Pontiac Silverdome - Pontiac MI

Address: 1200 Featherstone Rd
City: Pontiac
State: MI
Zip: 48342
County: Oakland
Number of visits to this page: 28877

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Dirt/Paved Ovals - Operating Dates: 1980-1984

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Info Updates:
1/20/2012 - Mike Duford
I wish the new owners of the Silverdome would have another dirt late model race. I was there in 82 and thought it was awesome. They could probably get a good size crowd.
11/27/2011 - BILL MURAWSKI JR
2011 someone should have some winter time racing in the silverdome 4 wheelers dirt bikes , race cars.
10/10/2009 - jake
im looking for some pics of the mash ambulance that art arfons had
10/15/2008 - jason murawski
yepper i was a very small boy when i when with my family i think i was scared of the noise at that time in my life i wish i could see it agin but watch the dirty "0"s #21 billy murawski run in the pack.
10/9/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
Build a new 1/2 mile asphalt track on the Silverdome site, surround it with drive-in movie screens and put some rides in it's parking lot. How obvious is that. You could even run weeknights. There is a population base here.
10/8/2008 - Mike K.
Anyone find any pictures from early Monster Truck shows in the Silverdome?? Thanks, Mike K.
12/5/2007 - Mike VanCleave
I have many pictures from the Pontiac Silverdome. I'll have to dig them out and scan them. I painted jumps for a BMX bike race there one year. I drove my car into the tunnel and onto the ground floor. I also painted the Demo Cars for the the local stars. My daughter was with me one day and she painted a heart on the fender of the car she wanted to win. She was right. It was DICK the BRUSER from WRIF. I

went to many of the Monster Trucks and Truck Pulls. I remember one year when a stunt driver, I think his last name was Carter was going to jump all these buses (I think they were buses) with his car. It took like for ever to move the dirt around and bring in the buses. He made all these practice runs and than he jumped and missed. He climbed out of his car, with his arms in the air saying he was alright. Everyone was booing him as they left their seats. I will post the picture as soon as I can.
12/1/2007 - Mike Krieger
Hello all, I am in search of pictures for any of the Monster Truck events that were held at the Pontiac Silverdome. Espically ones that were run during 1986. Any help would be much appreciated! Also any photographs from the 1986 Autorama car show at Cobo Hall. Thanks, Mike K.
6/20/2007 - Art Bean
"Black Jack" Boggs from Grayson, KY won the NDRA race in the picture on dirt below with the Late Models. The Flintstone Flyer is Mike Duvall out of Ga. The #14 is Larry Moore from OH, D7 is Jerry Inmon from Miss., #41 is Buck Simmons that about all I can make out in the pictures. At one time Michael Moats from Powell, TN in the site listed had a lot of pictures of that race posted on his site.
2/19/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Jeff, cool poster. It says 1/4 mile Blacktop racetrack? Are there any photos of this event??
1/17/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Hey Randy, I agree with you, where are the Nederlanders now? I posted this on the Devos page, meant to post it here. I personally vote for a track that could be made into both. Better yet someone should build a real indoor half mile that exits out into a road course in and out doors. It is possible. That would solve Waterford's, Bill's and my problems all at once.
1/16/2007 - Randy
I have said that before...this would be a perfect location for a new track. And racing inside the dome would make it an every Saturday (or Friday/Sunday) event as there would be no weather issues. Look at the Chilli bowl that just raced, that was indoors. And if you see these pic's below...this could be a real racetrack with a weekly race schedule. Where are the Neederlanders now? Forget the State Fairgrounds...the Silverdome would be great!!!
1/14/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Someone should put a track on the grounds or even in the old dome
11/1/2006 - Larry Heyns
I believe USAC midgets raced on dirt in the Silverdome on an extremely cold January night in about 1979 or 1980. "Billy" Shipman was the flagman. He wore a tuxedo. The track was dusty, and paying a crew to dust the seats after the races cost the promoter $7,000.
11/17/2005 - Bill M
The new photos are great !! Any more ?
2/7/2005 - Randy Adam
I agree, they should at least "try" to do one racing event (besides the Monster Truck deal) before it is done and gone, which will be sooner than later Im sure.
2/7/2005 - Roger Rubino
ASA was at the Silverdome in 1983 I belive.
12/29/2004 - Bill Murawski Jr.
We went to see home town boy Aeron Anthes 43 run. I think they should have more races in the winter time in the Silver Dome.
Pontiac Silverdome - 3-6-82 From Jerry
3-6-82 From Jerry
Pontiac Silverdome - March 6 1982 From Jerry
March 6 1982 From Jerry
Pontiac Silverdome - Truck Pull From Rick Rzepka
Truck Pull From Rick Rzepka
Pontiac Silverdome - Truck Pull From Rick Rzepka
Truck Pull From Rick Rzepka
Pontiac Silverdome - 1983 Silverdome From Asaracing
1983 Silverdome From Asaracing
Pontiac Silverdome - Another Ticket Stub From Jeff Novak
Another Ticket Stub From Jeff Novak
Pontiac Silverdome - Ticket Stub From Jeff Novak
Ticket Stub From Jeff Novak
Pontiac Silverdome - Program Cover March 6Th 1982 Heroes Vs Outlaws Allstar Stock Car Race From Dave Dobner
Program Cover March 6Th 1982 Heroes Vs Outlaws Allstar Stock Car Race From Dave Dobner
Pontiac Silverdome - Program Cover From 1St Heroes Vs Outlaws Midget Race Held Dec 6Th 1981 From Dave Dobner
Program Cover From 1St Heroes Vs Outlaws Midget Race Held Dec 6Th 1981 From Dave Dobner
Pontiac Silverdome - Ad Super Bowl Of Dirt From Jerry
Ad Super Bowl Of Dirt From Jerry
Pontiac Silverdome - Jack Boggs Larry Moore Silverdome From Brian Norton
Jack Boggs Larry Moore Silverdome From Brian Norton
Pontiac Silverdome - Bigfoot From Robert Krupa
Bigfoot From Robert Krupa
Pontiac Silverdome - From Robert Krupa
From Robert Krupa
Pontiac Silverdome - From Robert Krupa
From Robert Krupa
Pontiac Silverdome - Chuck Roumel From Brian Norton
Chuck Roumel From Brian Norton
Pontiac Silverdome - Bigfoot From Ryan Haney
Bigfoot From Ryan Haney
Pontiac Silverdome - Ad From Jeff Novak
Ad From Jeff Novak
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