport Military and Infrastructure | 117,217 |
Companies and Brands
| Companies and Brands | 25,154 |
Music and Venues
| Music and Venues | 24,215 |
Train Depots
| Train Depots | 7,363 |