Tribbetts - Sturgis MI

Address: 118 W Chicago Rd
City: Sturgis
State: MI
Zip: 49091
County: St. Joseph
Number of visits to this page: 2387

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General Information:

I found a photo of this store while perusing old high school yearbooks but I don't know much about the store itself. It was operating in the 1960's and probably goes back to the early days of Sturgis. I found mentions of C.W. Tribbet going back to 1925 in reference to an apparel store. I am sure that is the same family. There were dozens of local and regional department stores like this in Michigan in those days, this being one of them. It is now the home of Lowry's Books.

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Sturgis High School - Sturgensian Yearbook Class Of 1965
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