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Update 2/1/2025: I am told the restaurant here also operated as the Sunset Cafe.
The exact location of this restaurant/gas station/truck stop combo was HERE. The original address no longer exists. I am using an address from a building just south of where the truck stop was.
I did quite a bit of research on this place, spending most my evening on it. I was looking for something else and I am a sucker for an old foundation on an aerial map. I have to know what it was. This place was a gas station that started in the early 1970's. I am not sure if the restaurant was part of it then but eventually it included a Tony's North Restaurant according to the sign. There is a small Tony's chain that operates in and around Saginaw/Bay City but I am not sure if this location was affiliated.
They sold Marathon gas for many years until the place closed around 1999. The place sat empty for many years. In 2002, some investors floated the idea of converting the property to a nude club. Understandably, this did not go over well with the local residents or the Pumpkin Farm (also closed) business next door which catered to mainly children. The plan was dropped. There was also talk of the land being used for a casino development. That didn't pan out either. The gas station building was demolished around 2017 and the lot sits empty today, except for the concrete gas station area and the foundation of the restaurant.
There is a small building across the street from this place sitting vacant that is about the size and shape of an ice cream shop. I will get to the bottom of what that was eventually and add the info here. There was once a sign out front for Mori Tree Services but I think it was just for advertising, I don't believe their office was there.