HomeMotels and HotelsStrickland's Mountain Inn and Cottages

Strickland's Mountain Inn and Cottages - Mount Pocono PA

Address: 312 Woodland Rd
City: Mount Pocono
State: PA
Zip: 18344
County: N/A
Number of visits to this page: 2632

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General Information:

I went here for my honeymoon back in the early 80's. It was still doing pretty well at the time and is a good example of the Pocono's resorts that were popular before air travel became cheap. We had a cabin and I believe it had the old heart-shaped tub. There were plenty of activities and all meals were included. Sadly this place is long gone. I am using the address of the Mount Airy Casino Resort as it sits on the lot of where Strickland's once stood. I believe the historical address was 40Q Woodland Rd.

There is an AMAZING photo array on Facebook HERE from Darryl W. Moran featuring the ruins of the old Inn. I have included a sampling of them below in case those get taken down or lost in the maze of Facebook.

From the Pocono Record:

During its heyday, Strickland's Mountain Inn in Paradise Township was certainly in the tradition of excellence, earning in 1982 the American Automobile Association's Four-Diamond rating for quality. But before it became a popular couples resort, the hostelry was known as Elvin Inn.

In 1968, Edmund Strickland Sr., the resort's founder, recalled the early years of business. When Strickland and his wife first came to the Poconos and saw the inn, it was a "mustard-colored monstrosity, whose interior was worse than its exterior. The place was in shambles and alive with rats of all sizes, but our decision was 'yes' (to buy the inn), and the receipt was signed on a piece of brown paper torn from a bag," he said, according to a Pocono Record article.

After furnishing the inn with some "well-used antique furniture," the business was ready to open on May 25, 1945, with working capital of $4.90. "We had one guest, and so that she wouldn't know it, we planted employees in the dining room as guests," Strickland said.

The fledgling inn ultimately found its role as a honeymoon resort. "The singles were dissatisfied because they wanted big city entertainment, and the older people disliked the noise from the highway (a new highway has been built since), but the young marrieds loved Strickland's. They were in love and didn't notice the noise. Having found our market, we let people know about us, and we had the courage to stick to our specialty," Strickland said.

Although the inn grew to offer rooms with the sexually daring atmosphere associated with the well-known heart-shaped tubs of the region, Strickland stayed away from pushing that image and took a more traditional approach to running the inn.

In 1956, in the rooms of honeymooning couples, it was the custom to place a collection of meditations and prayers under the maxim "The couple that prays together stays together," according to the article "Churches Act To Keep Up With Touring Americans" in The Titusville Herald.

In 1983, with the owner in ill health, Strickland's was sold to Mount Airy Lodge and was closed in 2000. Mount Airy and Strickland's were sold in 2004 and later reborn as Mount Airy Casino Resort. Strickland died in 2004.

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Stricklands Mountain Inn and Cottages - Vintage Postcard
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Stricklands Mountain Inn and Cottages - Vintage Postcard
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Stricklands Mountain Inn and Cottages - Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
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Stricklands Mountain Inn and Cottages - Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
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Stricklands Mountain Inn and Cottages - Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
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Stricklands Mountain Inn and Cottages - Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
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Stricklands Mountain Inn and Cottages - Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Stricklands Mountain Inn and Cottages - Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Stricklands Mountain Inn and Cottages - Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Stricklands Mountain Inn and Cottages - Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Stricklands Mountain Inn and Cottages - Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Stricklands Mountain Inn and Cottages - Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Stricklands Mountain Inn and Cottages - Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Stricklands Mountain Inn and Cottages - Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
Ruins Photos From Darryl W Moran On Facebook
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