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From Cars 108 Web Site
The Links at Birch Run is the only course that is technically not in Genesee County, but it is right on the northern border. I included it because anyone living in Genesee County has driven by this course a million times heading north on 75.
The course opened in 1999 as a compliment to the Birch Run Outlets. The idea was that the women could go shopping all day, while the men spent the day golfing. There was a pretty state of the art driving range when the course first opened, complete with video swing analysis machines. Unfortunately the course did not do well financially and had to close in 2002.
The course had plenty of faults, like most of the holes running along 1-75, and a train track running directly through a few of the holes. I do think that with a few years to mature, the course could have been a decent place to play. You can still see the outline of the holes as you drive by on 75 today.