Studio 28 - Wyoming MI

Address: 1350 28th St SW
City: Wyoming
State: MI
Zip: 49509
County: Kent
Owner History: Jack Loeks Theatres
Theater Type: Shopping Center - Early Multiplex
Number of visits to this page: 25020

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General Information:

From Cinema Treasures

Originally opened as a drive-in in 1948, an indoor, single-screen theater was added and opened with 1,000 seats on December 25, 1965. In 1976 it expanded to 6-screens and in March 1984, this doubled to 12-screens, giving a total seating capacity of 4,000. In November 1988, it had 20-screens, with a seating capacity of over 6,000. Built and operated by Jack Loeks, it was West Michigan’s first multiplex cinema and at one time was one of the largest in the USA.

The interior is a little like those IMAX theaters with the neon lights and the like. They have an arcade room, and three concession stands (one in front of the arcade room, one in the far left when you first enter the theater, and one in the far back of the theater). The people there give you good service, too. This theater is also one that enforces their rule policies in the middle of previews before their feature presentation (I’ve seen them since my first time in that place since 1992, which was just a man talking while you see nothing but stars in space, in around 1995 they changed design and went with “The Ten Commandments” look with rules like “Thou shalt not talk during the film”. They stopped showing them sometime in 2001 and then ressurected it with more stars and firecrackers in around 2003). And they make one of their main rules known by having the announcer say in a booming voice “NO TALKING”.

Due to a fall in attendance, Loeks Theatres announced that Studio 28 would close on November 27, 2008. It was demolished in March 2014.

Info Updates:
3/31/2014 - John McDowell
The Studio 28 demolition started around March 23rd or 24th. Lots of pictures on the mlive. com web site under Grand Rapids Press.
3/4/2014 - Brian Devereaux
Check the WOOD tv8 web site they have video including clips of the lobby when it was open.
1/1/2010 - Mike
Studio 28 Closed its doors in November of 2008.
11/21/2008 - Grand Rapids Press
Studio 28 patrons remember life 'in the theater' by John Serba | The Grand Rapids Press Friday November 21, 2008, 11:14 PM WYOMING -- Studio 28's era is nearing its end. Upon learning the Wyoming movie theater complex is shutting down on Sunday after a 43-year legacy, numerous current and former customers and employees openly have expressed their emotions. Tom DeMaagd worked for Jack Loeks, founder of Studio and the Loeks Theatres chain, when the movie house opened on Christmas day 1965. A student at Western Michigan University at the time, he sold concessions at the neighboring drive-in theater during his holiday break. "It was an exciting time and a beautiful theater," DeMaagd said. "Mr. Loeks was quite ahead of his time." DeMaagd's mother, Ginny, was Jack Loeks' assistant during Studio 28's construction and worked for the company for 50 years. "When I heard it was closing, I just had to come by and say goodbye to it," Ginny DeMaagd said. She and Tom recalled the original, smaller theater building and was reminded how much she missed the "more family friendly" atmosphere. "Now, there are so many lights aglow, but I remember when there was a round box office with a little light and the first thing you noticed was the smile of the cashier," she said. While the DeMaagds are sad to see it go, Tom DeMaagd understands the necessity of its closing. "We could see that the parking lot isn't as full as it used to be," said Tom DeMaagd, who lives and works in Wyoming and owns the Burlingame Dairy Dip ice cream shop. "I understand it from a business aspect, but there are still a lot of feelings there. "Studio was part of our community. To see a local business close down, it's sad." Tom and Ginny plan to attend Studio 28's closing reception at 5 p.m. Sunday. All concessions, including beer, will be $1, and a silent auction will be held to benefit charity. There will be live music, and a commemorative key chain will be handed out to patrons while supplies last. The theater's final movie will be "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa," at 7 p.m. in the 815-seat Theater One. The theater's closing was announced last week by Loeks Theatres president and owner John Loeks, who said business at the megaplex has dropped 75 percent in the past decade. Its 54 employees will be transferred to other theaters in the Loeks chain, which includes Celebration Cinema locations statewide, four in the Grand Rapids area. Studio's MoPix equipment, which aids hearing- and vision-impaired moviegoers, will be moved to the Celebration Cinema at RiverTown Crossings in Grandville. MoPix screenings will be scheduled there starting Monday. Jack Loeks widely is considered the pioneer of the multiplex theater, and Studio 28 was his flagship site. When Studio expanded to 20 screens in 1988, it became the world's largest theater complex, holding that title until 1995. "There has been a lot of reminiscing going on this week," said Steve VanWagoner, vice president of marketing for Loeks Theatres. "We've had a lot of great comments from people on the Web site -- memories about the first time their parents took them there, first dates, how husbands and wives met. We've had many former employees call or write or stop by, too." When John Pepper was 12, he saw "Boeing Boeing," starring Tony Curtis and Jerry Lewis, the day Studio 28 opened. "The theater was absolutely beautiful .... No grand opening or anything, just the first day of business .... Studio 28 will be missed," said Pepper, who lives in Howard City. "It has been a part of our lives for what seems like forever .... Over the last 43 years, I've taken my girlfriend, wife, kids and now grandkids to the movies at Studio. It's sad to see it go. Maybe I can get the whole family to go one last time."
11/15/2008 - John McDowell
Grand Rapids television stations are reporting that the Studio 28 will be closing as of Sunday, November 23. Annual attendance is reported to be only 25% of what it was just a few years ago.
11/25/2005 - Chuck Sutton
Recently Studio 28 had to one theater Mopix technologty for the visualy asnd hearing impaired. For those with hearing impairments or those that just like to read you can get a reflective screen to fit in your drink holder to read the captions projected on the back of the theater. It also has special earphones that cantains audio descriptions of what is on the screen.
Studio 28 - Demo Photo From Todd Smith
Demo Photo From Todd Smith
Studio 28 - Demo Photo From Todd Smith
Demo Photo From Todd Smith
Studio 28 - Demo Photo From Todd Smith
Demo Photo From Todd Smith
Studio 28 - Demo Photo From Todd Smith
Demo Photo From Todd Smith
Studio 28 - Stock Photo
Stock Photo
Studio 28 - Vintage Shot From Cinematour
Vintage Shot From Cinematour
Studio 28 - Aug 2002
Aug 2002
Studio 28 - Aug 2002
Aug 2002
Studio 28 - 2011 Street View
2011 Street View
Studio 28 - 2011 Street View
2011 Street View
Studio 28 - 2011 Street View
2011 Street View
Studio 28 - 2011 Street View
2011 Street View
Studio 28 - 1990 Yearbook Photo
1990 Yearbook Photo © 2025 Over 87,965,863 Served