Crescent Motel - East Tawas MI

Address: 1870 US-23
City: East Tawas
State: MI
Zip: 48730
County: Iosco
Number of visits to this page: 1550

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General Information:

The Crescent opened back in the 1950's, although it appeared it was 1/2 the size then as it is now. It was operated by Golden and Ione Campbell at that time. It still stands on US-23 but it doesn't appear to be operating as a motel as of 2023. The setting for this place is pretty amazing as it is nestled in the woods.

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Crescent Motel - 2022 Street View
2022 Street View
Crescent Motel - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Crescent Motel - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Crescent Motel - Aerial Map
Aerial Map
Crescent Motel - 1958 Aerial
1958 Aerial
Crescent Motel - July 1975 Ad
July 1975 Ad © 2024 Over 78,594,523 Served