Bohm Theatre - Albion MI

Address: 201 South Superior Street
City: Albion
State: MI
Zip: 49224
County: Calhoun
Open: 1929
Owner History:
Theater Type: Small Town Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 14348

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Albion Interactive

George A. Bohm, builder, owner and manager of Bohm Theatre, was born in Albion; resides with his mother, Mrs. Lena Bohm, at 402 Crandall Street; has been in the picture business 17 years. He is a talented musician; playing both clarinet and saxophone. As a member of Sousa’s Band toured the United States, and during the World War, this band was enlisted in the service as one of the U.S. Navy Bands.

Mr. Bohm was a member of a specially organized band which accompanied President Wilson on his first peace trip to Europe after the armistice was signed, and has had a rich band, orchestral, and theatrical experience. He played in several theatrical orchestras in leading playhouses where Maude Adams, Cauncey Olcott and many other celebrities appeared. Mr. Bohm’s boyhood dream of having a picture show business of his own was stimulated by his orchestral experience.

In 1915 he started a picture show on West Porter Street, later he operated the Censor Theatre until his new theatre building was completed and formally opened to the public, December 25, 1929. Bohm Theatre has an attractive entrance, is a substantial, two-story brick building, with two store spaces in front; has a large three-manual pipe organ; spacious stage; excellent acoustics; very latest type of talking equipment. Its owner endeavors at all time to please his patrons in selection of pictures and in consideration of their personal comfort.

Info Updates:
2/27/2004 - Curt Peterson / Harry Mohney
This is a photo of the 8 rank Barton pipe organ that was installed just before talkies came out. The Bohm opened Christmas eve 1929. One of the first cantilever balconeys in central Michigan.
1/6/2003 - Web
BOHM THEATRE DATES BACK TO WORLD WAR I ERA by Frank Passic, Albion Historian Albion Recorder, May 19, 1997, pg. 4 Downtown Albion has seen numerous improvements during the past several years which have helped bring new life to our central business district. One of these is the reopening and remodeling of the 1,100-seat Bohm Theatre at 201 S. Superior St. The Bohm Theatre has been a major downtown fixture since it opened on Christmas Day, 1929. But did you know that this was not the first Bohm Theatre in town? George A. Bohm (1890-1951) was born and raised in Albion, and became quite an accomplished musician. During World War I he joined the Navy and was a member of John Philip Sousa’s famous 300 piece band as first clarinetist. He was chosen as a member of the band of the Battleship Pennsylvania, flagship of the Atlantic fleet, which sailed to France with President Wilson for the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. George’s brother Gustav (1897-1967) also played saxophone in one of Sousa’s bands. George was a member of several area orchestras, and with his siblings formed the first saxophone quartet in Southern Michigan. During the 1910s silent films were sweeping the nation and soon movie theatres were opening everywhere, including in Albion. George Bohm opened "Bohm’s Theatre" on the east side of the first floor of the Commercial Hotel building at 108 W. Porter St. in 1915. This was the first Bohm Theatre. Our photograph shows the entrance as it appeared in 1916. Notice the arched "catwalk" to the far right, which still exists today minus the arch bricks. Another theater, the Temple, moved to the north side of the Opera House building (223 S. Superior St.) after the Flood of 1908. In 1914 it was purchased by building owner Hadley H. Sheldon, and renamed the Censor Theatre. George A. Bohm purchased the Censor from Sheldon in late 1916, thereby closing his W. Porter St. operation. He then took over operating the Censor. Not wanting any competition in the local entertainment industry, the story goes that George had the fire marshall declare the Opera House upstairs a fire trap, thus ending its existence (although school plays were still held there during the 1920s). While George served in the Navy in World War I, his brother Albert Bohm (1887-1960) managed the Censor Theatre. Albert continued as projectionist at the Censor and Bohm Theatres until his retirement in 1955. George continued to operate the Censor Theatre until the present Bohm Theatre was completed in December, 1929. At that time the Censor was closed. Mrs. Marian Embury served as organist at the Censor for many years. It was at the Censor that the first "talkie" motion picture in Albion appeared in May, 1929, "The Bellamy Trial."
Bohm Theatre - May 29 2022
May 29 2022
Bohm Theatre - May 29 2022
May 29 2022
Bohm Theatre - 2009
Bohm Theatre - Recent Shot
Recent Shot
Bohm Theatre - Old Postcard
Old Postcard
Bohm Theatre - Recent Pic
Recent Pic
Bohm Theatre - Vintage Auditorium Shot From Harry Mohney And Curt Peterson
Vintage Auditorium Shot From Harry Mohney And Curt Peterson
Bohm Theatre - Vintage Shot Of Barton Organ From Harry Mohney And Curt Peterson
Vintage Shot Of Barton Organ From Harry Mohney And Curt Peterson
Bohm Theatre - 03 Aug 1924
03 Aug 1924
Bohm Theatre - 03 May 1960
03 May 1960
Bohm Theatre - 12 Apr 1941
12 Apr 1941
Bohm Theatre - 14 Feb 1952
14 Feb 1952
Bohm Theatre - 14 Jan 1932
14 Jan 1932
Bohm Theatre - 1951 Ad From Paul
1951 Ad From Paul
Bohm Theatre - 20 Apr 1984
20 Apr 1984
Bohm Theatre - 26 Dec 1951
26 Dec 1951
Bohm Theatre - 27 Mar 1976
27 Mar 1976
Bohm Theatre - 30 Jun 1994
30 Jun 1994 © 2025 Over 83,952,888 Served