Showcase Cinemas Westland - Westland MI

Address: 6800 N Wayne Rd
City: Westland
State: MI
Zip: 48185
County: Wayne
Open: 1989
Owner History: National Amusements / Redstone
Theater Type: Shopping Center - Early Multiplex
Number of visits to this page: 11663

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Opened by National Amusements in 1989 and showing first run movies. It was closed in 2008, and demolished in 2011. A new theatre was built on the site, operated by MJR Theatres in late-2011.

Click the following links for locations of interest nearby:
Info Updates:
11/4/2011 - jt
Brand New theatre that just opened on 11/4/11.
5/7/2011 - Unknown
The old Showcase is gone. The new MJR Theatre is now being built. They have a couple of the walls up all ready and you can get an ideal on the size of the theatres that will be there.
3/11/2011 - Fredrick Ryan
Only the foundations remain of the Showcase.
3/5/2011 - Mike
Check out my photos of the demo.
5/17/2010 - Unknown
Auditorium Seat Count (circa 2006): 1-196, 2-294, 3-294, 4-294, 5-294, 6-294, 7-294, 8-196
4/10/2008 - Don
Theater is now completely boarded up, except the front doors.
3/19/2008 - Chris Hurley
As of Friday, 3 March 2008 the Showcase Cinemas in Westland have closed for good, after eighteen years of providing Westland and the surrounding area with a quality, first-run movie house. I have seen many films there over the years. Competition from the Emagine Theatre in Canton of Ford Road just a few miles west was too much. Sad to see another theatre in Westland go, that means there are no movie theatres left in the city (as the Quo Vadis just north of the Showcase on Wayne Road closed back in 2002).
2/21/2008 - knight_a
Showcase Cinemas Westland will be closing as of March 02, 2008.
6/3/2005 - John Green
Capacity: 1980; I now work over at this location, so Ill be providing some better pictures for you soon (hopefully). I can also get some of the QV if you need them, but you already seem to have quite a few.
Showcase Cinemas Westland - July 2002
July 2002
Showcase Cinemas Westland - July 2002
July 2002
Showcase Cinemas Westland - July 2002
July 2002
Showcase Cinemas Westland - July 2002
July 2002
Showcase Cinemas Westland - From Chris Hurley
From Chris Hurley
Showcase Cinemas Westland - From Chris Hurley
From Chris Hurley
Showcase Cinemas Westland - From Chris Hurley
From Chris Hurley
Showcase Cinemas Westland - From Chris Hurley
From Chris Hurley
Showcase Cinemas Westland - From Chris Hurley
From Chris Hurley
Showcase Cinemas Westland - From Chris Hurley
From Chris Hurley
Showcase Cinemas Westland - From Chris Hurley
From Chris Hurley
Showcase Cinemas Westland - Opening Ad Dec 2 1989
Opening Ad Dec 2 1989 © 2025 Over 84,132,553 Served