HomeMovie TheatersLittle Theatre (Forest Roberts Theatre)

Little Theatre (Forest Roberts Theatre) - Marquette MI

Address: 1401 Presque Isle
City: Marquette
State: MI
Zip: 49855
County: Marquette
Owner History:
Theater Type: Performing Arts
Number of visits to this page: 1910

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General Information:

From the NMU Web Site

The Little Theatre was built on Northern's campus in 1963. It was part of a three-unit complex, which also included Thomas Fine Arts and the McClintock Building. The complex was and still is used for a variety of purposes, including classes, set building, and performances.

Throughout the years, renovations and improvements have been made to the theater on a regular basis, including two major projects. During the summer of 1969, the counterweight units, drapes, and shop equipment were installed, making the facility a complete and extremely flexible staging area. In 1995, a renovation updated the lobby and addressed several accessibility concerns.

On May 31, 1969, the name of the Little Theatre was changed to Forest Roberts Theatre in honor of Roberts' service to the university and the community. The dedication was made on May 31, 1969. During a memorial service for Professor Roberts in the summer of 1997, a bronze plaque and portrait made in his honor were placed in the lobby of the theatre.

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