HomeMotels and HotelsHotel King (Osceola Hotel, Osceola Inn)

Hotel King (Osceola Hotel, Osceola Inn) - Reed City MI

Address: 110 E Upton Ave
City: Reed City
State: MI
Zip: 49677
County: Osceola
Number of visits to this page: 969

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General Information:

This hotel was built by the King Brothers of Port Huron after a previous wood frame structure hotel burned on the site in the late 1800's. They sold what was then the Hotel King it in the 1900's and the name was changed to the Osceola Hotel. Eventually the hotel portion closed and only the ground floor restaurant remained, which was named Osceola Inn. It was successful for many years until trouble with the health department led to the building being closed and it was demolished by 2014. Like so many of these hold hotels, this one is said to be haunted.

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Hotel King (Osceola Hotel, Osceola Inn) - Vintage Postcard
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Hotel King (Osceola Hotel, Osceola Inn) - Vintage Postcard
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Hotel King (Osceola Hotel, Osceola Inn) - Vintage Postcard
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