Sagamore Motor Lodge - Royal Oak MI

Address: 30754 Woodward Ave
City: Royal Oak
State: MI
Zip: 48073
County: Oakland
Number of visits to this page: 2288

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General Information:

The address I am using (3220 N Woodward Ave) is the actual location as of 2022. It is now a Qdoba restaurant. the one on the postcard (3220 N Woodward Ave) means little as of 2022 as everything along Woodward has been re-numbered since the old days. 3220 is near 10 mile today but it is clear this old motel was actually at Woodward and Coolidge/13 Mile.

I was surprised to see the motel was still intact as of 2012, as I found a nice article and photo in the newspaper on it. Sometime after 2012, the place was demolished to make way for new development. Interestingly, it started life as the Sagamore, switched to the Travelodge brand for a time in the 2006 time frame, but was reverted to the Sagamore name for the last few years it operated. There used to be a Howard Johnson's next to the motel according to the papers. I need to research THAT too.

I don't consider Royal Oak a rough area, but there was a murder in 1975 and a shooting of the clerk in 1978 at this place. Details are available in the newspaper archives on those incidents.

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Sagamore Motor Lodge - Old Postcard
Old Postcard
Sagamore Motor Lodge - Old Postcard
Old Postcard
Sagamore Motor Lodge - Old Postcard
Old Postcard
Sagamore Motor Lodge - Old Postcard
Old Postcard
Sagamore Motor Lodge - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Sagamore Motor Lodge - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Sagamore Motor Lodge - Aug 2012 Article On Dream Cruise
Aug 2012 Article On Dream Cruise
Sagamore Motor Lodge - History Of Street Views
History Of Street Views
Sagamore Motor Lodge - Matchbook
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