Edmond's Au Gres Inn - Au Gres MI

Address: 324 E Huron Rd
City: Au Gres
State: MI
Zip: 48703
County: Arenac
Number of visits to this page: 1684

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General Information:

This motel goes back to the 60's and it was somewhat smaller when it started. By 1976 an extra wing was added on to increase capacity. I am not sure if it operated under the current name back then or not. The motel is operating as of 2023 and the reviews are good.

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Edmonds Au Gres Inn - Web Listing
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Edmonds Au Gres Inn - Web Listing
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Edmonds Au Gres Inn - Web Listing
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Edmonds Au Gres Inn - Web Listing
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Edmonds Au Gres Inn - 1992
Edmonds Au Gres Inn - 1965 Vs 1976 Aerial
1965 Vs 1976 Aerial
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