Manchester Speedway - Manchester MI

Address: 14474 Schleweis Rd
City: Manchester
State: MI
Zip: 48158
County: Washtenaw
Number of visits to this page: 46121

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Gary Lindahl

I was there many times and the track was an egg shaped 3/8ths oiled clay track with a drive in car ramp, pits on the inside and a long access road from the street to get in the place, only one way in and one way out. The track ran on Friday nights and featured the old sportsmen modified division and stock cars. It was built by the Schill family who ran the track until there son Harold was severly injured in a crash with the Valentine bros.

Verle and Harold still attend the Jackson Motor Speedway oldtimers reunion which is held the last Saturday of October each year at the Elks Club in Jackson. Manchester was a neat track and was the first place to sell french fries at the concession that we know of. In its day, the pits would have close to 100 cars for the two divisions. Denny Donaldson Dick Crup, Don Taylor, Ed Todd, Glen Stevens, Don Earles, The Drumhillers and Valentines were some of the stars.

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Info Updates:
5/22/2022 - Mike
Lee Brayton who raced sometimes raced at Manchester, but race mostly at Butler recently passed away at 88.
3/24/2020 - Mike
Donnie Taylor passed away on 2/4/2020 at age 84.
8/17/2019 - jerry braun
great to see all the people turn out for the meet& greet hope they do it again I could not stay long but I really enjoyed it.
7/27/2019 - Karen Devlin Taylor
my family Neal and Laura Devlinhad the 120 Doug Harvey and many others drove for us. i grew up at the speedway Great to hear about this meet and greet.
7/27/2019 - todd romeo
i am son of joe (sneaky snake) romeo. learned to drive at the track in 74 when mom and dad ran it that year. got lots of old photos of that place and drivers. dad passed in 03 but memories live on. dad won his first race in the quigley boys 181 modified in like 71.
7/3/2019 - David G. Burkett
Does anybody remember John Burt Bob's brother inlaw. Or bud Bob's brother or Stan.
7/3/2019 - Erica
My bf just got back from mowing/brush hogging around the track for the last three hours. Why, you might ask? Because on August 10, we shall party. Paul Sroufe (Mel Sroufe) and friends are putting together a big bash - any and all who remember the good ol days of Manchester Speedway are welcome. We hope to see you there, with memories to share.
7/3/2019 - jerry braun
7/3/2019 - Trenda Eversole
Meet and Greet at the Manchester Speedway August 10, 2019 The event runs from noon-5p at the Manchester speedway (old track) on Schleweis Rd. A bunch of race fans from Manchester are pulling together to get as much info and people together to reminisce the drivers and old track memories. It would be nice to have all you race fans to help pull this together You can email me or check on FaceBook for details and updates. Thanks, Trenda Eversole.
4/23/2019 - David G. Burkett
My uncle Bob Clark drove 64 1936 Chevy 6 cylinder He passed away April 16 2019. He let me get in the pits when you had to be 18 I was 16. He did not like anybody work on his car but he let me. What a time that was if anybody remembers him let people know he is gone.
3/29/2019 - Michael Spragg
Hi All, I Just emailed Some Photos I Think are interesting. A Couple of the 05 Coupe and Sedan My Dad owned That Doug Harvey Drove. And one of the sedan My oldest Brother Drove on its Last Race. It’s a Picture of Him With The Black Flag, and one of the #112 Blue Sedan. It was Such a Great Time Back Then Watching Some Very Good Racing!.
3/25/2019 - Mike
Ed Hartmann passed away on 1-31-2019. Ed raced his own sportsman car at Manchester and Butler, and drove for the Quigley boys. Ed's uncle was Chuck Winkle, who also drove at both tracks. Also forgot to post that Marvin Carman passed away on 9-19-2017.
5/26/2018 - Tommie Peterson
I do have pics from Manchester and Butler my dad was Tom Peterson who owned #114 and #12 drove by Mel Shroufe and others. I grew up at both tracks. Funny no-one has mentioned farmer Budwit. As he was the king of helmet throwing. 50yrs later I still greet him with a hug. Anyone who knew my daddy and the sport is part of the family. thank.
5/26/2018 - Tommie Peterson
I was fortunate enough to have grown up at Manchester and Butler speedway. My dad was Tom Peterson. We owned #114 car and #12 and probably others too. I remember Jim Martin, Taylor, roscoe stetton, Jerry Lidell and so many more. My dad passed 2yrs ago and I still look at all the pictures. As his youngestg daughter.
4/28/2018 - Mike
Laura Devlin passed away on 4/17/18. Laura, along with her husband Neil owned the 120 sportsman's car that was driven by Washtenaw county sheriff Doug Harvey, Howard Woodman, and Ed Hage to name a few drivers who had drove for Neil & Laura.
11/20/2017 - Clifford Schill
From what I have been told is that the present property owners that live there are not kindly to visitors. They get people there all the time and get fed up with them.
4/14/2017 - Matt
I have recently discovered this page about the old Manchester Speedway and was wondering if anyone can give me some more information about the location of the old speedway because i would like to go check it out sometime. I know that their is now a house on the land where the old speedway is and was wondering if anyone knew who owns the lot because i would like to get permsison from the lot owner to be able to go check out the old track. So if anyone can help me out i would appreciate it.
3/11/2016 - Steve Higgins
It's great to see the information about Manchester Speedway. My Grandparents had a cottage at Evans Lake back in the early 1970's. We would visit Manchester Speedway on a regular basis. In my mind there are more lasting memories of Manchester than if we would have visited Daytona Speedway. How cool it was to see the welders burning in the dark. watching the cars go over the back hill only to re-emerge at full bore. the strait exhaust pipes shooting fire out the end. firecrackers under the stands. and passing around the Boone's Farm to wash down the dust. Well it may be gone but it will never be forgotton. Steve. Bowling Green Ohio.
7/16/2015 - Mike
Ed Hage passed away July 6 2015. He was 73.
5/22/2013 - Stephanie
Wow, I was searching Manchester Speedway for a picture of the sign and found this! We went to these races for years and I remember Harold Schill's accident-Sonny Hall lived around the corner from us in Ypsilanti. We moved to Clinton in '70 and I met and married Ray Johnston -he drove for Sam Henson. Lots of memories, always had a photo of him in the car framed in the living room. We divorced but I still remember all the people, the races at various tracks-Butler, Coldwater, Toledo. I would love to see more pictures, specifically one with Ray Johnston in Sam's car if there is one out there.
7/26/2012 - Ruthie Taylor
I also went to Manchester and Butler every Friday and Saturday in the 60s and 70's, raced in the powder-puffs a couple times and once in a demo derby. My first husband and hid brother both raced back then, Ron and Roscoe Stetten. If anyone has any pics from back then I would be very grateful if you could email me some copies. Thanks so much.
7/9/2012 - Lura Luckhardt
I grew up going to the races every single weekend. My Dad's car was # 71. Wayne Luckhardt. I was there when Harold Schill got in that bad wreck. It was a memory that I carry with me to this day. He was such a STAR!!! And Ed Hague, Sam Henson, car # 45, can't remember his name, but he was a good friend of my dad's too. It's funny how you remember their car numbers. I remember the flagman running across the track with the flag in hand, then they had to put them up high cause too many accidents. And every weekend we rode home in the pick-up truck in the tires that were in the bed of the truck. what memories. Sad to see it now. And the dirt hitting you in the face when the cars flew by. and yes, the oil on the track. What fun!!!.
5/9/2012 - nancy (heath)smith
i had gone to manchester speed way since 1962. i have two girls and they both went untill i moved and divorced charlie heath. veryl and louise were and are two special people in my life. i loved them so. i was married to harold for a short time and i loved his family so much. great memories i have of all of them. god bless them all. hope evey one is ging good. give my best to your family cliff and dennis. god bless.
3/31/2012 - Michael Spragg
Whoo Hooo My son just sent me some pics from his Phone of my dads Hot Rod. The #05 The 35 Coupe getting a trophy from Mr Schill and some of it when it went off the Back Stretch during a Powder Puff Plus some of the 29 white Sedan. and one when it was painted Pink and numbered 122 with my Brother Ron getting the Black Flag Great Times Many Years ago.
1/18/2012 - Chris miller
Hi everyone. My name is Chris miller and my dad was Dale Miller#38. Jim Martin was my also sept dad. Deidre Martin-Sheldon i would like to talk to you about getting your mom and dad into the Michigan Motor Sports Hall of Fame. I do need alot more imfromation to do this. I know Jim and my dad started there first car in 1948 at Jackson Speedway. I do have a lot of pics too. looking toward taking to you. 269-275-1511.
5/25/2011 - Mike
Louie J Steman passed away on 2/24/2011 at age 74 in Jackson.
5/7/2011 - Tom Harris
Well I am too young to ever have been at Manchester. But my dad Les Harris, My Uncles Jim and Art horn raced there. My buddy Terry Hills has told me a ton of stories. Enough to have felt I knew the place well.
3/10/2011 - Cinddy Pilbeam(Blossom)
Wow I didn't even know this site was here. Its great. I didn't go to the track much. wasn't into racing but did visit it couple of times. It was fun. After I got married we built a house not far from the track (over on English road) and Al and the kids would walk over through the woods and watch a couple of times. That was many many years ago. Its funny how things and people come into your life years down the road. A little over a year ago we were renting a house from Harold Schill. He still comes by and talks to Gary. Thanks for sharing Jay.
your dad ken finfrock, built the red pontiac in the little garage next to the house on pleasant lake road. i bought an old light blue modified from dan in 1970. i know your sister fay but haven't seen her in a long time. the pontiac was one of the best looking cars that raced at manchester. steve pastorino.
2/24/2011 - Sandy Dauber (Sister to Dan Finfrock #116
I remember Manchester Speedway well. My brother Dan Finfrock drove #116 car from 1962 when the track opened to 1971. He drove with #65 Harold Schill, #88 Louie Jay Stemens, #97 Dwayne & #92 Pete Valentine, #37 Neil Baggett, #12 Bob Braun, #114 Jim Martin, etc. He had 3 different cars during his racing career. 1st. one was a silver 37 Chevy Coupe which he rolled and couldn't be repaired. His 2nd. car was a 34 Chevy Coup, black with white #116 lettering on the side. That one was wrecked in an accident. Then he had a 32 Pontiac Coupe all red with white lettering #116. That was his last car. He raced that car until 1971 when he quite to get married and then moved away. He also raced at Butler Speedway, Jackson Speedway and Angola Speedways. He was 18 years old when he started racing. He has many trophies he won from racing. But those were the good ole days. I remember my father Kenneth Finfrock and brother every Friday night loaded up the car and off to the races we would all go. Just loved Friday night racing at Manchester Speedway. The crowds, the smell of the oil on the track. Visiting the pit area during intermission, meeting all the drivers was so exciting. I miss it all!!!! My brother is now living in Sault Ste Marie and is disabled. He is partially blind from diabetes. He has not driven a car for about 13 years now. But he loves to reminence about the good ole racing days. He has several yearbooks from the track and lots and lots of great pictures that he would like to share with your site. Please let me know if you are interested in receiving what he has? I'm his oldest sister Sandy and my sister Fay used to date Jim Underwood #112 for quite awhile while in school. Thank you for this site. I'm sending a copy to my brother for his reading. He will just love it. Sandy Dauber (Finfrock).
9/26/2010 - Jim Sinclair
Like all of you, I have some great memories of Manchester Speedway as well. My Dad, two older brothers and I would travel from Ann Arbor to Manchester to see the races on Friday night. We weren't regulars like some of you, but I'd say we'd go at least six to eight times every season between 1966 and 1973. The things I remember most vividly are the loud cars and how the bottom of your sneakers would stick to the track when you'd walk across it during intermission to view the cars and meet the drivers. I also remember seeing some hellacious wrecks in turns 3 and 4!! I also recall that it wasn't uncommon for a car (or two or maybe even three!) to go completely over the side (and out of sight!) at turn 3 every time we went to a race. The crowd would get quiet and patiently wait for the driver to appear up on the track. In a situation like this, even a minute seems like an hour, but most always the driver would eventually make his way up the embankment and wave to let everyone know he was OK. When he did, the fans would cheer, clap and whistle wildly! On the other hand, if the driver didn't show within a reasonable amount of time, you knew he was in trouble. It wasn't long before pit crews and ambulance would rush to turn 3 and help any way they could. Another unusual thing I remember about the speedway was the flagman's perch above the track. The speedway had these old traffic signals (three if I remember correctly) and they were all wired to work together. The flagman operated the signals with simple, old-fashioned knife switches. I think each color had its own switch, but I'm not sure about that. Anyway, if there was a back wreck, the flagman would start moving the knife switch fast and furiously to make the signals flash red! All the drivers knew a FAST flashing red signal meant to slow down or stop NOW!! Yellow was used for minor mishaps, and of course, green meant go like hell! I was too young to get to know any of the drivers personally, but I did have my favorite cars and drivers. Unfortunately, time has robbed my memory of any specific drivers or car numbers, but I was always happy when my car won the race! I'm not sure what sparked my memories of Manchester Speedway recently, but whatever it was, I did a Google search and found this site and I'm glad I did! I really enjoyed looking at all the photos, however, I have to admit the 2008 photos showing what has become of the speedway are very sobering. Nevertheless, I do appreciate all who have taken the time to share their memories of this great little dirt track nestled in the hills of southeastern Michigan. Thanks for the memories! Jim Sinclair Lafayette, Indiana.
9/12/2010 - Deidre Martin-Sheldon
I am very sorry to hear about Veryl's passing, but I believe he is in a much better place. My condolences go out to Louise, Sheila and the rest of the family.
8/20/2010 - Joanne Grady-Woods
My deepest sympathy to the Schills Family! My father Neil Grady (Britton) car #54, passed away early Monday Aug 16, we laid him to rest tonight. Dad was 81 and he had a very bad heart. He is in a better place now!
8/18/2010 - Lorie
Just wanted to let everyone know that Veryl Schill Passed away Tuesday early morning. The visitation will be at the Hampton-Kurtz Funeral home from 5 to 7pm. The funeral will be Friday at 11am same place. Then he will be baried at the Manchester cemetary.
8/17/2010 - Cliff Schill
Hi everyone one, sad news. Grandpa( Veryl Schill) Passed away last nite. He was 95 yrs old. He had a very good life and he will be greatly missed. Now in a better place. Love you Grandad!
7/28/2010 - Frank Kuhn
To the Shill family, I am very sorry to hear about Veryl's declining health, when I informed my father Frank Kuhn (08) he wished that I would pass along his and our entire families best wishes to your family. We have Veryl in our prayers. My father has always talked very highly of your family and I know he thinks of your family as long lost friends. God Bless
7/19/2010 - Cliff Schill
Grandpa Schill(Veryl) just turned 95 last week. His health is not so good. He has fallen and broke a bone in his upper thigh. The pinned it. He has had 2 small heart attacks in the last 2 weeks. Grandma Louise has had to move him to a nursing home to help take care of him. Everyone please pray for him.
4/14/2010 - Craig Carty
My brothers and I grew up in Rochester, MI. during the 60's and 70's after having started out in Dearborn. We spent alot of time during the summers at Wampler's lake. I remember waiting for dad to get off work so we could make the drive to the cottage on Friday night hoping we would get to go to the speedway. One memory that stands out in my mind was one night that a driver went off turn 1, got airborne and landed in a tree by the road leading to the track. I remember as people were leaving he (or someone) was sitting in the car waving to everyone as they left. There was always exciting racing action at Manchester speedway. As a collector of racing memorabilia I would like to find some programs or other items from Manchester.
4/10/2010 - Dennis Keezer
I grew up with my brother and friends going to Manchester Speedway in the sixties and I went in the seventies with my wife now (girlfriend) then, but not as much. Every Friday night and some sunday's we would beg one of our parents to run us out to the track and then they would pick us up afterwards. We lived on North Macomb St. in Manchester. I remember most of the regulars who drove at the track. I have pictures of some of the cars and drivers. I do have a picture of my favorite driver, Louie Jay Stemen. Manchester Speedway is some of my best memories as a kid growing up in Manchester. Harold Schill was the King but there were many drivers and cars who could beat him at times. The 88, 92, 97, 24, 7, 89, and so on. One of my best friends Dad drove the no. 6 Willie Fry. I remember the Browns, the Underwoods, the Martins, the Prats, there were many local drivers at the track. I all so remember that a lot of drivers came from the Hillsdale, Coldwater, Brooklyn area all so. Does any one remember Jack Sharp (7)? How about Jim Stemen (17)? How about Ed Hagg (89)? Some great memories.
1/8/2010 - redpushtruck
my dad had owned a car #75 that Jim and Art horn drove. jim drove at manchester and Art drove at Butler. i'm really looking for some pictures of that car. my dad has been ill and we had been talking about those days.also my dad was ran over by a car at Butler in the pits back in 1968 and was in a body cast for 6 monthes. if anyone can hlp me out i'll pay what i have to to get some pic. thank you
1/6/2010 - Michael Spragg
I have finally got a picture of my dads 29 model A sedan,number 05 driven by Doug Harvey. he is taking the trophy. nice picture, i cant wipe the smile off my face! i will try and send it in so it can get posted.
11/17/2009 - Morley Hughes
This is one cool site I happened to come across. This is a real memory jerker from days that are long gone. Summer races on friday nights watchi8ng friends dad racing like Mel schrofe, then winter came and brought the snomobile races. These were some good ol' days
6/21/2009 - tim underwood
the driver of the 97 car was dwayne and pete drove the 92 car.I remember because ray johnson bought the 92 car.
6/7/2009 - Michael Spragg
I remember the #97 coupe, very fast it was. im not sure if it was pete or dwayne who dove it, but i remember it well. my oldest brother Ron told me once years ago that one of them had a snomobile that was bored out to use a small block chevy piston, said you didnt want to sit too close to the carburator.
6/3/2009 - ken fiegel
Does anyone remember the Valentine Brothers Pete and Duwayne? They live next to me and we went to see them race every weekend there. They both are doing well last I heard.
5/25/2009 - Mike Miner
I remember going to the very first race at Manchester Speedway on a Sunday afternoon in May of 1962. Much of the race traffic would go by my house from US 12 and I'm sure it couldn't have been open past 1975.
5/20/2009 - Cliff Schill
Hi Deidre, been a long long time! Dad is also doing fine. He is living in Jonesville and doing fine. Dennis and I live in Wis and Minn. All ours boys are now running Modifieds out here. It sort of runs in the family. I go on this site all the time to see who has posted. Neat to see some of the people that I haven't seen in about 40 yrs. Grandma(Louise) is still a go getter, never has a loss of energy. Grandpa(Veryl) is 94 and his knees are finally given out and he now uses a walker and a wheel chair now and then. Still going strong though. Everyone take car will check back soon.
5/10/2009 - Deidre Martin Sheldon
I was totally surprised when my daughter showed me this site, and more surprised to see how many wonderful people wrote in. Jim and Nancy Martin were my parents and I also grew up at Manchester and Butler Speedways. My mother had a ton of racing stuff and pictures going all the way back to Jackson Speedway in 1948. After her death in 1988, I cleaned out her attic and sold a lot of the racing stuff to Ed Hage, who owned a hockshop in Ypsilanti, Mi. in 1992. That would be the person to see about racing history in southern Michigan. There were even pictures taken at Toledo Raceway back when they ran cars instead of horses!! To Brent Underwood, whom I babysat for when he was still in diapers- So sorry to hear about Tom's death and your Dad's fire. Please tell Jim and the rest of your uncles I said hi! To Cliff& Dennis Schill - glad to hear that Veryl is still lively and selling cars!! And Gary Lindahl- my Mother always thought the world of you so I know she would want me to say hi! I remember the racing well at both Manchester and Butler Speedways well, so every few times when I write in, I will try to answer some of the questions if I can. I also knew Bill Quigley, so whoever it was that was trying to find information about him, I might be able to help. He could make an engine hum like no other. Many HOT cars back in the day were running a "Quigley" engine. Well, I have rambled enough for now, and I will keep track of this site now. Thanks for the memories!!!
4/10/2009 - Todd Tower
Our family did the Manchester on Friday and Butler on Saturday thing for many years following Sam Henson's car. Brent sorry to hear of your grandfathers passing. My dad was a buddy of Sam's and used to help him during the week getting the car ready for Friday. I would love to see a picture of Sam's car which if I remember correctly was built from a Henry J. Say hello to your Mom for me.
3/20/2009 - Brent Johnson
I to remember many Friday nights at the Manchester Speedway. Willie Frey,Bob Ruthaford, Neil Baggett and the racing Taylors from Brooklyn. I was also there the night Harold flipped and yes he did go as high as the lights. Then there was the night the flagman was hit at the finish of the powderpuff race back then they flagged from the track. That was racing back then raw home made equipment. The dreams that were made there. Tim sorry to hear about your brother Jim. Just remember dirt is for racing asphalt is for parking lots.
1/26/2009 - Grayling Call
WOW I stumbled onto this site. I have alot of memories of my dad (Art Call) racing at Manchester. I never had a chance to race there, but spent alot of friday nite there when i was young.
10/21/2008 - richard
10/20/2008 - richard

Note from Webmaster - I received your pics, but I don't post new items every day. Please allow 5-7 days minimum for me to post new material.
10/15/2008 - Mel Lewis
I raced at manchester in the final 2 years; #10 Street Stock. I have some pictures. Let me know if you want to see them. One year Sportsman Mod; not a good thing. Also my dad, Loyal Lewis raced there in the 60's
10/14/2008 - richard
harold used to work for an apartment complex in ann arbor. i traded a transmission to a fellow that knew harold for a pic of the '66 impala he raced at manchester. i got some oakshade pics instead. if you have the impala pic, please post it.
9/22/2008 - RICHARD DENNIS
8/25/2008 - tim underwood
my dad was bill underwood owned#112,my brother is jim and he drove #112 after my dad passed away.I grew up around manchester speedway as I first worked for veryl and then for jim and nancy martin.I never got to race there but later raced modifieds and sprint cars. my favorite was #24 dick crup.For those people that don`t know my brother tom who owned #20 sprint that run butler and run sod in the 80s passed away last year 07 he was only enjoy the fond memories that we have.
8/21/2008 - Debbie Stemen Teller
I'm the daughter of Louie Jay Stemen (88) and as a child and teenager, also have many memories of Manchester Speedway. I came across this site early in 2007 and started sharing the postings with my dad, who has enjoyed reading them and sharing his memories with us. We have some pictures that I would be willing to scan and email out or post. My dad is also looking for a picture. He does not have any photos of the last car he drove back in the early 70's. It was a coup.
8/12/2008 - joanne woods
I stumbled across this site looking for anyone who remembers the good ol days of racing at Manchester and Bulter . My father Neil Grady (car #54) raced at bother tracks. We had flim of races. I want to put some of the stories into a book along with pictures. Anyone wishing to contribute please message me. Hope to here from you.
8/2/2008 - Ernie Kuehneman Jr.
My father Ernie Kuehneman Sr. ran at Manchester. He drove a yellow number 6 sedan he bought from Art Kimball. He was the class 'B' sportsman points champion in 1973. I was born in 1974 so I have only heard stories of Manchester. He took me there once back in 1990. We tried to make lap with the pick up , but got stuck on the front stretch.

The guy who owned the property was nice enough to use his tractor and pull us out. We still are involved with racing. I also remember a story of Nick Nichols parking his modified up in the crotch of a tree off of turns 1 and 2. He also told me he was victim of the infield lake a few times. From pictures it looks like you could have fished in it. Well my father is still doing well and is the owner of a sprint car that I currently pilot for him. He has plenty of photos and stories about the old days.
in 1971, manchester had a carling circut of champion race. does anyone rememmber who won that race. i think it was johnny roberts, but, i don't know.
7/21/2008 - jerry braun
my dad was bob braun he was one of the original owners buit sold out to viril so he could drive.i dad raced the first race at the track and i raced the last both in #12. i got out of racing in the early 90s i know the history of the track and will get into it in the future
7/16/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
Looks great, the track looks ready to go for some grass roots 4 cylinder stuff.
fuzzy doesn't go to the races much anymore. but his brother john races a late model. i still race a modified. i share the driving with my son tony
manchester had so many derby cars the first time, that they ran 2 races to see which cars would derby togeather. those 2 races were very entertaining as most cars weren't race worthy. jim whitley did win a derby and it might have been the first one. i thought his car was a green olds, but i don't remember. i'll ask him next time i see him.
6/7/2008 - Bill Clisham
Another thought of Manchester today, I saw my very first demolition derby there years ago. Last race of the year all the street stocks had at it, I want to say Jim Whitley won it in an old T-bird.
Hey Steve P. Are you or Fuzzy racing anymore?
the exhaust flaming out each cylinder going into 3. the popcorn was the best i ever ate. i bought my first race car, a modified from don snell and bill engle. the last driver to drive it before me was named moonyham. also, a fellow with the last name able drove it. any old stories of this car before i got it would be interesting to me
5/29/2008 - John Mooneyham
Those are some pretty good photos. It was a top-notch facility in its day. I drive past there a lot, and have wondered how it might look now, I'm glad someone was able to get some pictures. I can still taste the hot dogs flavored with alcohol fumes, smell the oiled clay, and hear the wide-open pipes.
5/25/2008 - WinterWinterWonderland
A person who shall remain nameless recently paid a visit to the old track. As you can see from the pictures entitled "May 2008" the remnants of it are still clearly visible. It looks as though it would have been a great place to see a race!
i have been trying for a number of years to get people togeather that have pictures of manchester with no luck. i have some pictures and have a picture of the 88. i would make copies of any or all if anyone wanted. i would like copies in return. let me know what you have and what you may want. i still know alot of people who raced at this track.
2/16/2008 - Gary Lindahl
Just a note to let you know the racers reunion at the Toledo Speedway bar and grill is Saturday march 15th from noon to 6pm and all tracks are welcome.cloes to 8000 photo's are on display and we haveManchester and Butler Photo's as well. Many drivers who raced at Manchester like Chuck Roumel and Ed Hage went on to run very well at Toledo. Join us for a great day of bench racing and photo viewing. Bring pics if you have them to disply. See Ya!
1/3/2008 - Brewster
I was wondering just where the track used to be? I looked on Google maps, the satellite option. I looked on it, and saw Jackson Motor Speedway, and Onondaga Dragway, but can't find any evidence of an old track near Manchester. Thanks.

Note from Webmaster: Look for Manchester, Michigan then look for Schleeweis Rd South of town. Just north of Bowens Road you will see the outline of the track on the West side of Schleeweis Rd. The lot now has a house on it.
In 1968 there was a pictorial yearbook. i am in that book and i used to have 2 of them. i lost both in my '04 house fire. if anyone has one, i would like to copy it to replace the 2 i lost
12/19/2007 - STEVE PASTORINO
Happy holidays to all the old Manchester people. there are a few of us drivers still making laps that race at Manchester, although, not many left. i think the youngest one of us left still racing just turned 50. it wont be too long before all drivers that raced at Manchester will be retired
11/1/2007 - Cliff Schill
Just to let everyone know that Grandpa (Veryl Schill ) is doing great at 93 yrs of age. Going strong and still selling cars. Stop by and see him in Somerset at his small car dealership on Hwy 12.
10/23/2007 - Dave Colliau
Of course had I looked closer id have seen the last year of operation LOL.. Ive been searching this site and looking at all the different track links. This is great.

10/22/2007 - Dave Colliau
Great site. Just because I'm not good at remembering dates I can only say that I raced at Manchester Speedway the last year it was open. I drove ed laroe's old chevelle owned at the time by Steve pasterino, Id been hangin out at the track for quite a few years before I got the chance to drive. What fun !! I went from there to helping Rick Wilson on his car at Butler then I wrenched his Sprinter for a couple years on the pavement. I hope to see a few of you this coming saturday at the Jackson old timere reunion. They started including us old manchester guys. My dad was at Jackson every weekend wreching for Mickey Kattlin thats how it got in my blood.. Dad was also good friends with Jack Conley and as of last month Jack says he will be at the reunion..

10/21/2007 - Terry Snead
Thanks mom and dad for taking me to Manchester Speedway as a kid. I am still a dirt track fan. We lived in Morenci and traveled to the track almost every week. We tried to get there early to park on the hill in turn 4 I believe. Seems like you could watch the race from the car. The silver 88 Henry J coupe was my favorite car. Going to sleep in the bleachers, riding around the track in a convertible Caddy one night, good times. I now live in Manchester. Some houses are built on that property, but you can still see where the track was. Thanks everyone for your pics and posts.
10/17/2007 - STEVE PASTORINO
9/30/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
cathy. Daughters can race too. There is a teenage girl from detroit who runs at Flatrock.
I am the daughter of Jim Stemen and Louie Jay is my uncle. I was just a child but I remember Manchester very well. It was so much fun there. My dad has so many memories and says "Those were the days." My brother Mark used to race also; and still does once in awhile. Louie Jay never had a son to carry on the racing; he has daughters. My son, Derek Donaldson (91), races mini sprints at Jackson. He says it's in the blood.......Stemen and Donaldson racing legends.
8/26/2007 - Ruthie Taylor
My ex-husband raced at Manchester and Butler, his brother also raced there. Ron and Roscoe Stetten. I drove in a couple of powder puff races and in one demolition derby. Those were the days of good racing. I can remember my 3 children going to the pits and being able to talk to their favorite drivers. If anyone has some old pictures from there I really would appreciate some copies. Our car # was 87 and my brother-in-law was #85. Thanks for the memories.
6/15/2007 - Frank Kuhn
I just stumbled upon this site, First I would like to thank everyone for your memories it brought back allot of my own. I also grew up near this awesome speedway, the corner of Bowens and Schliewies was my childhood home. The 08 car in the pictures is my father Frank. He bought the land I grew up on because it was so near the track he loved to drive. As I was born in 1964 I actually grew up with this tracks clay in my blood. I also watched many races from the top of the hill to the west. unfortunately most of my memories come from my fathers stories of the glory days. I was almost born at the track as my mother (Joan) fell down the bleachers just a few weeks before I was born. As a baby I actually slept in the bleachers.... quite a feet as I was so colicky I hardly ever sleep unless I was in a car. I know some of my fathers fondest memories come from Manchester, some of his dearest friends raced there, and if he could turn back time he would return there on Friday night.
5/13/2007 - Tyler53
I don't know much info on the track because the track was closed long before i was born but i do know that my grandfather, Dallas Prater Sr., raced there as a usual and ran the number 153 or 53 one of those number I'm not real sure. as of 2000 he has died but he loved to race and love Manchester and Butler speedway.
3/25/2007 - Marty Blume
While researching the races at the old Jackson Motor Speedway I ran across info on Manchester's opening race. It was built on 60 acres and had seating for 2500 spectators. The first race was held on Sunday in the first week of May in 1962. The first race drew a crowd of 600 fans and 20 cars. Les Alwood won the first heat and the semifeature. Larry Mariwelli won the second heat, Bob Brown won the third heat and also the pursuit, and James Thomas won the fourth heat. The winner of the first feature was Dick Crup followed by Dick Carr and "Lil " Richard Simmons. Crup went on to be a pretty good asphalt driver winning a track championship at Spartan Speedway in the 1970's and was the MSPA champion the second year of the series. Simmons went on to gain fame when he won the World Championship figure eight race in Islip, NY, in 1968 which was shown on ABC's "Wide World of Sports".
3/22/2007 - JOE UNDERWOOD
Hey Brent, Joe underwood here. I would like to come and see your dad (my cousin!). I have not seen Jim for many years and would love to see him,you,etc. I am sorry to hear of the fire and your loss of your grampa Henson. I shouldn't put it on here number is 419-298-0009. I would love to hear from you guys and arrange a visit. Hope to hear from you.
3/16/2007 - Michael Spragg
Brett so sorry to hear about such bad luck. i do remember Sam racing, sorry to hear about his passing, i remember the 112 car very well, and i think Sam drove the 171 car? it was great racing when i went, my dad had a white sedan#05 hate to admit it but I'm 50 yrs old.
3/15/2007 - Brent Underwood
Just to let you all know that Sam Henson Passed away March 7 2004, he was also my grampa. My father is married to Julie Henson. Take care Brent
3/15/2007 - Brent Underwood
Hello my name is Brent Underwood the son of Jim Underwood, my grand father was Bill Underwood. We have alot of pitures from manchester speedway. I'm 30 yrs. old and have been to the races all my life. I race mini sprints but now i just lost every thing in a fire. On Tuesday at 4:30 am a fire broke out at my fathers house in Addison MI thats where i keep my sprint. We lost every thing tools, my sprint car, 1964 falcon, and half of the house. Thank GOD that they had insurance, but the bad thing is my racer they will not insure or the 1964 Falcon. Take Care. Brent
2/6/2007 - Ed Hartman
I don't believe it was Louie Jay that flipped up the hill , it was Chuck Winkle (Grass Lake) who usually drove his own sportsman modified #95 , but was filling in for the absent Doug Harvey in Neil & Laura Devlins (Dexter) #120 car built by Bill Quigley (Chelsea)...the transmission was wired in 3rd gear, the ignition switch was by-passed and the throttle stuck going down the back straighaway , the car jumped a wheel resulting in a series of end-over flips and siderolls up the bank, it was captured in 8mm film by Art Brathwaite (Jackson) ....the #120 car was driven by many drivers including Mel Schroufe (Manchester), the car was latter sold to Rick Wilson (Dexter) and became a red #9 and Rick did very well with the car
1/4/2007 - Michael Spragg
wow sure is good to hear about more good times at Manchester, i did not know that Louie jay had got burned badly. your so right Joe, the racing back then was the very best,it is a shame we did not have the safety equipment back then that we have now. i remember going to a little race track for the first time since i was at Manchester, about 20years later, i heard the cars as i got close, and had to dry my eyes, it sounded like the old speedway i was expecting to see my dads number 05 out there running around,but it was not the same. still racing. i do remember the 100 lappers, i think they were the last day of the season, the one i recall was at night i believe, anyone could enter, every car that showed up to race started that race i think.
1/2/2007 - JOE UNDERWOOD
12/25/2006 - Cliff Schill
Well I can say that I did gow up at the track with my older brother Dennis. Every weekend during the racing season either Grandpa(Veryl) or my Dad(Harold) would pick us up and take us to spend the weekend with them getting the track ready and picking up after the races. We both live out in Wisconsin and Minnesota now with kids of our own involed in racing. My Dad lives in Jerome, and Grandpa and Grandma also live in Jerome. Grandparents live in Michigan in the summer and spend winter in Florida. Dad stay to home most of the time. All are doing well. I was only 7 when Dad had his accident and my brother was 9. Dad still gets around doing his own thing. Whatever it is to keep him busy. I try to stay in contact at least every other month just to see how he is doing.
12/18/2006 - Bill Clisham
Seems like I grew up at that track! I still remember the feeling of hearing the cars hot lap as we drove in and you saw the first wing crest the bank as you turned in. The smell of gear luibe makes me think of Manchester to this day! I use to go there with Tom Stevens and his family quite often when I could not get my dad to take me. (Tom drove the #73 modified) I use to hang around all the shops in Dexter during the summer just to hear the stories and be around the cars. Jim Whitley in the #71 modified, Bob Wagner #79, Tim Tomshany had a ford powered modified for a while, the laroe brothers in their camaro and chevelle. Man, it feels like that was 100 years ago! The memory that stands out the most for me was one night when Tom busted his driveshaft in qualifying and was sitting with the rest of us on the first tier of parking by turn three (remember parking above turns 3-4?) louie J hooked a tire with Doug Harvey and flipped end over end and about half way up the hill to where we were, Tom jumps in front of us like he was going to stop that old silver 88 from sitting on our laps! I bet no other track in America had bleacher seats carved into the dirt like Manchester did.............
9/7/2006 - Michael Spragg
i remember the 171 car, thought it ran very well,you should try and put some of your b/w photos on this site. about 5-10 years after my dad got rid of the car, my two older bros. Ron and Bub, put another"05" on the track, they worked really hard on that car, but i remember they qualified at about 32 seconds!! the rest of the cars were around 19-20 seconds that night. but we still had an awful lot of fun!!!!!! and im still would like to find some pics of the cars that were there. thanks for this site!
8/6/2006 - Tim Bearman
I remember the smell of the oil track and the french fries cooking the most. The sounds of the loud cars. I was only 8 years old in 1968. I remember Speedy the Clown and his car. I remember Sheriff Doug Harvey being drug through flames behind a car during intermission. My dad had car #15 (it was a dog). Sam Hansen drove #171 and won a few. I have a program and about a half dozen b/w wallet photos in somewhere. What great memories.
7/22/2006 - Michael Spragg
I remember the jim martin car, I believe it eas a gold coupe #114. there were some very good looking cars that i remember. a white coupe with a cow on the side,im thinking it was #144 Bud Mcmullen..(he was a meat cutter,had his own butcher shop)his family set up camp at Lil wolf lake by us one summer,he cooked the best rolled roast i ever tasted!!!!. But Harold Schills pink #65 coupe always stood out and #88 louie jays car was nice also. or the nice blue sedan#112 i think it was jim underwood or jim underwood chevrolet sponsored him. Although my favorite was my dads 1929 white ford sedan#05. although his red 35 ford coupe was nice too,but it got totaled in a "powder puff" thats when he went to the sedan. well, someone needs to put some pictures of these "manchester/butler" cars on this site..
7/22/2006 - Darrel ScharpDarrel Scharp
Gee it sure is good thinking about the good old days of racing in michigan I worked on some of those good old cars when just a kid. Manchester was a very tricky track built in the hills it wasnt even close to level. It had a great wide sweeping 1st and 2nd turn then pinched down real tight in 3 and 4. Many names have been mentioned, in the above comments a couple I havent noticed are Dick Slade he always ran a yellow coupe #74 and a straight six 302 GMC motor Manchester gave him a lot of wins. Not just because he was a great driver but that six cylinder had so much torque coming off that tight 3 and 4 turn hed pull two or three lengths on the V8s. Another legend not because of any great success but a guy from manchester who just kept trying was Jim Martin I can remember his wife Nancy always saying just wait till we get our big motor in. Back in those days we ran Friday at Manchester Saturday at Butler and Sunday at Angola or some would go to Bryan. Manchester always seemed to have water standing around and many a time I saw someone go off the back stretch and take a bath.
7/7/2006 - Duncan Judson
How exciting to hear these memories! Hello, My name is Duncan Judson, at the age of 47 years old I remember fond times at Manchester Speedway. I spent 2 of the greatest summers selling Programs for the raceway. I self proclaimed myself the "kid with the can", a weekly sprint across the front straight away to the announcers booth delivering the weekly Program Ticket Contests. It was a riot at 12 and 13 years to spend Feature Races in the pits, and being able to see and hear to competitve remarks, and actions of the drivers and seen the wrecks happen. You will understand as a spectator at Machester Speedway in 1971 and 1972. I have never met such warm and friendly people ever before. Fond Memories to all! Sincerely, Duncan Judson
6/19/2006 - Brian Molnar
Don Novak.. funny you should say that about Harold Shill.. I was talking to my dad tonight and told him about this website and he said that we actually bought our house on shclewise rd from Verle Shill and he said Harol had a bunch of old race cars on out our property that he would not move so my dad had them hauled away to the junkyard... man, Harold was MAD.. dad said he came over and got all up in his face and wanted to fight but eventually calmed down and left.. but he said that he remembers Harolds accident that night and that he actually did go as high as the light poles in the air.. what fun memories I have of living in Michigan.. well Manchester for that fact..
6/12/2006 - Brian Molnar
I Used to live at 14340 schlewise Rd. until 1978 when I was a kid. The speedway was right behind my house and my brothers would sometime take me with them up on top of the hill to wach the races on friday nights... man you wanna talk about LOUD & FUN... One time I remember a wheel from one of the cars coming off and flying up the hill at us.. you could smell the cars from all of the way up there.. GOOD TIMES!
5/17/2006 - Don Novak
I remember the first time my friend Ed Hague #89 ran there, he flipped the car coming out of turn 2 and ended up in the top of an apple tree off the backstretch. You were supposed to run staright pump gas there, but the air sure smelled sweet some nights. Ed still runs at Flat Rock Speedway. Last time I saw Harold Schill he was walking with a cane after his terrible accident. His car cleared the top of the light ploes in that wreck. Thank God he lived through it though.
11/18/2005 - Michael Spragg
Sure is good to see some more entries on this page. Was just going to add that the last race I recall, my two older brothers painted the white #05 sedan pink, and put #122 on it, Ron qualified slow, but was really crankin later in the night, so much so, he got black-flagged!! The neat thing is that he got his picture taken with the black flag!, I have a cousin who has quite a few of these photos, but... he cannot find them when you want to see them, so,if anyone has any old Manchester Speedway photos, I would gladly purchase them, thanks for the website.
10/25/2005 - John
My Dad raced there in those days. It was a wonderful way to grow up. He raced Manchester on Friday nights, Butler on Saturday nights, and one of several others on Sunday nights. As for what Manchester would be like today - go to Butler. Manchester and Butler were virtually identicle; the winged sprints and late models there are bad mo-fo race cars!
10/25/2005 - Jim Horn
I started racing at Manchester the first year it opened and raced there until 1975. It was a great track and i really enjoyed racing there. Verle was easy to get along with. I was there the nite that Harold had his accident. When him and the Valentine boys came out of the fourth turn the Valentines were on both sides of Harold, and when they came together there was no place for Harold to go except straight up. He suffered some very serious injuries that nite. That was sad to see because he was a good driver. By the way i drove car #01 which was a 31 Chev Coupe. I still have the car today and am in the process of restoring it just for show only and hope to have it done by next summer. Thanks for the web site.
9/25/2005 - Doug
My Uncle Verl owned Manchester Speedway. One of the highlights of the late 60s was watching Harold Schill and Lee Brayden change the lead back and forth 5 or 6 times in a race. Some other names that raced at Manchester were Louie J. Stemen, Jack Sharp, Don Taylor, Jim Stemen, Ed Hague, and many more. The land that the track was on has been split and there are a few houses back there now. Could you imagine Manchester Speedway being in operation today?
9/25/2005 - Michael Spragg
My dad had a car that ran there,first a 35 ford coupe, got totaled during a "powder puff" she went right off the back strech. Then, he put the drive train under a 29 Ford sedan, he didnt drive. Doug Harvey, later to be sheriff did his driving, he did really well. Number 05 a white sedan it was, I remember them days well. Sure would like to find some old photos., My Uncle Verl owned Manchester Speedway. One of the highlights of the late 60s feature races was watching Harold Schill and Lee Brayden change the lead back and forth 5 or 6 times in a race. Some other names that raced at Manchester were Louie J. Stemen, Jack Sharp, Don Taylor, Jim Stemen, Ed Hague, and many more. The land that the track was on has been split and there are a few houses back there now. Could you imagine Manchester Speedway being in operation today?
6/29/2005 - Randy Adam
I remember as a kid going to Manchester oncce or twice. From what I can recall it was definatly a dirt track that had modifieds running. Due to the long drive from Detroit, we only made it there in time for the last few races. It was a long dirt road that led to the track and you could see the track from the road as you approched the entrance.
6/24/2005 - Marty Blume
The only true Manchester Speedway was located south of Manchester on Schleewies Rd.
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Summer 2011 From Captain Bid
Manchester Speedway - Summer 2011 From Captain Bid
Summer 2011 From Captain Bid
Manchester Speedway - Summer 2011 From Captain Bid
Summer 2011 From Captain Bid
Manchester Speedway - Summer 2011 From Captain Bid
Summer 2011 From Captain Bid
Manchester Speedway - Summer 2011 From Captain Bid
Summer 2011 From Captain Bid
Manchester Speedway - Summer 2011 From Captain Bid
Summer 2011 From Captain Bid
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Summer 2011 From Captain Bid
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July 9 2022 Photo
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July 9 2022 Photo
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Manchester Speedway - July 9 2022 Photo
July 9 2022 Photo
Manchester Speedway - May 2008
May 2008
Manchester Speedway - May 2008
May 2008
Manchester Speedway - May 2008
May 2008
Manchester Speedway - May 2008
May 2008
Manchester Speedway - May 2008
May 2008
Manchester Speedway - May 2008
May 2008
Manchester Speedway - May 2008
May 2008
Manchester Speedway - From Dennis Schill
From Dennis Schill
Manchester Speedway - From Dennis Schill
From Dennis Schill
Manchester Speedway - From Dennis Schill
From Dennis Schill
Manchester Speedway - From Dennis Schill
From Dennis Schill
Manchester Speedway - From Dennis Schill
From Dennis Schill
Manchester Speedway - From Dennis Schill
From Dennis Schill
Manchester Speedway - Mel Lewis Late 60S
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Mel Lewis Late 60S
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Manchester Speedway - Mel Lewis Late 60S
Mel Lewis Late 60S
Manchester Speedway - Misc Cars From Manchester From Brian Norton
Misc Cars From Manchester From Brian Norton
Manchester Speedway - 51 Alwwod 106 Mullins 27 Carr 12 Braun 140 Stevens 08 Kuhn 42 Double 159 Wriker From Kevin
51 Alwwod 106 Mullins 27 Carr 12 Braun 140 Stevens 08 Kuhn 42 Double 159 Wriker From Kevin
Manchester Speedway - Chuck Winkle From Ed Hartman
Chuck Winkle From Ed Hartman
Manchester Speedway - Dick Crup From Tim Bearman
Dick Crup From Tim Bearman
Manchester Speedway - Louie Jay Stemen From Tim Bearman
Louie Jay Stemen From Tim Bearman
Manchester Speedway - Neil Grady From Joanne Woods
Neil Grady From Joanne Woods
Manchester Speedway - Ray Bracey From Joanne Woods
Ray Bracey From Joanne Woods
Manchester Speedway - Sam Hensen From Tim Bearman
Sam Hensen From Tim Bearman
Manchester Speedway - Speedie The Clown From Tim Bearman
Speedie The Clown From Tim Bearman
Manchester Speedway - Neil Grady From Joanne Woods
Neil Grady From Joanne Woods
Manchester Speedway - Vintage Pics From Ernie Kuehneman Jr
Vintage Pics From Ernie Kuehneman Jr
Manchester Speedway - Vintage Pics From Ernie Kuehneman Jr
Vintage Pics From Ernie Kuehneman Jr
Manchester Speedway - Vintage Pics From Ernie Kuehneman Jr
Vintage Pics From Ernie Kuehneman Jr
Manchester Speedway - Vintage Pics From Ernie Kuehneman Jr
Vintage Pics From Ernie Kuehneman Jr
Manchester Speedway - Vintage Pics From Ernie Kuehneman Jr
Vintage Pics From Ernie Kuehneman Jr
Manchester Speedway - Vintage Pics From Ernie Kuehneman Jr
Vintage Pics From Ernie Kuehneman Jr
Manchester Speedway - From Richard Dennis
From Richard Dennis
Manchester Speedway - From Richard Dennis
From Richard Dennis
Manchester Speedway - Aerial
Manchester Speedway - Aerial Photo
Aerial Photo © 2025 Over 87,929,494 Served