Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.
Update 4/24/2024 from Wayne Gleiber: The gas station in photo "1982 Photo Of Gas Station For Grande Vista" was on the same side of Red Arrow Hwy as the entrance to the Grande Vista Resort, not across the street as mentioned. In fact, you can see the back corner of it in the first photo labeled "1982 Photo Of Grande Vista Motor Court" just to right of the main entrance. In the early 1990's, an insurance company painted and fixed up the facade of the building to re-enact a 1950's scene for a television commercial.
I am using the address of the fireplace shop as it was the former location of the gas station for the Grande Vista complex.
This resort and lodge was opened in 1937 as part of the House of David complex. It featured a view of Lake Michigan. There was a restaurant and would accommodate 150 overnight guests in 40 apartments. Each unit had a private garage so these were deluxe rooms. It looked like a mission and featured a 2 story building which would act as a lounge for the guests. The decor was accented with rock and quartz which the House of David had imported from the Southwest for this purpose.
The new site was heavily promoted and advertised in the media at the time and business was good. There was also a nightclub which featured some of the big acts of the day. In 1939, the restaurant and gardens were leased to H. Edgar Gregory of Chicago. He changed the menu from vegetarian to having meat dishes available. The place continued for many years until the 1960's. I believe the lodge was converted to a motel by the 1970's.