HomeDrive-In TheatersPlainfield Drive-In Theatre - Grand Rapids, MI

Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Grand Rapids MI

Address: 4900 Plainfield Ave NE
City: Grand Rapids
State: MI
Zip: 49505
County: Kent
Open: 1957 (8-1-57) AD
Closed: <1990>
Capacity: 1000
Owner History: Jack Loeks Theatres
Number of visits to this page: 20089
General Information:

The Plainfield Drive-In opened in August of 1957. It was operated by Jack Loeks Theatres. Car capacity was listed at 1,000 with a single screen. Possibly closed sometime in 1990 according to the site. Homes have been built on the site of the drive-in.

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Info Updates:
5/16/2020 - Holly
I remember watching that riot unfold right from the start. Someone threw a beer bottle at a cruiser. A cop jumped out and began hitting a kid with a billy club. Thats when the devils house broke loose.
1/30/2018 - Laurel Lazar
I enjoyed the story about 1973, when the cops came. I went to this drive in as a child and then later in high school. Somehow I happened across this site tonight by accident and am so pleased to see the photos. This is so long ago to me, as I moved away after h. s. and never knew it was torn down. But, of course, it would have been. I think that when we are dealing with our memories it can be difficult to imagine the change as we did not witness it. During my hs years, we didn't watch movies as much as we did drink and cause trouble. Mostly, just making noise and being dumb teenagers. Thanx to the other participants who wrote about my favorite old-drive-in.
4/29/2010 - Unknown
Such wonderful memories of the Plainfield Drive-In. I can't count the times that we snuck in from the side and sit in the front benches. We used to live just down Plainfield. This was in the 60's. I'll never forget the excitement of seeing God's Half Acre and Splendor in the Grass! Before that the memory of popping a grocery bag full of corn and heading up the hill in our 1957 Chevy Impala Station Wagon with the family to see a double header. WOW! We never did make it through the second film as we always feel asleep. Great memories!
10/14/2003 - MichiganDriveIns.com
I worked at the Plainfield Drive-In back in 1973. My first job ever. I was 16 years old and they paid me 99 cents a hour. That was the year they had the huge riot. It was WGRD Night. They charged 50 cents per person. Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho was the film being shown. A local policeman drove through and after being pelted with stones and beer bottles and then having his vehicle surrounded by our local patrons who began rocking his car, he made his way back out and then put out a call for any and all nearby back up vehicles - a total 53 cars and 83 officers responded. The lights came up, the film was stopped and they streamedin one after the other, lights flashing and just surrounded the place. Oh the memories. Hello to my fellow drive-in employees, Cindy M., Dave D., Don C., Mark B. Thanks for the photos.
1/6/2003 - WaterWinterWonderland
Everything is gone, the site is now a residential street (Paramount St.). Seems hard to believe that this was a drive-in, as there is a fairly steep hill on the lot.

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Concession Stand From Screen 1987 From Greg T
Concession Stand From Screen 1987 From Greg T
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Lot From Screen 1987 From Greg T
Lot From Screen 1987 From Greg T
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Screen 1987 From Greg T
Screen 1987 From Greg T
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Marquee March 1988
Marquee March 1988
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Marquee March 1988
Marquee March 1988
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Screen 1987 From Greg T
Screen 1987 From Greg T
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Marquee March 1988
Marquee March 1988
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Screen 1987 From Greg T
Screen 1987 From Greg T
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Screen 1987 From Greg T
Screen 1987 From Greg T
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Fog Pass From Greg T
Fog Pass From Greg T
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Tickets From Greg T
Tickets From Greg T
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Pass From Greg T
Pass From Greg T
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Screen From Darryl Burgess
Screen From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - From John Vomvoris
From John Vomvoris
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - From John Vomvoris
From John Vomvoris
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Screen From Darryl Burgess
Screen From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Concession From Darryl Burgess
Concession From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Concession From Darryl Burgess
Concession From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Concession From Darryl Burgess
Concession From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Concession From Darryl Burgess
Concession From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Concession From Darryl Burgess
Concession From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Concession From Darryl Burgess
Concession From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Plainfield Drive-In 1987
Plainfield Drive-In 1987
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Concession From Darryl Burgess
Concession From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Projection From Darryl Burgess
Projection From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Projection From Darryl Burgess
Projection From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Projection From Darryl Burgess
Projection From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Ticket Booth From Darryl Burgess
Ticket Booth From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Ticket Booth From Darryl Burgess
Ticket Booth From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Ticket Booth From Darryl Burgess
Ticket Booth From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Floor Safe From Darryl Burgess
Floor Safe From Darryl Burgess
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Grand Opening Ad August 1 1957 Courtesy Jerrica Lee
Grand Opening Ad August 1 1957 Courtesy Jerrica Lee
Plainfield Drive-In Theatre - Aerial - Photo From Terraserver
Aerial - Photo From Terraserver
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