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Bass Lake Store goes back to the 1920's according to a business opportunities listing from 1995. Interestingly, the owner as of 2000 was mentioned in the newspapers when he disappeared for a month. He was later found in St Joseph MO living under a different name. He had lost all memories of his life in Irons, MI. Apparently he operated the store for 14 years and was distraught over the fact the business was struggling financially. This checks out as the place was up for sale in 1995.
I am not seeing the store itself standing as of 2025 but there is a lot with a private residence on it that I believe is the former location. One telltale sign is a telephone booth next to the structure. It was stated the store was on the South shore of Big Bass Lake and this lot fits that description. There really isn't another good candidate for the structure or the lot.