Jackson Motor Speedway - Jackson MI

Address: 2750 W Parnall Rd
City: Jackson
State: MI
Zip: 49201
County: Jackson
Number of visits to this page: 62184

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Dirt/Paved Ovals - Operating Dates: 1948-1974

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Info Updates:
10/5/2021 - Steve Howard
I'll never forget this place. I just loved the supermodifieds that ran there in the early 60s. The Gordon & Nelson Johncock, Nelson Ward, Jimmy Nelson, Ralph Donaldson, Johnny Logan to name a few. I loved trying to walk on the high banks in turns 1 & 2. I have driven down Parnell Rd. several times but have never gotten out of the car to look. I can remember going to the popcorn stand on Michigan Ave. after the races on Saturday night. I miss those days and Jackson of the 60s so much. Never attended a stock car race there, only the supers.
6/1/2019 - Bruce Bartels
I was 3 years old when the last race ran at Jackson Motor Speedway. I tried to watch from behind the guardrail of corner 2 as my older brother and I walked a trail from our neighborhood home just north of the track. A uniformed man made us leave between races. When that track closed it became our playground for 16+ years. Many of our neighborhood friends enjoyed the same things. We made trails all throughout the apple orchard around the track and throughout all the fields and ponds that were on the property. We road Dirt bikes, go-carts, snowmobiles, 3 wheelers and for wheelers often. We played hockey on the ponds and sled down the hills in those very woods. I would play on the starters crows nest where the checkered flag would wave. We always started our competitions at that location. We saw demolition and vandalism of the buildings and bleachers throughout the years. Every now and then we would run into a car or truck running around the track. The track was in good shape for many years, up until around 1985. In the mid 90's my nephews enjoyed the same up bringing with that magical environment right in there back yard. I would have like to seen more races than the 1 when I was 3, however my brother and I raced every time we got on that asphalt which seemed like every day. Thank you for the continued memories!.
5/7/2016 - Sandie Stull Hendrick
I still enjoy reading some of these, but I still find mistakes also. First off - Bob did NOT built the track. Our dad, Ralph Stull SENIOR. Ralph Jr (Itchy) and Bob went into it together. Dad borrowed the money and was the President. Our brother, Roger, was in the Coast Guards during most of the time we had the track, but he was also a part of it and seems to have been forgotten a lot! Dad passed away in 1968 from Strokes. Mom died in 1986 at age 88. She was a fantastic mother and a Fantastic Christian woman - She played the piano at Church on Wednesday night, went shopping Thursday, had a silent Heart Attack Friday night and died on Sunday. Two sisters, Janice and Wilma also died from Strokes. Wilma in the late 1992 and Ralph Jr died 5 months later. Janice died. Both Bob and Ralph Jr were in World War II and Bot fought in the front lines - he confided to me later that he had to shoot many people, and I believe this is the reason the boys drank so much - a lot of men who fought in the front lines and killed people had a hard time facing what they had HAD to do so that we could live freely. Ron was in during the Vietnam War and he also fell into the drinking, but there is no confirmed information that he committed Suicide. His life at the end was something bothering him and he drank to be able to forget - just as the others did. Roger had the same problem - he was in the Coast Guard and he had to retrive many young children that had drowned in Lake Michigan during his 4 years. He was cremated and his ashes have been scattered at different tracks - including Eldora where he and his boys went to races at Tony's track for years. So our of 7 children, only 2 of us are still around. I still see people that knew our family and reminisce about the track. And does anyone member Bill Tripp - NO-ONE can forget him - he would help dad when Bob and Ralph couldn't be around to help him. Any by t he way, Bill has cancer and is being cared for in his home by nurses and family. He might appreciate a card or two! He went to our Church the last few years and the minute he saw me, he remembered my name and had to have a big hug from me. He really was one big help to my dad at the track! He turned 95, I believe on his last birthday. He told me he has almost 200 children, grandchildren and great grandchildren - he's a proud man!.
4/17/2016 - Jerry Albert
Does anyone remember Bud Lynch. I believe he drove a 30s era Pontiac. His dad, Bill and my dad worked together at Norwalk Truck Lines for many years before they moved to Monroe. His son, Jim was my best friend growing up.
7/19/2015 - Tim Kelley
Gordon is now living in the Hale, Michigan area and runs a timber transport company.
7/16/2015 - Jerry Huelsman
i lived in Jackson many moons ago. i now live in Middleburg, 'F'lorida. i worked for Jackson Motor Speedway in 1955 and 1956. One of the highlignts of a young mans dreams. When i worked there Gordon Johncock was the local hero. As many of us know he went on to Indy history. Gordy was one of the best drivers in the country. It is amazing but i ran across Gordy in California. When he raced in California he stayed at Dan Gurney's. Years later i took my wife to the museum at the infield at Indy and i ask for them to make me some pictures of Gordy or as they called him at Indy, Gordo. When i paid for the pictures the lady said unfortunately we have lost track of Gordy. i told her he lived just outside of Pheonix and owned a cattle ranch. Since then i believe he moved back to Michigan. What a pleasure it was for a young man going to Jackson High School working for the Stall family. Working with them taught me many lessons on how to conduct my self and acrually get things done. Thanks for the memories. m.
4/20/2015 - Bernard Bradley
Wow , such memories , my dad Bernard Bradley Sr. Was pit stewart at JMS , Lansing motor speedway ,and at Onandaga dragway back then , This was early 60s , R. G. Attwood was the head man , i barley remember the Henry's , i was 5 -6 years old. I Remember ,Gordon , Nolan ,Johncock , Gary and Butch Feedawa , Barefoot Bob Kesoslowski. Jumpin Jerry Lind , I still have photos of pile ups , my dad and his white hat , Donnie and Carl the speedway clowns my sister and me with Gordie. The awsome banking , the competition , So Fast. WOW !!!!!.
3/17/2015 - Doug Everts
Just wanted to add a littlie information to the post here My dad Art Everts was in fact President of JMS, Phil Collins was Vice president, Ed Todd and Ralph Stall were co owners of Jackson Motor Speed Way as I understood they were owners, maybe they all did lease it unknown. they did aquire the tract and open it in 1968 and as I remember sold it to Spartan speedway in 1972, I grew up there also a great palce for kids to grow up at. best memories for us all. My dad also had a car there #22 Phil Collins, Dutch Taylor and Ron Fenny were the drivers of it.
1/23/2015 - Russ Lanius
I have a lot of great memories there used to a model car to race it down on the banking on turn 1 and 2 at the intermission. I watched Gordy johncock number 85 and his brother number 72 I think some of the drivers were dick cherry and skeeter rocock from michawaka Indiana.
3/29/2014 - Sandie Stull Hendrick
I've written here before, but just now went through all the articles about Jackson Motor Speedway. It's amazing that so many people remember the track that my dad, Ralph Stull, Sr. , built along with my two brothers, Ralph Jr (Itchy) and Bob - however they both sons had other jobs and could not be there during the week,so even tho I was only 11 years old, I would be the one out there during the summer to help him. It was amazing the things Dad had me do - one was ride on the back of the tanker and let the oil out on the clay when he told me to do so. By the time I was 13, I was also driving one of the dump trucks around, packing the oil down into the Clay! What fun! Our brother, Roger, ended up joining the Coast Guards so he missed 4 years of being at the track. I see a few errors in a couple of notes written and one was that Dad sold the track in 1960. Dad and the boys sold the track in 1958. He did not move to California for a year either. Another sister and I went with Dad and Mom for 5 months, pulling a 28-foot housetrailer, out to Anaheim, CA where friends of theirs lived. As dad had suffered from a heart attack back in the early 40's, I wanted to go and help do the driving if necessary. We had our trailer in a Park just 2 miles from their friends. Starting the next fall Dad and Mom then spent several winters going to Florida. I'm confused about someone writing in here that my nephew, Ron, Bob's son, committed suicide - that is misleading. He did drink all the time, but no one really knows why he was found dead in his front yard up north at Temple, MI. Ron had a rough time after being in Viet Nam, and was unable to control his drinking. He still married a girl up north and things did not work out for them. But please, do not say he committed Suicide. His sister, Phyllis (now PJ) lives with her husband in Rockford, MI. Ron had been married while living in Jackson, and has a beautiful daughter who is married and lives in Alabama, I believe. Now there are just two of us left in the family, Carole, and myself. I've been married almost 52 years and my husband, Ron and I own Street Rods and attend many cruises and car shows in the summer months! Cars will always be important in our family. I also took some grandkids to MIS a few times and now take some of the Youth from Church to MIS, to at least one of the races each year. I've driven my 46 Ford Customized Street Rod around the track several times as well - not on a race day, but at a car show in the Infield. It's a bit steeper than our Jackson Motor Speedway was! :o) Sandie.
3/19/2014 - Mark Seiler
Thank you Marty A decades-old question has been answered.
3/19/2014 - Mark Seiler
I wasn't lucky enough to make it to Jackson before it closed, but I remember reading about it a lot in the Marc Times as a kid. On thing I clearly remember was a big 250 lap late model special event that was very highly touted in the racing trades of the time. I'm guessing here, but I think it took place during the 1966 or '67 season. Does anyone remember that race, and who won it? I think Dick Dunshee led quite a bit of it until he had clutch trouble.
1/29/2014 - Marty Blume
The 250 lap race that was held at Jackson in 1966 was won by Homer Newland. Early in the race, drivers such as Dick Dunshee, jack Reily in his T-Bird convertable and Bob Senneker dominated but Homer just kept motoring on and took the lead and the win while the others pitted. For those who are users of FaceBook, I have a group called Jackson Motor Speedway Memories.
1/23/2014 - Mark Seiler
I never made it to Jackson, but I remember reading about it in the Marc Times when I was a kid. I recall they had a big 250 lap special event back in '66 or '67. Does anyone remember who won that race?.
12/6/2013 - Rob Gibson
Does anyone have any information or memories of my Grandfather who raced there in the 60's I believe. His name was Guy Marvin. He used to tell me stories of racing there but unfortunately I was born after the track had closed down.
11/26/2013 - Rick R Townsend
Seeing the names Bob and Norma bring back such cool memories. That was my home away from home nearly - I ran with Bill and Dave Taylor. WOW All is great thinking of those days.
11/20/2013 - Mike Florida
I see that since the last posting here there has been almost 2000 visitors. Me included, with so many great family times and memories , I was wondering what it would take to re open the track. Volunteers needed? I'm here.
10/14/2013 - Sandie Stull Hendrick
After reading through some of these things that have been written in, I wonder where they got their information. The track WAS SOLD TO RG ATWOOD of Lansing in 1958! My brother, Ralph, Jr (Itchy) and the others ran it AFTER RG let it go! I would say they probably ran it in 1964 or 65. Dad also helped them out during the races. I know that RJ Atwood had a rough time - family wise - when his daughter (about age 8), I believe, was sledding and got hit by a car and was killed! I won't forget going to take mom and dad to Lansing to the funeral home. It was the saddest place I have ever been in - it's terrible to lose a child so young, no matter how they died, but it hit RG really hard and I shall never forget it. People seem to forget that when we had the race track, we raced many races on Sunday afternoons, Saturday nights, and even some Friday night races. It turned out that Saturday evening was the best time for everyone. We also leased the track for Motorcycle Races - some of the best races I saw were when they leased the track. My niece has some things written in here, I see, but her daughter also has some of my information on my family - both mom's side and dad's side. All is not correct. Be sure you check things out before printing them. I'm the youngest of the 7 children and there are just 2 of us left. The other sister is not interested in the races. Some of us had great times out there and some of us didn't. Personally, from age 11, I rode on the back of the oil tanker and opened the valves when dad told me to. At age 13, I was driving one of the dump trucks around the track to pack in the oil afterwards. I sold pop in the infield, I sold programs for the last 6 years that we owned the track. I did whatever they needed me to do. We wore white shorts or slacks and burgundy tops with a button on the pocket telling of our job. My first one said, Nothing Special - no title for running here and there! Dad was very proud of his race track and took good care of everything. If he needed help, he would call Bill Tripp and he would come over and help. He didn't have a title either - he just did what dad needed done. I believe me husband and I just went to our last track party at Hankerd's yesterday. It's hard at my age to see just two of the many, many drivers that we knew and that knew us. However, Ralph Donaldson was one of the drivers that dad liked best (along with Tommy Dodge, Loren Ferney, Lincoln Hall, Cecil King and others. Dave Sprang and his wife, Jo, were best friends with my brother, Bob and his wife, Norma. I believe our years at Jackson Motor Speedway are over. The nice time visiting with the drivers is over and younger ones have taken their place. But, still, in most ways it was one of the best times we ever had as a family!.
10/8/2013 - Rick R. Townsende
I lived just down the street - 2227 Saines Manor dr. Dad usually took us to the races. I loved it and still do today at 58 yrs old. When dad wouldn't take me I would sneak out of my room and sneak into the races. Guessing at the names - Pete Bear #28 and Don Snyder #3 were my drivers. Would would race around the neighbor hood say Here comes Pete Bear passing on the outside. And just to come clean - Yes I was one of the kids they chased off the speedway all the time - That was a big part of my life and to this day I think that is a big part of me being such a race fan for all motor sports !.
9/1/2013 - Norma
I was wondering if anyone remembers a driver named Leonard Corser (bushelfoot). He was my Uncle and my Mom talks about going there to watch him and she is in the beginning stages of alzhiemer's and if I could get a picture, article or something about him from the track that would be awesome. I am asking Please for someone or anyone to contact me and let me know.
5/29/2013 - Bill Simmons
I received a call last night that Mike Conboy passed away Sunday May 26, 2013. Big Mike raced the Captain America Red White and Blue #44 in the late 60's and early 70's. At Jackson. Superstition Funeral home 398 East old west Highway Apache Junction, AZ. 85119 480-982-2727.
1/4/2013 - Sandie Stull Hendrick
After reading over some of these comments on our track (my dad, Ralph Stull Sr, brothers, Ralph Jr and Bob built the track in 1948), I wonder if they really would like to see the track again. It is not a race track anymore, buy more like a junk yard! Dad was the President for the 10 years we had the track and he spent so much time and money out there - only to have it end up like it does now. Yet, it was the love of his life during those 10 years and you cannot take these things with you - just the memories! I see some comments from one of my nieces and she had that he sold it around the 1960', but it was 1958 when R G Atwood of Lansing bought it. And it was in 1961 when Dad, Mom, Janice (my older sister) and I went to California for 5 months - not a year. It was a great relief for dad to be able to pick up and go without all the problems. There were always problems! One night we had almost 200 free passes come thru the gate - thanks to a brother who took them without permission and traded them for drinks at a bar! Needless to say, the tickets were locked up in a secret place after that. We girls were not to tell the guys ANYTHING! They lived through it. It's nice reading these comments, even tho a lot of them were after we had the track. It was dad's dream come true and he certainly deserved it! I learned to drive out there when I was 12 years old and that made me feel great - I still love driving (not race cars) after all of these years.
11/29/2012 - Crystal Klee
I was wondering if you can get to the speedway now? I also wanted to no if it was for sale i would hate for it to be bought and then taken out it would be nice to try and make it look like it did back in its hay day. please let me no if it is able to be access I would love to see it in person. and just imagine what it was like back then. I am only 28 but I love the historic factor and how it made so many people happy. if anyone has info on this please please let me no thank you very much.
8/17/2012 - Crystal Hamlin
I remember in my early younger years of going to Jackson Motor Speedway where my Grandpa Leslie Henry worked in the pits and my Grandma Ruth Henry ran the concession w/ my cousins and aunts. I would sit on my front steps and wait for my Grandpa to pick me up on Friday and Saturday nights to go to the races. No matter how hot it was, I would sit on the steps in a red race jacket and red plastic helmet on Friday nights to go to Spartan and blue on Saturdays to go to Jackson. My Grandpa #03 and my uncles Bud Henry and Larry Henry and Don Henry and my Dad Bill Tisch #03Jr. raced at JMS. My Mom ran jack rabbits. My aunt lived in the old trailer park around the corner. I loved racing so much and can remember being the only girl in my big family that did. My Grandpa passed away in 1972, but the racing lived on in my uncle Bud Henry who got out of the car and put Dick Thiede in it #65. My Grandma continued to run the concessions w/my cousins and aunts at Spartan for years. My 1st kiss was from Tim Fedewa in the pits at Spartan. My best friend was Dawn Donaldson granddaughter of Ralph Donaldson and daughter of Denny. My family also hung out with Sonny McHenry also. My uncle Bud Henry went on to sand drag racing up at Silver Lake and he passed away in 1993, but before he did, he promised I would someday race. I got my sons into racing when they were 6 and 9 yrs old. We are now on our 4th generation of racing and yes, I race too. I have a dragster that has my uncle Bud's name on it and my # is #103 and my sons have 03 in their #'s also. The # tradition still lives on. My parents Jim and Judi Briggs own the sand dragstrip in Silver Lake, Mich (West Michigan Sand Dragway). I have always wanted to reopen JMS someday and would love to go there and see what it looks like. I can remember it back in the 70's like it was yesterday. Jackson Motor Speedway lives on through my family to this very day. I would also like to see my Grandpa and Uncles in the Hall of Fame. the track will forever be in my family's heart and soul as well as many beautiful memories!.
7/23/2012 - Phil Weck
When I was a kid in 1953 I use to sell ice cream in the stands at the speedway. It was my first job at 12 years of age it was a big deal plus I got to watch the races.
7/19/2012 - Randy Snider
My dad was the track champion in 1968 Don Snider. I remember going to the track when I was young it was a great place to watch all the local drivers in action on Saturday nights. MY dad would talk about the track how it would be so different from other tracks because of the banking. His favorite race was the pursuit. MY dad's car number was 4. MY dad and I attended many races together when I was growing up. We would go to the races at Toledo,Butler and Spartan speedways. He would always talk about his fellow drivers at JACKSON and of course track anouncer Gary Lindell. My dad passed away in 2002,and I will never forget all the good times we had at the races. I hope one day dad can make Michigans racing hall of fame. Miss you dad from your son Randy Snider.
7/12/2012 - tim collins
I was wondering if there are any future events planned? My dad recently had stroke. He is recovering now but we discovered he has Alzheimer's. I found his photo album from Jackson Motor Speedway, where he raced all thru the 60's. I'm currently building a nostelgic race car in his memory and thought it would be great to contact those who remember.
7/31/2011 - Mark Seiler
'Sure is nice to see the shot of my all-time favorite driver and car: Dick Dunshee and his legendary Buick Special. That picture was from the was the '65 season. While nice, I REALLY liked the '66 version, when he repainted it mostly white with blue trim. 'Just a cool little race car, that ran as good as it looked.
7/17/2011 - Ed Franklin
My dad Frank Franklin raced at Jackson when it was dirt his car was a 51 Henry J #08. He stopped racing when they black topped it. He liked the dirt! His best friend Sonny Sisk also raced there at that time. My dad is 85 years old and still likes to talk about the racing on that track. Most of the guys he knew and raced with are gone now. If anyone would happen to have a picture of his car, I would like to get a copy of it. Also if anyone knows if they are having a dinner get together this year please let me know, my dad didn't get notified of the last one and he miss going and talking to his old friends.
6/28/2011 - Michael Kujawa
I see Glen shorty Stevens every day. he raced a lot of tracks across the tri-state area, as well as canada. was he ever proposed for membership in the hall of fame??We follow Harold Fair's escapades now. thanks mike.
6/20/2011 - Vicky Mannor Long
I live behind the racetrack and LOVE walking on the track often. My father, Ted Mannor raced there and us kids spent many Saturday evenings at the track. I knew Sonny McHenry through my father. I was also wondering why he wasn't mentioned in the Jackson Citizen Patriot article this past weekend. I know who the owner of the property is. I have contact with him. He is a lawyer in Lansing. I have wonderful memories of Jackson Motor Speedway as well as Onadaga Dragway. My father and family now have street rods and we go racing at Milan and 131.
6/20/2011 - GREG Faust
6/18/2011 - tom j
I remember late 40's early 50's going with my parents, and 4 of us kids into the infield and parking inside the track to watch the races. My dad was devastated when the photographer was killed and later Ted Kennall. We stopped going for a while after that. My first ride in a race car was there at 6 years old holding a glass bottle with gas in it and fuel line testing a new fuel pump.
6/7/2011 - Dave Habek
They was good old great years at the Jackson motor speedway. I was a fireman at the track in early 70's with Lansing twp volunteer dept. Good old boys racing like Gary / Butch Fedewa , Mulders and Aldrich brothers. Loved that starter JERRY LIND.
5/30/2011 - Marty Blume
Mike-you are correct about all of those drivers racing at Jackson. John Logan was the 1962 champ while Gordon Johncock was the 1963 champ. Johncock was so dominate in 1963 that he only raced about 3/4 of the season and still won the championship. He also set the track record of 14. 68 before they banned the wings in June of 1963. Bill Heeney was a regular who only won one feature at Jackson but was very popular. Dick Dunshee never ran there on a regular basis but would show up for specials and those great Sunday afternoon shows to start the season. Whether it is from Jackson or not, it's great to see pictures of these legends from the past. Thanks for posting them. Marty.
5/29/2011 - Mike
sorry those pics were at other speedways, but they raced at jms with those cars. whether you were there or not. i was.
5/10/2011 - Marty Blume
The pictures of Dick Dunshee, and the pictures from the Who's Who in Racing of Gordon Johncock, Johnny Logan, and Bill Heeney are not from Jackson. The Dunshee picture is from the old Grand Rapids Speedrome while the other pictures are from Toledo. All of those drivers did race at Jackson at one time or another. Thanks Marty Blume.
4/11/2011 - Bryan
As a child, living in the subdivision north of the track, lying in bed at suppose to be asleep but listening to the race cars and actually hearing the roar of the crowd in the stands, my Dad would carry me on his shoulders walking thru Ball's Apple Orchard to watch the race from a distance, how exciting for a 4yr. old. The neighborhood kids and I spent every waking moment it seems at the closed race track and surrounding woods and drainage ditch, it was a perfect place to grow up on a dirt bike, trails galore and how cool to actually run your mini-bike on the oval track, excellent childhood memories. I have recently visited the track and still cant believe there are the same trails leading to the track, but wow how nature has taken over. If anyone has pictures they would like to sell of the track from 1948 to 1972 I would be very interested.
1/18/2011 - Kim Cain
Russ McCubbin passed away Dec. 21 of 2010 at the age of 59. He had a heart attack.
12/21/2010 - Bob K
I have alot of great memories of Jackson Motor Speedway. Me and a group of friends would park our cars on the ramp between turns 3 and 4 at the speedway to watch the races. I can visualize Don McCubbin's Orange 57 Chevy like it was yesterday. I remember the saying stenciled on the car in hoc to often but not sure if I have the spelling right. Does anyone remember a driver named Joe Smith who drove a maroon 55 Chevy #55 call Wild Cherry? He did not win many races but was a local favorite with a large local fan following. Reading all of the comments and all the drivers names really brings back great memories. Does anyone remember drivers Mel Gillette from Lansing , Ivan Wolfe from I do not know where and Butch and Gary Fedewa from Holt Michigan? Butch's son is Tim Fedewa who raced several years in the Bush series. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone has any pictures of Cars, Drivers etc. of Jackson Motor Speedway and could email them to me at
10/19/2010 - Sandie (Stull) Hendrick
My father, Ralph Stull, Sr, and 2 oldest brothers, Ralph Jr and Bob, built the Jackson Motor Speedway and we had our first race in 1948. I was 11 years old. We sold the track in 1958 to R J Atwood of Lansing. My older sister and I are the only 2 remaining of 7 children in our family. I remember working on the track all summer when I was in my young teens. I rode on the back of the oil tanker and opened the valves to let the oil out whenever dad hollered at me to do so. Then I got to drive the dump truck around for what seemed like hours, getting the oil down into the clay. I worked in the pop stand, ran errands, etc, then when I turned 14, I sold programs from a stand at every race. I spent many days, plus all the races, working out there as did my other brother and sister. I do have some pictures - most were taken by Jim Ryan, and we do not have names on the backs to tell who everyone is. Many I know, many I don't. I also have several newspaper write-ups, however they are old and getting yellow and harder to read. I'm proud to say that my dad was of the most honest and fair man I knew. He didn't have any enemies and the drivers respected him as he did them. There were problems with the boys and dad ended up with very little money when the track was finally sold. Still, he loved the track and the races. I do remember Phil and Terry Collins when they raced there and when Phil owned it,I don't believe it was owned but leased. My brother, Ralph Jr, as well as Phil and two other drivers leased the track, I believe. Dad came out and took tickets for them. My father should also be in the Hall of Fame, but so far, no-one has been able to tell us EXACTLY what we have to do to get him there. Dad had many of the drivers that he liked very well, and I remember when he passed away, February 19, 1968, we had one of his favorites serve as a pall bearer. If he were here today, he'd be heart-broken that the track he spent so many hours building, running, repairing, etc, looks as it does. He didn't only OWN the track, he MAINTAINED the track at all times. The boys both worked, so dad was left with just ME out there during the summer sometimes to help him. Of course, Bill Tripp, was always available it seemed, and loved helping out! I remember when a windstorm (possibly a tornado) tore the bleachers apart and did so much damage to the grandstands as well as other things. Several of the drivers came out during the evenings, and several took vacation days, to work and have everything BACK IN SHAPE so they could race that weekend. The drivers drove for the thrill of driving and winning - not for the money - and it's a good thing. because some drivers only took home $10. 00 sometimes! I may not be able to answer a lot of questions, but you can use my e-mail address if you'd like more information. Sandie.
10/15/2010 - Toby Pulver
My name is Toby Pulver,I remember Sonny and was friends with him. My dad was freinds with Sonny for many years,and my dad raced at jackson motor speedway. My uncle Curt Kelley used to drive for Sonny if I remember right.
9/10/2010 - Russ McCubbin
HEY! JERRY MILLER DID NOT DIE IN THE 70's. He retired to Florida eventaully. He was alive and well a few years ago, I haven't seen him since then. He was sponsored by his employer, Nelson Bros. Excavating on 11 Mile Rd. in Ropyal Oak. His brothers-in-law were Don McCubbin (yep, the driver in the orange Chevy 53 he raced against for years) and Ron Duman (died in an Indy car in 1967 at Milwaukee. Drove open wheel cars from the late 40's until his death. Won the Little 500 USAC Sprint Car race at Terre Haute twice. Good shoe). Jerry's brother Denny, raced at Mt. Clemns too, but on the 1/4 mile oval there, his number was 35 (reversed the number of his brother-in-law Don McCubbin). If I can figure out how to post pictures here I will. I have hundreds of them in the family photo archives. Don McCubbin was my Dad. They hung with the Barbe brothers away from the track as well as at the track. BTW Benny Parsons started out at Mt. Clemens on the 1/4 mile with a '54 Ford sponsored by the cab company he drove for in Detroit, the purple colored cabs of Metropolitan Cab Co. is where that weird color came from in the early days.
9/10/2010 - Russ McCubbin
My Father was Don McCubbin. Orange Chevy's number 53. Later on he drove for the Swing Brothers in Fords number 330. Not everyone knows that Jerry Miller was his brother-in-law. We used to encourage the "rivalry" then stop at the same restuarant on the way home and bench race over big plates of eggs and sausage. One Saturday night my Dad won the Feature with a gold wheel on the right rear of the orange 53 car. I guess no one noticed it match all of the wheels on theblack number 7 of my Uncle Jerry's. Even then everyone ran Ford rear ends and the back wheels were interchangeable between the two cars. Good times I thought then, and now. Ed Todd and his previous mechanic Bill Decker were also good friends and fellow hell raisers. Moose Meyers and guys that focused on Jackson were regular contenders along with "travelers" like us, Jerry Miller, Lem Savation, etc. We also raced at Mt. Clemens and Dixie. Once in a while we could wander down to Toledo too. Before NASCAR bought it, John Marcum owned ARCA and sanctioned late models and Super's at Flatrock. Marcum owbned the track as well. My Dad still holds the "Altitude Record" at Flatrock Motor Speedway. In 1963 he got a Super Modied ABOVE the fence there, probably fifteen or twenty feet in the air. Anyone remember the one mile flat dirt track at the Michigan Fiargrounds? That was a blast too. Joy Fair and Jim Ruttman could turn up at Jackson once in a while, along with Bill Seneka and Harold Fair (no relation to Joy, but the son of Hugh, also a late model racer). My Dad passed away in 1972. Jerry long ago retired to Florida and operates a medium sized marina. I have lost track of a lot of the old timers. Too bad too. They were two fisted, barrel chested, bad ass racers. I race a little now with my own sons. I love it. But, I do miss the old school bumpin' and rubbin'. Tradin' paint and fliting with the girls in the grandstands. A little argument every once in a while but on Saturday night you could borrow a needed part or a couple bucks to get home on from your fiercest competitor. Too damn cool. I will check this site and see if anyone can catch me up on Todd and others. I remember when he drove for Decker the car listed "Hot Toddy" on the side. Perfect, just perfect.
8/1/2010 - Dennis L. Carpenterpenter
Back when I was a kid, my buddie lived just north of the track. This would have been back in the mid 60's. I would stay over at his house on weekends and we would sneek out and go over to the track. Back then there was an apple orchard outside of the track opposite from the grandstands. We would climb up into the apple trees so we could see in and watch the races. One night a driver lost it in turn 2 and hit the wall hard and actually partially came out of the track through the fence. His front wheel snapped off and went airbourne. Yup, you guessed it. It flew through the air and went right through the top of the apple tree we were sitting in. It scared the daylights out of us. It scared us so bad we didn't go back for the rest of the season. Sadly my father was transferred with his job and so I never got to go back. What I can say is that watching those races as a kid made me a racing fan for the rest of my life.
3/15/2010 - shani
I am looking for info. on Ralph Donaldson's career at Jackson Motor Speedway. Did he win the most features there? I found this site and was hoping to see a picture of him. Are there other sites? Anyone have a good story about him? Thanks in advance!
1/18/2010 - Marty Blume
Mike..Jerry Miller was from Royal Oak. He raced at Jackson from 1965 to 1970. He is second on the all time feature win list with 26 feature wins. 1966 was his year as he won 17 features. He raced a black 1960 Ford number 7 which was destroyed in a wreck with Don Irish in 1967. That car was replaced with a little 1963 ford fairlane which was also black and carried the number 7. After racing at Jackson, he started racing on the dirt and later the asphalt at Mount Clemons. He never had the success at other tracks like he did at Jackson. I believe he passed away in the late 70's or early 1980's. Hope this helps. Thanks Marty Blume
1/15/2010 - Mike
Who is Jerry Miller? I use to date a gal from Sherwood Mi, and her dads name is Jerry Miller,,,Same one? He had a little repair shop just off M-66 on M-60.

12/5/2009 - Jon Lundberg
Hi. I announced at JMS during the 1960-62 seasons when RJ Atwood promoted the track. Would like to contact someone from the Jackson, MI, area to assist a motor sports history research project. Just unearthed is a pretty-sophisticated-for-the-day
overhead cam conversion for the Small Block Chevy made in the Jackson area. If you can help, please contact me at the above email address.

Jon Lundberg
11/2/2009 - Chuck
Rick, Moose Myers real name is Conan Myers from the Ft. Wayne area. Raced many years for Jim Stovall.( Scott Stovall's dad ) I believe he won an ARCA & ASA championship, if I'm remembering right the cars were usually #0 burgundy cars,
11/2/2009 - Randy
thanks Marty / Chris...just was curious!
11/2/2009 - Marty Blume
Rick...Conan "Moose" Myers was from Ft Wayne, Ind. He was never a regular driver at Jackson. He would show up for invitationals and other special races. With his Maroon '55 Chevy convertible number 0 he did hold the track record for several years. "Moose" was one of the top drivers in the midwest and a threat to win at any race that he appeared at from the mid sixties into the early seventies. Hope this gives you a few answers that you are looking for. Marty Blume

11/1/2009 - Rick Wagner
Does anybody out there have any information on a driver that raced at Jackson Motor Speedway called Moose Myers?
9/4/2009 - Chris Fobbe

The Jackson Speedway running weekly is a go-cart track.
9/4/2009 - Marty Blume
Randy...Jackson Speedway from the web sight you listed is a go kart track on the southeast side of Jackson. They do run weekly programs with mini cup cars, go karts, legends and dwarfs, and mini sprints. Jackson Motor Speedway was located north of town and ran from 1948 through 1973. Hope this answers your questions.
9/1/2009 - don collins
would like to know how to track down old stader timing sheets from jackson motor speedway,when it was a half mile dirt
8/6/2009 - Jim Merritt
Does anyone know if there are any sites wih racing photos of the racing and the drivers from the 50's and 60's at Jackson Motor Speedway? Thanks.
8/3/2009 - Dan Van Koevering
In response to comments by Ms. Lindahl regarding her Grandfather Philip Collins, I would like to inform you that we already have a bio on your grandfather, and have had one on flie for several years! You apparently have not been aware that a bio was submitted on your grandfather quite some time ago. The reason he has not yet been inducted is very SIMPLY that he has yet to have been elected for induction by the qualified Hall of Fame voters, which INCLUDES ALL PAST INDUCTEES. Since the mid-90's, we have included all the past inductees in the voting process, so when someone IS elected for induction, they are more truly elected by the racing community of former inductees. If yourself or anyone reading this would like to learn more about the truth about how the Hall of Fame works, as opposed to the "rumor-mill versions", PLEASE visit www.mmshof.org and click especially on our FAQ section, which I authored in 2008. All questions will very likely be answered there.

Sincerely and Best Regards,

Dan Van Koevering, 7th-term President, Michigan MotorSports Hall of Fame

P.S. Not sure where you have been sending these bio submittals that have been returned back to you, but I do not personally recall that we ever recieved any additional info on your grandfather, other than what we already had. Just a shot here, but have you, like SO MANY other people, confused us with the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America in Novi ? That IS NOT us and never has been. I address this particular issue in our website's FAQ section.
6/3/2009 - Art Krallman
Hi my name is Art Krallman Jr. son of Art Krallman Sr. (he passed away in 1982) he raced back in the 50's at Jackson Motor Speedway. He at one time held the one lap track record (I have some newspaper articles). I also have many pictures of the Jackson Motor Speedway some are dated 1954. If you need to contact me my email is above.
6/2/2009 - Rick Wagner
I was born and raised In Jackson at the corner of Springport,Airport and county
farm road until I moved to Colorado Springs,Colorado in 1981.From the time I
was old enough to walk my Dad took us to the races at Jackson Motor Speedway
to watch our favorite drivers.My driver was #00-Moose Myers.I took up a little
part time racing myself and my number was always #00.Some of my fondest
memories of Jackson was the racetrack,and also some of the worst was at that
track.My first memory was touching a red hot exaust and burning my arm and I
still have that scar.Some of my best include staying up late at the track and
watching the firework shows.Even on that odd occasion of having to stay home-
we could hear the races from our back yard.I remember a going to Northwest
High School the Monday morning after the races and being called a redneck
because all I could talk about was the races.Right now I live about mile from the Pikes Peak International Speedway,and have had many inspired talks with the
old timers that once raced there.
5/22/2009 - Kelley Anne Lindahl
Hi All! This is Kelley Anne Lindahl again and IF anyone remembers my Grandfather Phillip Collins who was a race car driver and part owner at one time of JMS. My grandfather has never been Inducted Into the Michigan Motorsports hall of Fame his application that we have put in for him has been rejected numerous times. Phil has made many contributions to the racing Industry and many of people have benefited from him. A lot of people have gotten their start because of him including Mr. Gary Lindahl, without my grandfathers connections Gary would of not gotten as far as he has gotten. I want to start a campaign really to get him (Phil) Inducted in the MMHOf, I know I will make waves but If I dont them his induction which is overdue will never happen. I am asking the race fans/drivers that remember Phil to put your imput in the commity so we can get Phil into the hall of fame.
1/29/2009 - Kelley Lindahl
Hi Alll! This is Kelley Lindahl Daughter of Gary Lindahl and Grandaughter of Phil Collins one time race care driver and track owner of Jackson Motor Speedway. My Grandfather was a wonderful man and I have many fond memories of him, he had sold the track before i was born but he still mantained ownership of a car along with Sonny McHenry. Even after his Heart transplant he still maintained his love for racing. He died in 1984 from heart transplant rejection but his memory will always live of through the hearts and minds of his family. I hope that one day the racing world will someday honor my grandfather Phil Collins for his contributions to the racing world.
11/10/2008 - Gary LindahlGary Lindahl
Marty, as always had a great time at the Jackson reunion, neat to see so many of our heroes return plus a good group of younger drivers. Always look forward to the event. The Toledo reunion at the speedway bar and grill is set for March 14th, 2009, which is a Saturday, and starts at Noon, alll are welcome. Gary Lindahl
10/27/2008 - Garrett
In reading the text below, it brought up a lot of memories from days of long ago when as a young boy my father would take me and the rest of our family to these events. He grew up in Nashville and the surrounding area, and was good friends with some of these guys, like Sam Sessions and Nolan Johncock, He knew Gordon too. So reading that these guys used to terrorize this old track makes sense that It would be one of the places he would take us to. I remember going by this place years ago and you could clearly see the track from M-50 as you headed for Jackson. I have a vivid memory of being in the parking lot on the way to the grandstand gate. The time trials had started because I remember the sound and how it scared me(I was little, like 3 or 4). For the most part, my memories of this place are quite vague though as I could have sworn that that track was dirt, but I must have been thinking of somewhere else all these years(probably Butler, we went there too). I was surprised too learn that it closed in '74. Thought it was later. Boy I'm getting old.
10/27/2008 - Pete Banchoff
This was my first visit to the Jackson Motor Speedway reunion and I have to agree with Randy it was a blast! BTW Randy, I was at the table just in front of you and watched you draw the Prison car; it looked great! I want to thank Nita and Dick Decker for being the perfect hosts and Marty Blume for inviting me. I will be there next year, believe me. The highlight for me was sitting down and talking to Wayne Landon and his wife for about 15 minutes. Wayne's brother had passed away the day before, but he still attended this years reunion. I didn't get to see races at Jackson, but saw Wayne race at Dixie where he won several championships in a row. I really enjoyed spending time with him and finding out sometimes they used to letter the car with shoe polish! BTW, he won a feature race at age 75!! Anyone interested in Michigan racing history should try and get to one of these reunions. Marty has so much information and pictures and shares all of it. Thanks again, Marty and all who put this on.
10/26/2008 - Randy Easterling
I just attended the 17th annual old timers reunion, what a blast. I met a lot of people I had only heard about. I was most impressed by the Prison Car, if anyone has pictures of this car to share I would love to do a drawing or painting of this car in action, I did a quick sketch of the car on a place mat while I was there, to start with, however that will be framed and given to Dick Decker. I have built motor and painted cars my whole life I lettered a few race cars in the 70's and most recently was flown to CA, to work on the "5th generation Camaro" designed by Cars by Kris and built by Bryant Fabrications.
I look forward to next year. Thank you Nita and Dick Decker, Jim Graves thanks you too.
5/6/2008 - David Lee
Hi i was woundering because me and my cusin went out to the track a couple of days ago and we was talking about if we could find some one who owns it. If we could buy it and reopen it as a go-cart track or a sprint car track. We would really like to restore it because thats a peice of history thats what even helped Nascar get on its feet and be what it is today.
9/14/2007 - Randy Stull
i would like to amend the last sentence in my post to read the late 50's instead of the late 60's

thank you,

9/13/2007 - Randy Stull
i am one of the grandson's of the original builders/owners of the speedway. there is still a yearly reunion held in jackson with 100 or so people. lots of pictures, speakers, food & drinks, former drivers etc... this year the date is october 27, 2007. elks lodge on lansing ave. contact Dick or Nita 517-787-6681 for tickets. $15.00. i too used to be at almost every race when i was a kid. the late 60's till is was no more.

Randy D Stull
1/1/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
I was looking at the old pictures of Hartford. Southeastern Michigan needs a goog asphalt 1/2. Wish that was still pavement. On an interesting note, I was impressed with the effort made at Devos to actually have a 1/4 mile indoors. It would not be impossible to build a half mile indoors. That it could run year round and even have other events.
12/31/2006 - Bill Murawski Jr.
Yes some one should reopen the track. it looks like a fast place!!! i think this would be a better location from pavement cars , then some place up north?
11/8/2006 - Marty Blume
The pictures of the track are deceptive in that it makes the track look narrow. Also it doesn't give the real feeling of how high banked turns 1 and 2 really are. Those of you who have been there and walked the track will understand what I'm talking about. When it was repaved in 1968, the track surface ended up being 3 to 4 feet wider than Indy. Turns 1 and 2 are banked about 23 to 24 degrees. There is a down hill run into turn 3. Turns 3 and 4 are banked from 6 to 8 degrees. Coming out of turn 4 to the front straight, there is a short straight towards the front wall. On the old dirt half mile, turns 3 and 4 were banked like turns one and two. In the early 50's, a 1/4 mile was added to the infield. About a year later, turns 3 and 4 of the 1/4 were combined with turns 1 and 2 of the half which formed the unique and large 3/8's mile track. It was origiannly paved in the fall of 1958, and the as I previously stated, repaved in 1968 before the season started. Between the township, environmental cleanup (all those year of dumping oil to settle the dust), and the area being built up, I highly doubt that it will ever be open again. We are fortunate that the track is still there to visit and relive the memories. I still can close my eyes when I visit and hear the roar of the engines, the "pop,pop, pop" as they let off going into turn 3 and the smell of caster oil from the engines. I've always thought that the site would be the perfect place for the Michigan Mortor Sports Hall of Fame. Marty Blume
11/7/2006 - Sean Fitzgerald
Be nice to reopen it. We need a nice 1/2 mile near the D
11/5/2006 - Ron Gross/Michigandriveins.com
We walked the high banks of Jackson Motor Speedway today. Access is easy via a dirt road off of Parnell Rd., and I didn't see any No Trespassing signs. You have to walk a ways to get to the track, there is a path. We were amazed at how steep the banking was. There were kids riding motorcycles thru the infield while we there. I didn't see any concession stand. I've heard the site is contaminated from the oil they used to spray to keep the dust down, (parking area?) and it is basically abandoned. Can anyone in the know confirm this? Who really owns it? What a waste!
10/30/2006 - Bruce Lamorand
i attended the reunion sat. night just wanted to ay it was a big sucess keep up the good work
9/14/2006 - Jim Merritt
I went to the speedway from the time it was a half mile dirt until the late 60s. At that time it was run by one of the Stulls, Phil Collins, Ed Todd, Art somebody and I believe one other. Does anyone know what happened to some of those Late 60s drivers (Ed Todd, Jerry Miller, Don McCubbin, Ben Snider and others)? While the early 60s super modifieds were nothing short of spectacular with the endless battling of the Johncocks, Nellie Ward and Jonny Logan, I was always partial to the late model stock car racing of the mid to later 60s. Mostly because iI had worked on a few of them and got to know many of those drivers (at that time you had to actually drive them - no power steering, no cool suits etc.) Its good to know that a few people remember those days when races were won on the track and not in the pits. Is there a contact person to find out more information on the Jackson Motor Speedway Reunion?
9/11/2006 - Randy Adam
Yes, I agree with you both...such a shame that this track as well as others (Thunder Road, Tri-City and now the possibility of Springport Speeddway) are just going to be growen over feilds. And I agree, if it were my land, I would take the time and put forth the effort to clear all the brush and make this a preserved area...even without racing. Hurts to see stuff like this...
9/9/2006 - Sean Fitzgerald
Realistically what could be done. Between uncooperative owners and angry nieghbors, promotors that dont get it and developers, it seems like the world is against the small time race fan. Look at the people who built houses next to Waterford and then complain that the cars which arent even as loud as a dentist on a harley and that you can barely hear running from the main gate, make too much noise. Jackson is beautiful and sad. Maybe cars need to be made quieter. So sad
9/8/2006 - Dave DeHem
Wow!!! Looking at the latest pictures makes me sick. I never had the chance to go there but have heard all the stories about the place. The strange thing is that the track is still there and with some work and some chainsaws and brush hogs you could open up the area to see what is there. Yes, it would be alot of work but I have to say that if I owned the property I would do that just to preserve the clearing. Of course I like to do that kind of stuff on my property anyways. I know that the times are against us but from the looks of it, the track could be rebuilt again. There are other tracks that have closed and been ripped up but Jackson has just been left to the elements and to nature. It is truly ashame that the place is tied up the way it is. I would love to go out there and walk the property if I was able and the owners would let me do so. So much history just sitting there decaying.......
8/19/2006 - Marty Blume
August 19, 2006 will be the 33rd aniversary of the last race held at Jackson. On August 19,1973, Bill Heeney won the last race in a supermodified before the rains came and put a halt to the evenings events. Little did we know that was goning to be the last race ever at our race track. The memories of Jackson can be relived the last Saturday of October at the Jackson Motor Speedways Reunion Party. This year will be the 15th year for this reunion. Last year over 200 people attended. Great event and a great time to meet some of your heros from the past.
8/12/2006 - Jim Little
You should have gotten a picture of the sign on the water tower out front. Well off the road a little ways. I heard it got caught up in a law suit and the person who won it wont let anyone race there again. What I hear is a lawyer in Lansing now has control of it.
8/1/2006 - Jim Heddle
We used to come over to Jackson from Ann Arbor to see the Sprint Car races in the early 60s. Heres a list of drivers from the 1963 program: Bob Seelman, Howard Metzmaker, Flip Thompson, Wayne Brockman, Sammy Sessions, Wayne Root, Dick Filkins, Stan Nawrocki, Gordon Johncock, Ed Snyder, Jerry Flanigan, Johnny Logan, Bill Heeney, Butch Sedewa, Harry Chapman, Nolan Johncock (Gordons cousin), Dick Carter, Bill Deninger, Harry Jones, Jack Sharp, Norm Brown, Ray Bernard, Ken Crampton, Bob Johnson and Howard Woodman. Sessions and Gordon Johncock went on to race at Indy. I recall an especially exciting feature race in 1963. Gordon Johncock was leading most of the way but developed a tire problem just a few laps from the finish. His cousin Nolan passed him and gestured as he went by as if to say "Come on! Cant you keep up with me?" As Nolan reached turn 4 of the final lap he crashed with some cars that he had lapped. The track was completely blocked by wrecked cars so all of the racers had to stop on turn 3, and no one could cross the finish line. After it was determined that everyone was OK they announced that they were awarding the race to Gordon Johncock since supposedly he would have finished first if the wrecked cars werent in the way. This drew a mixed reaction from the crowd since Nolan Johncock had been leading prior to the crash. There was no guard rail along the back stretch at Jackson, and sometimes a car would get bumped and go off the track, over the bank and out of the view of the fans in the grandstand. Everyone would hold their breath waiting to see if the car or driver would reappear! I remember that sometimes after the races we would stop for a snack at Bill Knapps which was close by, near the I-94/US 127 interchange.
2/26/2006 - Sean Fitzgerald
Looking at the photos. What a waste. Almost makes you cry. Why cant there just be a few more good tracks? Theres a freaking golfcourse full of chemlawn every twenty feet. The racing fans of this state deserve better.
2/17/2006 - Cindy Guckenberg
Hi. I am Ralph Stull, Sr. grand-daughter. Grandpa built and ran the Jackson Motor Speedway. I spent many weekends there as a young girl. My mother was Ralphs daughter, Wilma. She worked in the office. All of the seven Stulls were involved. My grand-mother sold tickets. Even, my father parked cars and wore a uniform. The oldest son of the Stulls, Ralph Jr was a co-owner, another son Robert was also a co-owner and was the flagman. There were four girls and a younger son, Roger. Around 1960, my grandfather sold the track and moved to California for a year. Then, moved back to Jackson. They spent several winters in Florida. Most of the family has passed away, now. My uncle Ralph died in 1991. My uncle Bob died in 2004. Grandpa passed in 1968 and Grandma in 1986. My fondest last memory of Grandpa was watching him watch MIS speedway being built in Brooklyn, Mi. He took me out there one sunny afternoon. I can still see him watching through the fence. He was a great fisherman and hunter and is sadly missed.
6/24/2005 - Marty Blume
The early season Sunday afternoon shows were just plain awsome! It was as good as any invitational at the time for regular admission prices. It was a whos who. It was Berlin/Kalamazoo vs. Auto City/Dixie/Tri City vs. Flat Rock/Toledo vs. Indiana vs. the local Jackson drivers. Some of the names were Ed Howe, the Senneker brothers (Rich, Bob, and Terry), Ed Vanderlaan, Bob Carnes, Joy Fair, Fran Harden, John Anderson, Dave Sorg and Jack Reiley. The memories of Jackson are relived the last Saturday of every October when the Jackson Racers Reunion is held.
2/7/2005 - Rob Imerson
Sadly enough Ron killed himself. Apparently he never found his path in life. Last time I saw him was at a high school reunion. He was pretty loaded and crying on me. I always liked the guy.
2/7/2005 - Rob Imerson
Ron Stull whose dad built and ran the speedway committed suicide. He was a friend of mine in highschool. I saw him last at a class reuntion, he had been drinking and tended to cry. Apparently Ron never found his path in life.
12/17/2004 - Diane Mysliwiec
What happened to Ron Stull? His younger sister, Phyllis, was a friend of mine but we havent seen each other since she got married many years ago.
11/28/2004 - Rob Imerson
Im 12 years older then my brother Chuck who had a reply here. Dad took me regularly when the track first opened. It was a 1/2 mile dirt oval. They ran motorcycles, midgets and "jalopys". The fans sat on folding chairs and the ground. My highschool friend Ron Stulls dad, who was a wwII hero, built the place from scratch. Sorry Ron is gone.
11/27/2004 - Chuck Imerson
My dad used to take me there in the late fifties. Remember Dick Goode and Larry Caitland? They drove super-modifieds and Goode was number 11. The pictures were great and sad at the same time...Santee, California.
3/22/2004 - WaterWinterWonderland
A recent site inspection reveals that the track is still there, although no access road to it exists and it is clearly marked "no tresspassing." The weeds and trees are growing up through the old paved track and there is very little left of the grandstands and auxillary buildings. It appeared to be a nice track though, with nice high banks all the way around.
9/9/2003 - Gary Long
The track is located off Clinton Rd, next to US127 about two miles north of Jackson. The track is still there! I drove around the high banked paved oval the summer of 1979 in a 1972 Buick Electra 455, what a blast it was! You cant get to it now, its posted. Stands and concession/restrooms and race signals are still there. My dad was a safety man on turn 2 in the late 50s and early 60s.nondaga dragway)
Jackson Motor Speedway - After Close From Ron Gross
After Close From Ron Gross
Jackson Motor Speedway - Billy Simmons
Billy Simmons
Jackson Motor Speedway - Turn 4 From Mike
Turn 4 From Mike
Jackson Motor Speedway - Back Shoot From Mike
Back Shoot From Mike
Jackson Motor Speedway - Turn 4 From Mike
Turn 4 From Mike
Jackson Motor Speedway - Back Shoot From Mike
Back Shoot From Mike
Jackson Motor Speedway - Turn 2 From Mike
Turn 2 From Mike
Jackson Motor Speedway - Heading To Turn 4 From Mike
Heading To Turn 4 From Mike
Jackson Motor Speedway - Light From Mike
Light From Mike
Jackson Motor Speedway - Pitts From Mike
Pitts From Mike
Jackson Motor Speedway - Pitts From Mike
Pitts From Mike
Jackson Motor Speedway - Turn 3 From Mike
Turn 3 From Mike
Jackson Motor Speedway - All Near Pitt Gate From Mike
All Near Pitt Gate From Mike
Jackson Motor Speedway - Turn 1 From Mike
Turn 1 From Mike
Jackson Motor Speedway - From Rl Simmons
From Rl Simmons
Jackson Motor Speedway - From Rl Simmons
From Rl Simmons
Jackson Motor Speedway - Get Out
Get Out
Jackson Motor Speedway - Track Being Reclaimed By Nature
Track Being Reclaimed By Nature
Jackson Motor Speedway - Track Entrance
Track Entrance
Jackson Motor Speedway - Ruins
Jackson Motor Speedway - Grandstand
Jackson Motor Speedway - Straightaway
Jackson Motor Speedway - Old Snowmobile
Old Snowmobile
Jackson Motor Speedway - Infield
Jackson Motor Speedway - Tires In Infield
Tires In Infield
Jackson Motor Speedway - High Bank
High Bank
Jackson Motor Speedway - Turn
Jackson Motor Speedway - Weeds
Jackson Motor Speedway - Dick Good
Dick Good
Jackson Motor Speedway - Dunshee
Jackson Motor Speedway - Gordon Johncock
Gordon Johncock
Jackson Motor Speedway - Joy Fair Jackson From Brian Norton
Joy Fair Jackson From Brian Norton
Jackson Motor Speedway - Logan Heeney
Logan Heeney
Jackson Motor Speedway - Track
Jackson Motor Speedway - Long View
Long View
Jackson Motor Speedway - Grandstand Area
Grandstand Area
Jackson Motor Speedway - Lights
Jackson Motor Speedway - Edge Of Track
Edge Of Track
Jackson Motor Speedway - Track And Light Tower
Track And Light Tower
Jackson Motor Speedway - Turn And Light Pole
Turn And Light Pole
Jackson Motor Speedway - More Of The Track
More Of The Track
Jackson Motor Speedway - More Of The Track
More Of The Track
Jackson Motor Speedway - Old Photo From Jim Heddle
Old Photo From Jim Heddle
Jackson Motor Speedway - Program From Jim Heddle
Program From Jim Heddle
Jackson Motor Speedway - From Rl Simmons
From Rl Simmons
Jackson Motor Speedway - Old Article From Jim Heddle
Old Article From Jim Heddle
Jackson Motor Speedway - From Rl Simmons
From Rl Simmons
Jackson Motor Speedway - 1954 Ad From Jerry
1954 Ad From Jerry
Jackson Motor Speedway - May 8 1958
May 8 1958
Jackson Motor Speedway - Old Ad From Ron Gross
Old Ad From Ron Gross
Jackson Motor Speedway - Aerial Photo
Aerial Photo
Jackson Motor Speedway - 1963 Program
1963 Program
Jackson Motor Speedway - Birds Eye
Birds Eye
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