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Update 1/26/2025: The Town was converted to Pin Town Lanes in 1961 for a time after the theater closed. See article below from 1976 below.
The February 28, 1948 issue of Boxoffice said that the new Town Theatre in Chesaning was slated to open on March 3. The house was to be booked by Ashmun Bros. of Caro, Michigan, for the owner, Vera Graham. The 45x117 foot cinder block building with white porcelain front had cost $75,000 to build and equip, according to Boxoffice.
Mrs. Graham and her late husband Fred had earlier operated another theater in Chesaning, which was probably the one call called the Crystal, which had gone into operation by 1918. Their sons Bill and Don Graham later took over the Town, and when the movie business ceased to be viable converted the building into a bowling alley.
The earliest mention I’ve found of a movie theater in Chesaning was a house called the Vaudette, which was listed in the 1914-1915 American Motion Picture Directory. [Cinema Treasures - Joe Vogel]