Ideal Theatre - Ithaca MI 

Address: 158 E Center
City: Ithaca
State: MI
Zip: 48847
County: Gratiot
Owner History:
Theater Type: Small Town Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 10071

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Update July 3, 2022: After examining the old photos and the current street views, I have determined the current address of the theater is 108 E Center St. I am not sure if the old address I had was wrong or the numbering changed over the years. There is a distinctive building across from the theater and down a few doors. Based on the views Andy provided, you can see the window pattern matches 158 E Center which is currently a barber shop. 221 E. Center would be well down the street and there are no buildings in that block really. See my comparison photos below for details.

Source: Andy Gray

The Ideal Theatre, at 221 E. Center Street in Ithaca, Michigan. was a 1938 remodeling project for my grandfather's Johnson Construction Company. A newer bank building and a parking lot now occupy the site where the theater stood. Al Johnson left us with several color images that he took several years after remodeling the theater. The first is a street view taken in June 1949. A 1948 film "The Dude Goes West" appears on the marquee.

He shot the next street view in June 1950 when "Key to the City" was being shown. The last five color slides were taken inside the theater in September 1952. It's not known who the artist was, but the elaborate pastel murals in these images are very similar to murals in other Johnson theater projects (e.g. Flatroc, Harbor, Rapids and the "new" Hudson). The last slide shows a painting, perhaps by a local artist, showing a farm scene with cows, sheep and two horse-drawn sulkies.

Click the following links for locations of interest nearby:
Info Updates:
11/7/2022 - Sarah B
Cinema treasures page
2/23/2016 - Judy Riedel Tugen
Arthur Earl Gibbs owned the building. He died in 1924. He was married to Ethel Mae Beechler Gibbs. The building eventually became my mothers, Dora Arlene Gibbs Riedel. My Grandmother Gibbs owned and operated Ideal Theater while I was growing up. At least from the 40s until sometime in the early 60s when she sold it to my father, Robert Riedel. My father was the projectionist, my grandmother sold tickets and my uncle took tickets and was the usher. Not sure when it closed but I believe it was in the 70s. I was even taught how to run the old carbon arc projectors in my teens. I ran the popcorn machine from 1959-1961.
12/2/2003 - Box Office Magazine
Sept 1963 Issue - Robert Riedel reopened the Ideal at Ithaca September 19.
Ideal Theatre - Courtesy Al Johnson
Courtesy Al Johnson
Ideal Theatre - Courtesy Al Johnson
Courtesy Al Johnson
Ideal Theatre - Courtesy Al Johnson
Courtesy Al Johnson
Ideal Theatre - Courtesy Al Johnson
Courtesy Al Johnson
Ideal Theatre - Courtesy Al Johnson
Courtesy Al Johnson
Ideal Theatre - Courtesy Al Johnson
Courtesy Al Johnson
Ideal Theatre - Courtesy Al Johnson
Courtesy Al Johnson
Ideal Theatre - From Jack Miller
From Jack Miller
Ideal Theatre - Old Photo
Old Photo
Ideal Theatre - Old Photo
Old Photo
Ideal Theatre - Tan Building On Right Is Old Theater Building
Tan Building On Right Is Old Theater Building
Ideal Theatre - Then And Now
Then And Now
Ideal Theatre - Then And Now
Then And Now © 2025 Over 83,848,832 Served