HomeWaterWinterWonderland.com Site Statistics

Total page views since inception of site: 87,903,300
Total number of individual attractions listed on this site in all categories: 5,562
Total number of images related to those locations: 49,425

Number of visits by location type

Location TypeLocation TypeTotal Visits
 Movie Theatres Movie Theatres11,321,958
 Drive-In Theatres Drive-In Theatres3,726,499
 Motor Speedways Motor Speedways3,505,787
 Lodging Lodging3,231,562
 Amusement Parks Amusement Parks1,639,498
 Dining Dining1,348,743
 Opera Houses Opera Houses920,064
 Drag Racing Drag Racing856,040
 Malls and Retail Malls and Retail757,657
 Roadside Attractions Roadside Attractions589,172
 Sports Venues Sports Venues538,746
 Ghost Towns and Old Towns Ghost Towns and Old Towns371,001
 Dance Halls Dance Halls324,043
 Camps Resorts Parks Camps Resorts Parks251,554
 Automotive Automotive191,817
 Airport Military and Infrastructure Airport Military and Infrastructure119,888
 Music and Venues Music and Venues26,666
 Companies and Brands Companies and Brands26,082
 Train Depots Train Depots7,479

Top 20 most popular locations

NameCityTotal Visits
 Motor City Dragway New Baltimore162,006
 Edgewater Park Detroit153,913
 Mt. Clemens Race Track Mount Clemens128,587
 Motor City Speedway Warren Township115,133
 Detroit Dragway Brownstown Twp111,661
 Tri-City Dragway Freeland88,501
 Bob-Lo Island Amherstburg80,959
 Onondaga Dragway Onondaga80,486
 Four Bears Water Park Shelby Township70,956
 US-131 Motorsports Park Martin67,434
 Lake Lansing Amusement Park Lansing66,327
 Jackson Motor Speedway Jackson62,173
 Jefferson Beach St. Clair Shores61,234
 Devils Lake Amusement Park Manitou Beach58,962
 Flint Park Flint58,489
 Algiers Drive-In Theatre Westland53,134
 Bel Air Drive-In Theatre Detroit52,711
 Underground Forest Frederic51,555
 Auto City Speedway Clio49,089
 Riverland Amusement Park (Utica Amusement Park) Sterling Heights48,381

Locations with the most info submissions

 Mt. Clemens Race Track Mount Clemens708
 Motor City Dragway New Baltimore225
 Motor City Speedway Warren Township183
 Tri-City Motor Speedway Auburn175
 Detroit Dragway Brownstown Twp166
 Tri-City Dragway Freeland147
 Thunder Road Speedway Cass City129
 Auto City Speedway Clio117
 Manchester Speedway Manchester110
 Jackson Motor Speedway Jackson92
 US-131 Motorsports Park Martin92
 Dixie Motor Speedway Birch Run76
 Flat Rock Speedway Flat Rock70
 Lake Lansing Amusement Park Lansing62
 Silver Bullet Speedway Owendale56
 Owosso Speedway Ovid50
 Sunset Speedway Smiths Creek49
 Flint Park Flint44
 Hartford Speedway Park Hartford42
 Warren Theatre Detroit40
 Ubly Dragway Ubly38
 Cedar Motel (Bennett Motel, Clark's Motel) Grayling36
 Quo Vadis Theatre Westland35
 Ramona Park Grand Rapids33
 Bob-Lo Island Amherstburg32
 Onondaga Dragway Onondaga30
 Eastown Theatre Detroit26
 Whittemore Speedway Whittemore26
 Partington Pasture Speedway Sterling Heights25
 Wonderland Amusement Park Southgate25
 Spartan Speedway (Corrigan Oil Speedway) Mason24
 Ramona Theatre Detroit23
 Devils Lake Amusement Park Manitou Beach21
 Pontiac Speedway (M-59 Speedway) White Lake Township20
 Kalamazoo Speedway Kalamazoo19
 Troy Drive-In Theatre Troy19
 Nick's 41 Speedway Ishpeming18
 Calhoun County Speedway Springport18
 Pontiac Silverdome Pontiac18
 Michigan State Fairgrounds Detroit18
 Woods 6 Gross Pointe17
 Riverland Amusement Park (Utica Amusement Park) Sterling Heights17
 Wayne Drive-In Theatre Wayne17
 Galesburg Speedway Galesburg17
 Tower Theatre Detroit16
 Hastings Motor Speedway Hastings16
 Waterford Hills Raceway (Waterford Hills Road Racing) Clarkston16
 Paul Bunyan Drive-In Theatre Hubbard Lake16
 Punch and Judy Theatre Grosse Pointe Farms15
 Grosse Pointe Race Track Grosse Pointe15
 Vogue Theatre Manistee15
 Lakeside Park Flint15
 Upper Peninsula International Raceway Escanaba15
 Whiskey Ridge Raceway (Whiskey Ridge Speedway, Whisky Ridge) Grant15
 Pine Ridge Amusement Park Birch Run14
 State Theatre Wayne13
 Zilwaukee Speedway Zilwaukee13
 Riviera Theatre Detroit13
 Butler Motor Speedway Quincy13
 Thunderbird Raceway Muskegon12
 Grand Rapids Speedrome Grand Rapids12
 Jeddo Speedway Jeddo12
 Alcona Brew Haus (Muehlbeck's Bavarian Village) Harrisville12
 Eastwood Park Eastpointe12
 Nunica Speedway Fruitport12
 Cherry Speedway (Cherry Raceway) Kingsley11
 Atlas Theatre Detroit11
 Sunset Drive-In Theatre Midland11
 Hague Park Jackson11
 Pleasure Island Water Park Norton Shores11
 Harrison Fair Harrison11
 Town Drive-In Theatre Redford11

Top information posters to WaterWinterWonderland

SubmitterTotal Posts
Sean Fitzgerald282
Box Office Magazine237
Randy Adam58
Tom Urban56
Jon C.52
Sarah B42
Marty Blume32
John McDowell29
Bill Murawski Jr.27
Dave DeHem26
Tom Porzondek25
Chris Fobbe24
Detroit News23
Andy Gray22
Cinema Treasures22
Vince Cuker22
Steve Fraley21
Garrett Pierce21
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