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This party store was a bit out of the way which is probably why it isn't open. It had the typical items, food to go, snacks, beer, pop, etc. Silver Bullet Speedway AKA Owendale is right down the street. I think the store was open within the last 10 years. It looked open on the 2009 street view. I found an article on a robbery from 2004 here. I would guess this was also a gas station at one time.
This intersection is called Janson's Corner and supposedly there is a historical landmark here although I didn't see it and found nothing online about it. It is also Janson Stop & Park. The parking capacity wouldn't be too much as the parking area is small.
This place was previously known as Janssen's Party Store. They carried party favors and such so it was an actual party store. George and Audeen Janssen bought the old Owendale Train Depot and put on a lot off of Sebawing Rd. it makes me wonder if there is a link between the Janssens and Janson's Corner.