Drifter Motel (Economy Inn) - Flint MI

Address: 4186 Corunna Rd
City: Flint
State: MI
Zip: 48532
County: Genesee
Number of visits to this page: 2174

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General Information:

The old Drifter Motel is now operating as an Economy Inn as of 2023. It was the site of a police sting involving a death plot in 1966. Back in those days, if your spouse didn't grant you a divorce, it was hard to get one. The couple in the article decided they would pay 500 bucks to have the husband killed instead. Bad move. The "assassins" were law enforcement. And yet, the target of the killing still loved his wife. I wonder if he visited her in the can? The couple who planned the killing ended up getting 3-5 years.

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Drifter Motel (Economy Inn) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Drifter Motel (Economy Inn) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Drifter Motel (Economy Inn) - 2022 Street View
2022 Street View
Drifter Motel (Economy Inn) - Apr 1966 Death Plot Sting
Apr 1966 Death Plot Sting
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