Garrick Theatre - Detroit MI

Address: 1122 Griswold St
City: Detroit
State: MI
Zip: 48226
County: Wayne
Owner History:
Theater Type: Neighborhood House
Number of visits to this page: 26382

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Great info here:

AKA Whitney Opera House

Source: Steve Bielawski

The Garrick was on the corner of Michigan and Griswold, adjacent to the Liberty Building. It was across the street from the Book Cadillac. The Garrick was at one point the Detroit Opera House. After the opera company moved out, it was renamed the Garrick. The Garrick was also Jessie Bonstelles first theatre, before she bought the Temple (now known as the Bonstelle Theatre and a part of Wayne State Universitys theatre program). After his last performance, Harry Houdini was taken to the Statler Hotel, where he had a suite. It was from there that he was taken to Grace Hospital, but only after he had the young house physician at the Statler call his doctor in New York for a second opinion.

That delay may have proven fatal, although most likely, Houdini was in trouble before he entered the theatre that night. According to one web site, the land where the Garrick stood (along with the adjacent Whitney Office Building, which was neither the Whitney Restaurant nor the David Whitney Building) became the David Stott Building. The Metro Times says that that corner became Kinsels/Colton Building, home to Kinsels Drug Store. If the Metro Times is correct (and some others do seem to say so), then the site of the Garrick is now a hole in the ground, soon to become a parking lot.

Info Updates:
4/23/2024 - David Gifford
A three story building was built on the site of the Garrick Theatre and still stands, heavily modified, today. It was a drug store for most of its life. It just hit the market in 2024 and is hoping to attract a developer.
9/20/2009 - Jim Odell
The Garrick Theater was located immediately south of the David Stott Building and off of the northwest corner of the Majestic building. In the postcard of the bank and Garrick Building the edge of the Majestic can be seen at the right and the white building to the left of the Garrick is the future site of the David Stott building.
Garrick Theatre - Old Photo From Wayne State Library
Old Photo From Wayne State Library
Garrick Theatre - Old Shot Of The Garrick
Old Shot Of The Garrick
Garrick Theatre - Post Card View
Post Card View
Garrick Theatre - Floor Plan
Floor Plan
Garrick Theatre - Old Ad
Old Ad
Garrick Theatre - Old Ad
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Garrick Theatre - Old Ad
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