Tri-City Motor Speedway - Auburn MI

Address: 85 Wheeler Rd
City: Auburn
State: MI
Zip: 48611
County: Bay
Number of visits to this page: 34806

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Randy

Been making the rounds to some of the local short tracks and Tri City Speedway is alive and well. I also saw Rick Sigsby at Owosso on my rounds. For those of you who don't know who he is, Rick is the author of an awesome book titled Living on the Edge, a History of Auto Racing in Michigan. I bought the book when I saw him at Owosso and it is very interesting as there are chapters from interviews with numerous Michigan drivers.

Stories from Brad Keselowski to Bob Senneker to Jack Goodwin to Joy Fair. For any of you who are interested, he has the book for sale and is doing appearances thru-out MI at local tracks. It is available also by going to www dot rsigsby dot com. I think it is well worth the money and great mentions of MI history. Thanks Waterwinterwonderland for supplying us with this site to share local MI information!!. plus I have many pictures I'll be submitting very soon! thanks again.

Info Updates:
7/8/2013 - Lonnie
I was at at Tri-City on July 5th 2013 It is a well run track. Good racing lots of parking.
6/25/2012 - Randy
I went to Tri City Motor Speedway last Friday (6/22/12), had not been there in sometime but was glad I made it back and plan on going back again. The racing was top notch. Wheel to wheel power sliding into the turns w/the left front off the ground about 5 inches. Mods, Late Models, Sportsman and stocks all had a decent car count. 4 cy's were lacking though. All in all, good show, nice staff and stands were pretty packed (there were open seats, but ya had to look for them). Only negative would be the food prices (2. 50 for a hot dog / 1. 50 for a small bag of Popcorn). worth the drive. If you like dirt racing, I'd recommend checking it out at least once this year. You can still see the old 'trick track' and it was nice to sit and reminisce. Oh and the new stands were easy to navigate. Nice to see this track did not go by the wayside like so many other. Hats off to the owners and promoters of Tri City!!! Keep up the good work.
6/7/2012 - Randy
to Bob, Tri City is open and racing for the 2012 series. they have a website I sent to webmaster here. if you google Tri City Speedway Auburn, MI you will see where the link is. been some good races and crowds from what I understand, even though I have not went (yet)!!!.
6/3/2012 - Bob Turow
When is tri city to reopen?.
1/22/2012 - chris davis
In late June of 2011 the track was reopened as a 3/8 mile dirt track and had an awesome year. The new owners completely rebuilt the track moving the new dirt track to the back side of the old 1/2 mile. Classes running are late models, sportsman,IMCA modifieds, and street stocks on a weekly basis. They had some special shows to. They were winged 1/4 midgets, trucks, and open modifieds.
10/10/2011 - Bob Smith
yes the tri city speedway is a grat place to have fun amd excitment but the owner has alot to finish and do before hes ready for the big stuff.
6/25/2011 - william Hockenberry jr
I am so glad that the tri-city motor speedway is reopen and drivers let go racing.
5/25/2011 - Jordan
i know the owner steve very well, the track is done, everything is done besides a little landscaping and a few odds and ends, the first race is june 10th, the first test tune is this friday 3pm-730pm and sunday 3pm-730pm. the track looks good everythings in order, if it wasnt for rain, he would be 100% complete. hes got alot of volonteer help. very happy for him.
5/24/2011 - Tim
tricityracetrack. com says testing going on till june racing fathers day weekend.
5/5/2011 - Chris Fobbe
Dave, They have full rules posted on their website and all the divisions that they plan to run. They're running Late Models, IMCA Modifieds, Pro Stocks and Street Stocks.
5/5/2011 - Dave
just wondering why track owners are reluctant to posting what is going on at track and what type of cars will be racing. realize lots of work to be done it seems that the owners would at least know what kind of cars that are going to have run there. nice web site but not much info. will be checking in by and by.
5/4/2011 - Erich Doerr | Bay City Times
They may do that in the future but for now they are just going to operate the new dirt track. It should be a good call to get them going, there are no other dirt tracks between here and Mt. Pleasant Tune to our Bay City Times Mlive. com website for more on Tri-City Speedway this season. We've got an update article running this Friday on our site and we're hoping to give you guys a good summer of coverage.
4/18/2011 - Kelevra Greywolfe
Kind of wish they would open the ENTIRE speedway run dirt one night and asphalt the next that would be pretty awsome.
4/12/2011 - Randy
From what I have read, Tri City WILL be open for a 2011 season. In fact they are looking for volunteers 4-16 or 17th rain date to help with painting out there. Here is the tracks website - www. tricityracetrack. com.
4/8/2011 - Paul
Does anybody have any updates on what's happening with the track? I mean racing, schedules, ect.
2/27/2011 - josh
Would still like to see the 1/2 used again, very unique hate to see it go to H***.
1/6/2011 - sabrina
Yes, it is true Tri City Motor Speedway is going to be opening this summer and I know the owner. The track is going to be a dirt track and they are moving the seating and gonna try to make more parking.
12/12/2010 - Cronk
The Google map is way off for the Speedway, according to the map it's at Wheeler & 11mile, track is off 8 Mile Rd. Going north on 8 Mile will turn to gravel then a bridge over the creek & track will be on the left. Turning off Midland Rd onto 8 Mile will be hard for the big rigs so be warned. Looking at the Map you may want to keep on 75 & take the M-13 Exit. Continue north past Wilder Rd, Wheeler should be the next Rd. Turn west & then south on 8 Mile. I haven't been this way so it may be gravel rd, it's just a thought.
7/16/2010 - Bob O'Donnell
Some one has bought the track and the sign say's racing in 2011 !!! Lot's of good memories there ,do not no if they are repaving the qtr mile or not. If anyone no's email me please.PEACE
5/18/2010 - Billy Kenneth Hockenberry Jr
can you let me now if the track is reopening up again
5/8/2010 - Randy Cronk
Drove by the Tri City Speedway in Auburn, MI on the way home from Ferris Graduations 2day. There's a lot of work going on there a block building has been torn down, trenches dug and filled in already, new windows some still boarded up, Looks like maybe somebody is living there as a guard, tracks all over from equipment, backhoe on property. So it's coming alive. Still a lot of work to do.
5/8/2010 - Unknown
Drove by the Tri City Speedway in Auburn, MI on the way home from Ferris Graduations 2day. There's a lot of work going on there a block building has been torn down, trenches dug and filled in already, new windows some still boarded up, Looks like maybe somebody is living there as a guard, tracks all over from equipment, backhoe on property. So it's coming alive. Still a lot of work to do.
4/29/2010 - Billy Hockenberry jr
Hi this is Billy Hockenberry jr,

I used to help my dad, my mom, my brother, and my sister to clean up the Tri-City Motor Speedway many years. I want out there to the track when I was a little boy that time I was 3 year old but now I'm 19 years old and my favorites driver was 96 Steve and I now another driver Rode. But my dad was't to work at the pit gates he work there 4 years ago one of the owner's was Bill and I hope you will reopen this year becouse we want to it again at the Tri-Ctiy Motor Speedyway.


Billy Hockenberry jr

4/29/2010 - bill hockenberry s.r
Hi this bill
I usto work at tri-city motor speedway.
are you opining tri-city this year 2010

bill hockenberry s.r

3/21/2010 - Mike
I really hope the reopening is a success. I believe that with good managment. public support and cooperation that it will be a success. I don't like to ask for too much but I would like to see it paved, providing it has a good stable base. I personally am not a big fan of dirt tracks. I like to see the dirt on the ground where it belongs not in the stands on the ticket buyers. But if it has to be dirt, so be it. Regardless what the surface is, it's racing and good family entertainment that's what we really should strive for.
2/26/2010 - Ron Pope jr
Thank you for purchasing the race track. I look forward to seeing it reopen again and possibly racing. either way ill be there Thank again BIG FAN
1/23/2010 - BILL MURAWSKI JR
1/18/2010 - RaC
Read on their website that the sale is final.

Current status:

Finally I have good news to post. As of Monday January 11, the purchase of that track is complete. It was a lot of work in the past months to get things finished. I appreciate everybody's patience and helpful input. With it being winter outside I won't be able to make a lot of progress, but I will be ready as soon as the weather turns. I plan on going to the RPM Workshops to learn as much as possible on buliding and promoting a racetrack.

Thank You,

Steve Puvalowski
9/23/2009 - RaC
9-22-09 Went up to Big Rapids today to bring my sons broken truck home. A friend rode with me and we stopped at the closed Tri City Speedway (Oval) in Auburn MI. Weeds were dominant and some trash. My friend and I walked over to the north end of the track and peeked through the fence. I stood there and relived the racing I saw there long ago. It will need some work that's for sure but oh man what a track it will be. The banking looks progressive starting out flat at the bottom and the farther up you go the banking increases. This would be an wild Non Wing Sprint show, yeah Winged Sprints and Late Models too. There is a lot of potential but also a lot of work too. Windows have been busted out and everything needs paint, probably electrical work too. There are no parking signs along the road just in front of the Speedway but no where else on the road. Not one car went by while we were there so there's not a traffic problem. Saw new padlocks and chains on the gates and No Trespassing signs up. Not so sure about parking, maybe room for expansion over by the creek to the South of the track. The black top that was removed is piled up near what is possibly the property line to the north. I hope for nothing but the best for the new owner.
9/4/2009 - RaC
Read on another site last night that the only thing stopping it now is waiting for the fellows wife to sign off and it' will be a done deal. Steve ??? can go in and work on the property if he wants but me I'd wait. So maybe ther will be some racing there next year.
7/20/2009 - Tim
i'd love to see the d shape 1/2 mile open as dirt that would be fun to run on and watch. good luck owners i sure have missed that place. startad going in the 60's with my dad. seen ed howe and all the greats of that time.
7/19/2009 - Buzz Sodeman
On the Tri City site there's an indication that a judge will make a ruling soon.
3/16/2009 - Jason M. M.
great to hear hat off to steve and denny
3/15/2009 - Bill
Congrats to new owners. We'll support you. Dirt or paved.
3/14/2009 - MITCH C.
3/14/2009 - MITCH CLEMENTS
3/11/2009 - Terry B
Lets hope it reopens, dirt or paved we need a local track.
3/10/2009 - Tim Taylor
Track Sold at auction today for $76,000- Details coming. I hope it goes dirt, but the pavement is better than closed. Best of Luck- Toolman
3/10/2009 - Tom
the track was sold
3/10/2009 - Terry B
any info on how the auction went?
It would be great if this track reopened.
2/22/2009 - josh
The auction is coming up, anyone wanna develop a group of investors for this? I live about 2 miles from this place and really would like to see it restored and reopened. I have ideas on how to make this place reopen as a profitable business, but it would take investors, and frankly, I do not have enough capital to get the property myself, or I would.
2/18/2009 - Randy
With 50 acres of land, you could KEEP the speedway AND include / construct a 1/8 or 1/4 mile dragstrip...only a few hurdles, $$$, right owners/promoters, $$$, sponsorship, $$$, an economy upswing and $$$.
Do not get me wrong, I am not trying to rain on any parade here. I would love to see this track come back to life...I am from the Detroit area and my dad & I use to drive up there on Sundays occasionally to watch the races. It was awesome.

I think if someone (or group) got this track / property and focused on the speedway portion first, then construct a dragstrip (in time), that would be awesome...but I really hope they have patience and deep pockets.

2/17/2009 - skijosh
Lets all hope it comes back. I'm ready for some real racing.
2/17/2009 - Paul Wright
This is over 50 acres of land, maybe if the ole place can't be saved it could be developed into a 1/8 or 1/4 mile dragway. Some place closer then Ubly or Mid-Michigan would be great. Where is Don Williamson when you need him. Hey, it could be called Tri-City Dragway.
2/12/2009 - marc


2/8/2009 - Adam Robison
Does anyone know if there has been any interest in the speedway? Would be nice to see the old girl roar back to life.
10/10/2008 - Bill
I went to the township hall last week where the track is located. The clerk said no one has contacted them about the track for any reason. It would have to go back before the board to repermit as a race track. Any permitted business that is closed for more than 90 days has to reapply for their permit to do business of any kind. I'm told that it could be possible but totally up to the board. Like alot of you I took my three sons to the track for years and all, including myself, miss it. One of our fondest memories is watching the late Pat Bourdeau fighting his way from back to front of the pack night after night on the 1/4 mile.
10/9/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
savable, but already a few tracks nearby or close enough to make it tough go.
10/6/2008 - Garrett
As someone from the middle southern part of the state(Lansing area), I was never able to watch a race at this track but judging by all the interest in the track and it's current state, it must have been a great place to race. The arieal picture shows a track with a "D" shape to it, so it must have been a challenge to drive. So why doesn't someone get out there with a digital camara and take some pics of what it looks like now? Everyone below describes it as basicly junk, but some say it's still savable, which is it? And what the hell happened to it to get it in the shape that it is in? Everyone keeps giving opinions and heresay, but what ARE the FACTS? I've been checking out this site for quite a few years now and love it, but let's get more KNOWN info on here rather than all these "opinions". Memories are great, keep them coming, but let's not waste the webmasters time by posting a bunch of sensless garbage anymore. Otherwise, we may lose this wonderful forum and all it's glory due to the frustration of the webmaster having to tread through this crap to the point where he gets sick of it and just gives up (just like the owners of race tracks did). Thanks for all the memories. Let's keep this place going!
9/30/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
Build a new 1/2 mile asphalt track on the Silverdome site, surround it with drive-in movie screens and put some rides in it's parking lot. How obvious is that.
9/30/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
sabrinaeichman, I think you should look at the site more carefully before you rip on it. Tricity is and has been posted as closed for a few years now and every post on the page says how sad it is that it is closed. Obviously we all now it's closed and so does Gary. On another note, i talked with a fellow in the stands at autocity who swore it was torn down 3 years ago cause he couldn't find it. It is not torn down, just rotting sadly.
9/30/2008 - sabrinaeichman
I think you should update your website,because The Speedway is closed and has been closed for sometime now. Yeh it was a great race track I remember being in the pits with my best friend and his step brother when they still had racing and I also remember when the wind was blowing just right you can hear the race cars on the track all the way from Garfield and Salzburg. I just drove past it the other day and it is a shame that no one has bought the place and opened it up again. It would be great.
8/3/2008 - josh
I hope it gets repaved someday. The thing is that there is a lot of tracks in Michigan and there's only so many days in the weekend, I think it will be hard to reopen this. All we can do is hope.
8/2/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
Just fix the 1/2 mile already, paved or dirt. Mkae it dirt with flat turns or paved with bank. Fix the trick track, that would rule. we need another small 1/3 or 1/4 mile track like we need holes in our heads. There isn't a true 1/2 mile till Berlin!
7/27/2008 - Nate
well the last thing i herd from a co worker...his friend is on the board in auburn...he said it was bought...and that it will reopen next year....this is news as of im going to drive out to the track this weekend and see if its true......he said that they are going to run it as a dirt track....upgrad the stands..upgrade the cocessions.....i really hope this is true...i would love to here the engines bring that girl back to life
3/6/2008 - Unknown
i live about 8 miles from Tri city speedway. The last i heard on the future of the speedway was someone was thinking about makeing a Motocross track and a truck off road closed course. Like they have in Bark River Mi. But they ran into a roadblock. Seems sence it has been closed for over a year it would have to be rezoned for a race track again, and guys i dont see that happening any time soon or maybe ever. I have been out to the track and it looks like a Atom bomb went off. There is no asphalt left any place. It is very sad to see. All we can do is keep are fingers crossed. L.B. in Bay City
2/17/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
I agree with all that Randy, can't for the life of me figure out why Dixie and Toledo don't have play areas, or for goodness sakes why do none of these places have go carts. Rockford speedway does. It works great. Maybe Insurance is an issue.
2/17/2008 - Randy
I agree about a local track trying to be all NASCARY, but I was using NASCAR as a reference about being family friendly, nothing to do with the kind of racing involved. Have to think about what is happening 'these days'. The kids of today can relate to a rock climbing wall and of coarse video games. There attention span is about 5 minutes total (if that). You never see a kid just sitting watching every race. They are either in the arcade, playin on the swings/rec eq, running to get a funnel cake or hanging in the souvenir booth. Activities for the kids make for a family night out. If there is nothing else to do except watch races, the kids will get bored and the parents will not want to come. I know back in our day there were not the options of today. So sitting watching the racing was it and that is why we turned out the way we did being big fans of racing. It was either see & hear LIVE race cars or play baseball in a field or watch Soupy Sales get hit with a pie by White Fang on TV. Thing is, most couples these days have kids, if the kids can be entertained when out for a family night, then it is more apt to have parents go out to enjoy a night out. I mean, look at marketing these days...McDonalds has 'Happy Meals' for kids AND play centers and when I went to the Motor City Nationals at Milan (which had easily over 10,000 people there) they had Rock climbing, bounce houses and other activities for KIDS. Understand I do not have any young children and I am not married... so this is not me trying to promote something for my own interest, I just know that at tracks, it has to be FAMILY ORIENTATED (and I am sure track owners agree). I mean check out the kids club at Auto City. Cathy does a great job with that and it is non-stop for her. There is more behind that than we can even imagine. The tracks depend on those other revenues to exsist and create improvements. I have been on the inside of operations and believe me, it is hard to pay all the venue bills if there is only a select audience and you do not think outside the box. Here is a perfect example, the EVE of DESTRUCTION at DMS is a sellout everytime. WHY? Parents takeing there KIDS...KIDS wanna go, parents take 'em. I know it is not your cup of tea, but that marketing works for revenue. How do you think Kern afforded the lighting, new scoreboard, etc...sure wasn't by selling hot dogs. But like I said in the other posting...KIDS are the future fans...look at you, me, Nate and many others, we were kids going to local tracks and enjoyed it so much, that we are now die-hard fans trying to strive and keeping racing alive and interesting...we have to do the same for the kids in this day and age or there will be no tracks open in the future. So we have to have the kids interest as once we are long gone and hangin with Dale Sr. there has to be someone to hand the tourch to...the kids.
2/17/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
Nate, I think that's what i said in my last post, but your points are well taken. I understand what it's like to lose your favorite track. My point is I just don't see how and area with three or four tracks can support another track, and putting a track where there are none and making it useful to as many people makes since. I think Trick tracks are cool, ie Nazarerth PA. I've always wished anyone who wants to re-open Tri City good luck, and like I said I would probably go once and a while. As for Owendale they are north of PH right? As for me I will be at AC as much as possible, Toledo when it's a decent show, and Dixie too.
2/16/2008 - Nate
sean..i see what you want.and i respect that...the tracks are what they are..thats what makes them all the drivers and fans....mtc was your track and you would love to see it back right..well you want every track a tru half mile with high banked turns..that is you..personally i loved my track..ive been going there sense i was a had the best racing..all of it was,tc,dixie,owasso..all these tracks are not mtc..maybe for a reason..and the people that go there love there tracks...every track needs to be different..or we would have all mtc tracks..when you could go from track to track with never having to change your setup...boring..mtc track is dead and gone..tri city still has a chance...maybe for you thats not cool but for us up here it would be a blessing...if it did go to dirt i wouldnt care i just want to here the roar of them engines bring that old girls back to life...what made it a trick track...well i guess you never really went there..not to mention the 5 about the drop in turn about the high banked back streatch to a flat corner...not to go back along time ago when the track first open on the main streatch was a switch back witch gave the old girl the name trick track..

you have a track over by port huron and that is owendale..and they cant even get cars or fans and were talking about closing shop...yes i know if it was built like mtc then it would strive and have a road corse coming out of it...

dont think im disrespecting you im not..somethings you say have alot of merrit..but hearing about mtc track at everyboard on here is getting loved that track we all know..the same way i love my 2 track tc,ac..but to cut our track for you to put over a dead track is really not just a fan im also a driver..and until you go out there and drive each of these tracks and to find out what make them special..dont knock them and put over a dead horse...sorry if i sounded rude. you of all people should know what it is like to stare at your favorite track that does not run..but ares is still a track that could be fixed and running
2/14/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
If by trick you mean 5 turns I bet there are more, Nazereth PA was one, it's gone too. but the point is well taken that this place was special. But realistically, why not start a fresh Trick track in an area that doesn't have a track and needs one. Having lost Mt Clemens I understand the pain, and I get the feeling that Tricity was more revered than dixie, ac and owosso put together. What if the layout at AC was changed into a true half or a trick half. That's another reason I try and tell people about waterford. It's 1.42 mikles long has 11 turns and you can see the whole damn track from several places. That's pretty Trick if you ask me.
2/14/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
Yeah i hear you about the family stuff. I think some great off the track diversions, suck as a rock climbng wall like the National Gaurd took to Toledo or the arcade at AC, or the toy stage coachs at the Clem. For goodness sakes the last thing I want is for autocity to go all Nascary. Yuk, that's not even real racing. Less is more is what I say. Be cool to have a ferris wheel and some rides at the track and maybe some carnival games eh.
2/14/2008 - Randy
Sean...I hear what you are saying. I too (and many of us are) am more of a purists for racing and love our sport (yea, I said sport) unlike a basic fan that goes once or twice a year.
But if you look at the scale of NASCAR these days or even drag racing, there is more of an appeal to make it FAMILY FRIENDLY. Whiich I agree on as the saying goes 'less is less and more is more'.
In my opinion, it nice to see a family at the track and I know EVERY track owner wants to see that (sales-sales-sales). If you have your typical couple guys going and no families, it would not be enough to support the sport. Back in the days it was totally different.

There needs to be that family fun entered into the equation at every track. Look at how many kids are at AC & DMS on any given night...I know it interupts some of the racing with there events (i.e. bike races, etc.), but in this day and age, kids are the future fans. AND how many drivers have wives and children that make up even more of that dedicated fan base.

The reference to a family going to a Tigers game was to express the cost of that compared to going to a local stock car track.
Going to a racetrack is much more affordable for a family than heading to a Tigers game. AND it can be much more interactive as you can talk with the drivers unlike other professional sporting events.

I do agree if TCMS was open, it would have it's challanges as there is major competion up there with all the tracks and only 2 nights (maybe 3) avaiable for racing.

I do not see this track opening up anytime soon unless something incredible happens...and it is sad as I only see this truning into another Thunder Road
2/14/2008 - Big Block
I use to go and watch the races at Tri city on Friday nights in the 90's with my family. That was the best place to watch a Super Late Model race. Then after the place shut down, i guess some people just lost interest in this place. People you have to understand that this is the only Trick Track in the world and we have to fight to keep it alive. yes it would take a lot of money to get it going again, but hey, it is a great track and it needs to reopen because it was my favorite track to go and watch.Let's keep it alive!!!
2/13/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
Not to harp on it, but I think it bears repeating that there are 3 other tracks in the area, and a limited amount of resources, driver, fan ,weekends to support it. Although trcm's comments are negative it does speak to the fact that unlike us as kids, it seem lot's of kids would rather play video games. I think Tri City would be an amazing asphalt track anywhere else. But not with Dixie, AC, Whittemore, Owosso all that close by and everyone trying to run the same nights. There is a reason Kern went to Saturdays. If Tri-city was paved and ran Fridays I might make the drive, but rarely, much too far. Randy, what you say about driving to see the Tigers is very valid. And things like that are expensive. Plus I think it's about the racing for me, not family fun. Don't much care about that aspect, though I know from playing on the stage coaches at Mt. Clemens as a kid, that that is very important to the sport. Still it's apples to oranges for someone like me. Tigers or factory Stocks and Late Models and Modifieds. No contest, racing wins every time. In fact there aren't many things for me that racing doesn't trump I still say do it between Detroit and Port Huron.
2/13/2008 - Randy
Very positive thinkin there tcmsrocks...that sounds good for the economy and enthusists alike. Forget hiring anyone for a job thru the summer, forget about the local race fan willing to spend there $ for a family night out locally.
I am sure that the Tri-City area folks would much rather drive a few hours to go see a Tigers game...heck with the cost of gas, food / drinks and don't forget the $15 to$25 to park, I think that would make for a much better economical situation and of coarse help the city of Detroit, they do have a lot of bills to pay.

For a minute there I thought your name stood for Tri-City Motor Speedway Rocks...but I guess that was my positive opinion reading it.

Not trying to bash you...just wondering why so negative. If this is not your thing, no need to wish for it not to be open. I know there are fans AND drivers that DO wish this track to be open. Heck, maybe your mom & dad would want to go back there someday.
2/12/2008 - tcmsrocks
Why do people like tri city motor speedway so much? Every since i was a little kid i have went to tri city to wach races. My mom and dad thought it was so cool. I had other thoughts. Tri city was very boring and lame. I hope that it never opens up.
2/5/2008 - tcmsrocks
I think that if they opened they should run on friday nights, and they should have a few main events there a year, for the super late models.
2/4/2008 - josh
It is a shame to see that track just sitting their. I Grew up going there with my parents. Tri city is an exiting track. I hope to see it repaved open again. I would love to race their someday (If I ever start racing).
1/27/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
According to the Owosso page they are anything but quitting and are going full boar into 2008 with full programs and intending to run Friday nights. They are working on the county right now, to expand the nights in which they can run. I agree that Tri city repaved would be a great track, i simply don't know how the racing scene could support it, or if it could have, why it didn't.

I would love to live in a place where I had 4 or 5 tracks to go to, believe me i literally have dreams about it all the time. Me I'll be hoping and praying as usual for something close to Detroit, because flatrocks a bowl, toledos prgram is no good and $4 a gallon is coming soon and 250 miles round trip ain't gonna get it. But good luck, I hope it does reopen, paved. I'll make a few trips for sure.
1/26/2008 - Nate
ok first..the guy for owasso has already quit...and tri city repaved is the great late model track..drivers would come from all it was advertised for a big race..make it pay really well..and they will come...dixie will be back to friday soon enough..but that would be the night for tri city...standish needs to be scooped up....great track there to....
1/25/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
I don't know what night they would run? Where would the cars and drivers come from? There are already about four decent tracks in that area trying to run Friday and Saturday. Land is worth a lot more these days as a strip mall than as a track and we live in a bottom line culture. Racing is very expensive now days.

Plus nobody seems to know very much about how to market outside their own tiny demographic. We are in the midst of a recession, people have about a billion more choices entertainment wise. This isn't 1955, realistically how could this possibly work. I say again, build a decent REAL1/2 mile and put that track where there isn't one (between Port Huron and Detroit), near a major population center (Metro Detroit), just look at all the traffic on the MCRT page.

Lastly, market it to someone besides the average racing fan (30 to 50 year old white guys). Nothing stays the same and if it does it withers and dies. True this demographic may be the core of support. Look at all the major sports including NASCAR (Worst Racing Ever) and see how they have grown themselves by going outside the box. You will never open or reopen a track unless you consider these things. I like what Joe Dewitt has doing and according to what randy says, this looks like it is going to be an awesome year, I only wish he would make AC into a true half mile in the Mt Clemens style. And Kern is going a bit outside the box. You also have to love the enthusiasm with which the guy from Owosso gets after it.
1/23/2008 - tcmsrocks
I think that somebody should by tri city and repave it, and run super late models there. I have a buddy that is in love with this track and hates to see it sitting there rotting away.
1/18/2008 - Randy
Here is a little bit of history I found about Tri-City:
Tri-City Motor Speedway opened in 1947 as a dirt track. Sometime during the 50s or 60s, the track was enlarged to an unusual 1/2 mile 5 turn irregular shape, and paved. The track was shut down from July 6th, 2001 to August 21, 2003 when the current owners took over. The track was converted to clay and shortened to 1/4 mile for 2005 season.

Which of coarse never re-opened as it has been stated on here!

12/31/2007 - Jeff
Just a thought. I remember back in the 50's and I think all through the 60's they raced on Thursday night's. They always had alot of cars and fans. I realize that was 35-45 years ago. Like I said this is just a thought The purses weren't that big back then , but they still drew a crowd and cars.
12/28/2007 - Randy
Another comment: If you take Penske n Roush out of the mix and think of a NEXTEL CUP driver investing...again, I think that weather is not appealing up here for that kind of investment. Most (I think) want to be in the Carolina's or even south of there. I cannot imagine a Harry Gant, Mark Martin, Bill Elliot or even a Rusty Wallace wanting to invest, construct and live part-time in the MI area due to weather (not even thinking of the economy). And the 'new breed' drivers I cannot imagine them being up here either as there are no (hard) roots to MI. Again, this is just my opinion.
I do hope all that read, post and view on here have a SAFE and ENJOYABLE 2008!!!
12/26/2007 - Randy
Follow up on the Penske / Roush suggestion...the MI area does not lend it's self to a 'seasonal' test track either. Figure if they were interested in building a track, it would have to be practical for there use of persay - testing. And with the weather we have up here, it would not seem the likely spot.
Maybe when they retire (?).
But if ya think about it, how come none of the dragstirp icons from back in the day build/invest in a Detroit dragstrip or even par-take in the ones that are teatering on closing?
12/21/2007 - Randy
Bill...good suggestion, but I am pretty sure the Benson's are very involved with Berlin as that is were there roots are. And I do not think they have as deep as pockets as a Stewart or Schrader.
It would be nice to see someone with roots to the Detroit area build a 'variety track' (i.e. oval/road coarse/dragstrip).
Of coarse the two names that come to my mind (that have the $ backing) are Penske and Roush. Obviously both have roots in road racing, oval and open wheel. BUT would it be profitable for them? That is the question...I am sure they would like that idea (and it would make for a prefect test track), BUT again, I know they would not want to build a track for the fun of it (I don't think so anyway).
Just my opinion...
I do want to wish evevryone on here (and the webmaster Gary) an AWESOME HOLIDAY and a SAFE AND FUN NEW YEAR.
12/21/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Tricity,autocityand dixieand and owosso and whittemore. Idon't hink thereare enough nights in the weekend. Why will no one build a track between port huron and detroit where there are actually people to support it. Build a dirt track outside a pavement track maybe. One facility
12/20/2007 - bill murawski
10/21/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Change is inevitable. I like Randy's version more that the alternative. Closing Tracks. I have some suggestions too. Those are great ideas Randy, and maybe it would work, but you'd have to kill lot's of Egos. But Friday Dixie, Sat Autocity and Sunday Owosso sounds great is the way to go. What about day racing for gosh sakes. Going to the Clem for an early season day race was the best. Ultimately I still say the Detroit are needs a decent Half Mile. Please don't anyone say what about Flat Rock. And let's be honest ARCA shows leave a lot to be desired when compared with a Mike Kern or Autocity production. It's a bowl. Make Hazel Park into a stock Car track....

Now, I have always preached strength in numbers so no offense intended to the purists, god knows I love Detroit Iron more than most, ( I have owned a slew of old MOPARS ) but for all those folks that can't get over gingoism stop reading now, for the rest of us living in 2007 what about a division for four cylinders not based on bombers but for tuned Hondas and neons and Cavilaers that all the younger folks who we need to grow this sport can relate to.Sorta like LateModel four bagers. Remember the Supersixes at Mt Clemens? We need these people for the sport. And let's be honest, there is no such thing as an American car anymore anyway. My old Toyota was made in California by American workers while the Silverado, Escape and Neon down the street are made in Mexico. Start including relevant cars in the racing and you will attract more drivers and fans from a more varied demographic. Like NASCAR has. As far as factory stocks, wouldn't you love to see a real, modern Dodge Charger or Ford Five Hundred out there. Or even try inviting the sporty car guys from Waterford to come out and run a few races as a traveling division.
10/12/2007 - Randy do have a point about track locations and proxcimity to each other. BUT to fight the economy and to make things easier on the drivers. I think (only my opinion) that tracks in close areas SHOULD WORK TOGETHER to make it good for all of them.

Let's use Dixie, Auto City and Owosso for example...three tracks, three nights/day (FRI-SAT-SUN). IF they all worked together...and thinking "outside the box" - they could make a schedule so EACH track gets a Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday afternoon - every year, change up the nights so it is fair to each track. AND to keep the tracks alive (and I know this is a stretch) have a MULTI TRACK FUND to help the track that might not be doing as well as the other. Special events could be alternated as well to balance the costs and profit. Imagine a THREE DAY INVITATIONAL EVENT at 3 different tracks.

I know it is reaching...but I really think there could be strength in numbers. Even staffing could possibly be the same (i.e. flagmen, officials, etc.). That way all the rules would be the same for each track and more fair racing (well hopefully) and the cars could all show up without having to make changes.

AND there could be a balanced track operation. Not just one person taking the brundt of complaints or making all the decisions. Have a democracy type operation.

That is my 'thinking outside the box' idea...thing is, in these days and times, it is hard for one individual to carry the burden of $$$. BUT three together as a unity could help each other. It is like a multi car race team.
10/11/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Too many tracks in one area, not enough in another. Detroit area is starving for a decent 1/2 run right, which Toledo ain't. Maybe if Autocity went back to dirt and Dixe stayed paved and owosso's population doubled. sadly racing is way to expensive these days to support so many tracks. Why is there no racing at the grass roots level. What about some open four cylinder racing in a field. It's not 1950 anymore. If we want to get back to a strong scene we have to think way outside the box.
10/10/2007 - Race Fan
Saturday night dirt track would be great. I think tri city is a good set up for dirt .
10/9/2007 - Randy
Well...just my opinion, but I think if they ran on Saturday, that would be tough due to Mt. Pleasent and Owendale. Someone or all would suffer. Friday Night would be a good choice...but here is an idea (here I go thinking outside the box again) - but what about SUNDAY AFTERNOON RACING. start the races at 1 or 2 pm and you would be able to offer the drivers from the other tracks around a THIRD night of racing (if they were already commited to a FRI & SAT). And this could give the spectators another option too. IF it did not succeed, then make a different decision. And for those die-hard NASCAR fans - give updates on the race so the fans can keep up with that.

I know Saturday night is a perfect night for racin, but I really think the competition between the three tracks would not benifit any one of them.

But I guess first off, have to get this track open!!!

10/9/2007 - nathan
well you have the dirt track now,,i would take the half mile out and put dirt..and run friday or much potential here
10/4/2007 - Bob W
I forgot the Civic Center in Saginaw was changed to the Dow Event Center. can't remember what year it was changed. if tri-city did reopen what nite would they run?
10/2/2007 - Randy
Bob...good idea...if DOW could see something in it for them, it could be very probable. Will take some research and need to get Mr. Frank Bateman to work with DOW and not to scare them off (no offense Mr. Bateman).

BUT this is all doable...if it was all a 'go', I could see this getting the makeover next summer and have a few invitational races in 2008 to set up a 2009 full season.

And thanks Nate for the props!!! I wish I lived closer to that area...
9/28/2007 - Nate
bob that is good thinking but how do you get that idea to them,that makes really good sense..i dont know anyone from the corporate side of big wigs for me...randy your the brain of this operation how would you do this
9/21/2007 - Tom
well the pictures of the track and facility look really nice.have you folks seen it lately. it will take a ton of cash to get it back in order.where is frank bateson

and would he lease this place. could be something with the right people. i never really liked the half mile but sure have alot of memories there in the 80s

i would really like to see that dirt track open dirt is the wave.
9/18/2007 - Bob W.
Maybe dow chemical would be interested in the speedway. They built a baseball stadium for the great lake loons and they just signed a deal to sponsor a boat race in bay city. Auburn is between midland and bay city, so lets have dow speedway open.
9/6/2007 - Randy
Bob W...the picture still defines the track...totally understand being from 1974.
8/30/2007 - Nate
i agree..this was a great track,,bateson you should reopen it..or someone should
8/27/2007 - Randy
Mr. Bateson, is there any word on forward motion regarding Tri-City? Has there been any offers? Is there anything in the works?

Have you ever thought of a partnership with a prospective company or personnel? What about leasing the track?

Have you been marketing it as a 'speedway' for sale or just the land?

I hope that this track can make a comeback...such a waste of a good track.
8/22/2007 - Bob W
Sorry my pic wasn't better. It from 1974.
8/3/2007 - Randy
Bob W....send those pics in, would be great to see more of this place!!!
8/3/2007 - Bob Wiergowski
8/2/2007 - Nate
i believe they did...way back in the day,,,cuz dixi use to run sundays,i believe the line up was dixie,ac,tri city i think thats they way it use to be
7/30/2007 - Randy
Thanks Laura for that memory as well...I agree with Nate! I have to say my one stand out memory is when Stan Yee (owner of the #33 car that races at Flat Rock with Stan yee JR. driving) brought up a bran-new camaro with a custom 'metalic orange' paint job and during qualifing Marv Parenteau (driver back then) plunged it right into the turn 1 they never got to enter into one race. It was in the fall as Stan Yee was testing the car for Mt. Clemens next year of racing. I think this was on a Sunday as it was very sunny out but chilly. Nate, did Tri-City ever race on back then my dad and I were always at Mt. Clemens on Saturdays.
7/26/2007 - Nate
it sure is good that someone comes on here besides us three..sean,randy,i..and im glad im not the only one who remembers that stuff...loura make sure you come back now ya here
7/25/2007 - Laura
Hey I just wanted to let you all know that it is sad that the place is not open. I do rember the night when Pat Burdow went home and changed the engine and came back and stomped the field. Also rember Pete Weiss hitting that telephone pole. Tri City Motor Speedway is where i first meet my husband ! 21 years ago. And we are still both avid race fans. Local track all over the state and Nascar also. If and when Tri City opens back up I will come to the races Great place to watch a good race and hang out with friends. Laura
6/3/2007 - Nate
hey guys i loaded the pics i have on here i have a ton of them so check them out randy i sent you a email i dont know if you got it or not....but i do have some good pics
5/22/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Nate I know how you feel driving by Tri City. Sometimes when I'm just going for a drive to think I find myself on North River Road, by the Clem. It breaks your heart. Good luck with TriCity. If it does happen, someone please make sure it is a full half mile at least. I went to Auto city this weekend and the announcer kept calling that 4/10's track a half mile. I wish it was. Miss representation is annoying. Dixie is better, but nothing compares to the high banks of Toledo. On the kids note, hasn't anyone figured out that a go cart track for the kids, and grown up kids is almost a no brainer? And remember the stage coaches in the play area at MCRT. The rock wall at Toledo was awesome.
5/22/2007 - Nate
well guys im sorry for getting excited. this track as a kid meant the world to me along with dixi and auto city we spent every weekend at the tracks. i have a hard time driving buy that place and memories start cumming pat burdow blowing his engine in the first heat race running the car back to kochville putting an engine in it returning just in time to run the feature and stomped about pete weiss him and ed howe running down the back strech when ed let off cuziing weiss to hit the teleponepole at 120...asa race ed how butch miller with ed landing on the hood of miller...jason gimple winning track championship against lee wackerly right down to the end...the pink panther kevin grizzel who could forfet him.(he still races in batesville ar). we were good friends with the bourdow family and pat..weiss was like the friend of the family i grew up calling uncle...alot of work has to be down to this facility.theres no doubt about it..i would gladly volunteer for anything that has to do with it,even if i had to wash the walls with a toothbrush i would do it and have a smile on my face..i think just being apart of the rebuild would be satisfiying randy i shure wish you had a couple of million.your ideas could make a track work..but lets leave the road course out..drag stripp cool, but out side the track cannot put it in a race track. that would take away from the races if you sit to low then you have to bob and weve your head i hate that...what about what belin does and has a fair on the grounds of the raCE when your done the kids can ride the rides and hang out and thats a race night i think you would have to race more then just day a week big big events run like wensday...regular show thursday or sunday..cant mess with the other facilities.there estiblished...winter run snowmobile races quad races..big wheel racies for the kid a must a play ground a must...rc races for the kid with trophies..during intermision,,fire works more then once a year...more fan friendly events with drivers....i must say kern has done an excelent jod. but i would love to try my hand at it.with my track
5/22/2007 - Randy
Sean , exactly...any track that has a scheduled season of racing should not make the races suffer to host a 'special event' - either make it part of the night 'stratigicly' or make it a 'seperate event'. burping contest is not a good crowd pleaser and only takes up race time and if there is threatening weather, the special night could either be postponed or compensated to the fans somehow. The rock wall is a good idea...heck, ya wanna relate to Mt. Clemens, they had a play ground behind the stands back in the day with swings and such (and that was in the 60's). I have a good amount of ideas of promotions for race nights that I think would be entertaining. It is all on how it is promoted...again, look what the Kerns are doing at Dixie. It would be great to see Tri-City come back to life...just need to give it CPR and get some owners and management that want to make it happen and "have an open ear AND can think outside the box"
5/18/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Randy i hear you about the family value thing and a bike give away or a school bus figure eight now and then is alright. However it seems to be over done a lot. I remember big wheel races at MCRT, and that was really cool for the kids and actually got them involved. I also remember the Stage Coaches. A few weeks back at Toledo the National Guard brought out a rock climbing wall, that was really cool. And Rockford speedway always had a soaped up go cart track. That stuff is cool because it doesn't impact the show. What I'm saying about gimmicks is that I have been to shows where the gimmick events are poorly scheduled and take away from the actual racing. I remember a bike give away or something with rain looming once or twice at least. A burbing contests? yeesh, didn't need to see that. I enjoy a school bus figure eight now and then myself. And who could forget the dirt figure eight at Owosso a couple years back. All these things are great as long as the show doesn't suffer.
5/18/2007 - Randy
Sean, I know what you're sayin about the gas prices. I use to travel around to the local tracks alot, but even last year, I cut back due to the increase of gas prices. Now with this dramatic increase in gas (still can't figure out why oil changes have not increased) I again have to be selective on when and where I go to this season. But wether it be Dixie, Auto City, Owendale, Flat Rock, Owosso, etc...I will still try to make it around the surrounding circuit to do my best to support the local tracks and if Tri-City was open, I would definatley make it up there at least a couple times. I also agree about 'good competetive' racing being a major factor for the race fan, but for the once maybe twice family that goes to the races in a year, you almost need to have a 'catch or gimmick' for the draw. Racing, to a certain degree, is a form of entertainment...and if you have a family, the 'kids' need to be entertained, weather it be a demo derby, school bus figure 8, fireworks or even a multi bike giveaway (i.e. like Owendale has done). There has to be some sort of spark to get those families to come out along with the every week race fan. I have posted on the Thunder Road area that the potentional new owners that were looking to buy that tack and refirbish it, that they look here to contact the owner of Tri-City...who knows, maybe they are still wanting to get a track up and going. Thanks waterwinterwonderland for lettting us all share our memories and voice out opinions on this form....what a great site this is!!!!!
5/17/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Nate I'm not floppin. I do think Tri City is a good idea, for the people that live in that area, which I don't. You say you live twenty minutes from Tri City and that's great, but I live near Mt Clemens and can't afford 40 bucks in gas and a four hour commute two ways to go to a race. And you have to figure out why it didn't make it in the first place, which I confess I don't know. Promotion? Management? To Many tracks close together? People also seem to have a lot of different opinions as to what the condition is of Tri City. If someone with the money can fix it, good for them, good for everyone! What I have always said regarding anyone doing a new track anywhere or restoring an existing track is that it should be at least a half mile in length, have soft-walls where needed and no walls where not needed, a dedicated fire truck, concentrate on good racing , not gimmicks, and it'd be very nice if it had a road course and could be a multiple use facility, given the value of land, and be close to a major population center and be marketed outside what the demographic is of the average bud drinking race fan. NASCAR has certainly figured out that last part, even if it's all they've figured out. Randy is right, building a new track near the D would take serious cash. Where are those Neederlanders and Davidsons???
5/17/2007 - JAK
I love the description of the volcano. And hopefully its true. This track has the reputation at the trick track. I've heard of ASA drivers that won't race on the track because its so tricky. I've always wanted to try racing. But neither the time and especially the money. I hope that someday I can do that, and Tri City will be my first track to race on. "We shall rise from the ashes Just as the phoenix lifted itself out." Kathy J Lair
5/16/2007 - Randy
First off, I want to say "Thank you Nate"...and the Kerns DO know what the fans/drivers and staff want. They do make it very family friendly and put on an entertaining show. When I was there a couple weeks ago, when there was 'down time' Mike Kern and Larry Loyns conversed about 'back in the day' and it was very interesting and passed time well. I look at the Kerns as the Humpy Wheeler of the thumb area. And that is the kind of person (family or group) that needs to take charge of Tri-City. Someone that had the passion and dedication to be successful. If there is that passion in your heart to be successful, you will prevail. And that 1/2 mile is a total 'trick-track' and could be used as the attention getting portion of publicity. Heck, throw in a figure 8 and tell me fans wouldn't show up for those (and add in trailer races, school bus, etc on the 8). And what about a good ole 'demolition derby'...almost like the Kerns "Eve Of Desrtuction" night. And I know there has got to be junk/scrap yards up that way that would want a piece of that action. Oh that sounds like a promotion idea to get more vender involvment. And I have a few other ideas as well that would work for a track trying to get up and running! Again...just my thoughts and opinions. I do like the comparison to a sleeping volcano. Sean, I like your enthusiasm and dream of a MCRT somewhere...maybe not here at Tri-City, but around Selfridge 'would' be great...but that would definatly take some big $$$ and huge companies to develope and clear all the red tape for that one. Neederlanders, where are you???
5/15/2007 - Nate
sean i like what you say sometimes .but randy is right on the money everything randy has said has made sense..sean you flip flop you go from likeing it to we need a mt clemons well i hope they bring tri city back in one way or another. the track is not is just out of commision right now someone get there head out of there butt.and figure out how to run a race track to bring alive it has a better chance then say a mt clemons....this track has way to much history to to pronounce me its a sleeping valcano waiting for the earthquake to make it wake up...everything is there i live 20 minutes from the track the half mile is still there they did not screw up the third wall and if it ready to to fall over lets redo money is the problem here...a good promoter is the problem here.. if kern owner of dixi bought this just imagine what he could do to this facility...that man has done more for dixi then dixi has done in its hay day...dixi was about to die it was on life support...kern took over and look at it now..the best speed plant in this state..along with berlin the potentiional is there do not pronouce this track as dead or wasted space
5/14/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Randy, I like the enthusiasm, but like I say, from a selfish perspective it's just too far away from the D for me. But if it is redone it has to be a half mile, a big half. Good luck though. What about near Selfridge or even Metro? On another note, I actually saw a good show at Toledo the other night. The extra division on the Half made it worth it. Dixie has a good show this week!
5/14/2007 - Randy
Sean, I agree, tear down the walls except for the frontstretch...make it a safer barrier one...and tires work just fine adsorbing the impact. Gravel too is a good idea. See this track could be a revitalized track of the 'new era'. Only thing missing is a new owner that has the money and most of all 'the passion' of wanting to be successful. I am wanting to head up to the track someday to see what kind of condition it is in. If I do I will take camera (and if I can access the grounds without getting arrested) and get some shots.
5/11/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
The next short track built should be state of the art safety wise and a good 1/2 mile. Don't really like walls around tracks so that seems ok. Gravel traps work better and are rarely lethal, so get rid of the walls all together accept on the front stretches and it would save money and doctor bills and even lives. While we're on the subject how about safer barriers and dedicated fire trucks. Saw a Formula car stuff it into the wall at Waterford on Sunday and come out none the worse for wear. They have tire barriers and space between the track and the barriers.
5/11/2007 - Randy
Tim...I totally understand what you are saying. I just try to look at the positive end of things. I do not think tracks are 'dead' until there is a new facility built on that site. I remember back when Auto City was dirt and had that big high bank. Then with some thought and $, lo-n-behold, they created a asphalt track and did a huge makeover which is holding it's own now. I have to say, I see a diamond in the rough there at Tri-City. I know what it was, and I think with the right 'owners and planning' there could be a referbishing. I have not been up there to look at the condition, but I also know there were potentional buyers for Thunder Road (dirt track as well) and that track is in very sad shape, but they has a vision and wanted to bring it back. Unfortunatly the city and county put up the road blocks. Until there is a condo complex or new strip mall in it's place, Tri-City to me will not be gone.
5/9/2007 - Tim
Sorry Randy you forgot Mt Pleasant,Crystal And Merritt all dirt. both can be exciting but the thing here is tri city was great in its day like John Wayne,Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda but they all died. Its sad but its time to let Tri City Motor Speedway rest in peace. Go look at it its to far gone. they removed dirt that holds up the 1/2 mile wall for the 1/4 mile redo and destroyed both the 1/2 wall is about to fall down in turn 3 area. RIP Tri City Speedway
5/8/2007 - Randy
I have to say, whether it be dirt or asphalt, there has got to be a "plan" and "direction" of the goal. If there were not enough funds to convert to dirt, then a better plan should have been approached. I can relate to the dirt track being easier on the pocket book (I love both dirt & pavement being a true race fan), but - a basic family going to the races to enjoy a night or two thru the summer, it does not appeal to that family to get covered in dust and dirt. Asphalt is cleaner for the fans (and there food/drink) and much easier to dry up if rain is a factor. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying anything against dirt, but look at the tracks that are attracting the crowds (Dixie, Auto City, Owosso, Flat Rock, Berlin, all asphalt). I do wish someone with the right mindset and enough $ would take charge of this track and keep it finish the dirt project or back to pavement, whichever. Waterwinterwonderland is such an awesome site!!!
5/7/2007 - Adam Robison
I think that switching the track to a 1/4 dirt track was a great idea providing the funds were there to follow thru with it. Dirt track racing is considerably less expensive from a racers perspective which generally means larger car counts. The 1/2 mile asphalt track has a reputation if being a BIG motor/High dollar speedway and if you want to be competive, money and motor are required. No one wants to run in the back. A well promoted dirt bullring was a great idea, lets hope someone coughs up the $$$ to finish it.
5/6/2007 - Nate
i agree with randy. but tri city is the trick track have to leave the half mile alone that make it one of a kind.the money for the dirt should of been spent ont the existing track for updates and so on. give it a face lift you miight say.and yes you need to broadcast that you are having an event. and radio,tv,what ever you have to the owner said contact him for track info.maybe kern will buy this one two and do what he did for dixi..thats a man who knows what hes doing..they should all talk lessons from him
5/1/2007 - Randy
I have to say, there are numerous elements that enter into success of any business. The owners need to have the right management and all have to be on the same page. Can't have the inmates running the aslyum.

Promotions are a huge part of putting butts in those seats and being near a population does play into it a bit (but look at Owendale and Owosso for example, they are out in farmland but still exist).

Another factor is being fair. And I mean to all included, fans, participants and staff. Regarding admission, payouts, staff pay, upkeep of the grounds, etc.

I think that Tri-City has a very good facility (stands, consessions, pits, etc.) and not being near Detroit is not a factor I don't think. There is Saginaw / Bay City / Auburn / Midland that have good population and are cities that are closer by. I do agree, you have to let the people know that you have an event happening.

My opinion is, when that dirt was dumped on the track, the money that was used to do all that excavating and transport should have been used in a different direction, like using what was there, just doing a make over and get the track opened, then get the ball rolling to a status of possibly doing a dirt track in a season or two in the future. Bad planning with the dirt in my opinion.

And as far as building a track closer to the "D" the saying goes, build it and they will come. I agree about a multi-purpose track. How about a "Motor City Speedpark" - a dual oval (1/4/ & 1/2) built like Mt. Clemens and a Dragstip down the center. And add in a road coarse. Imagine Friday night road racing, Saturday night stock car racing and Sunday afternoon drag Memorial day, 4th of July and Labor day special events...I could go on and on...but it is only thoughts of what could be. It is nice to keep the dream alive!!!
4/28/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
is the half mile still in existence and good enough to be fixed or would it be just like building a new track on the Tri-City site? Yes it's true you would have to build a track around the Clem but so what? It's about time. And like I said a one use facility makes no sense. Get everyone that likes different types of racing involved. I go to Waterford and wonder where would've been the best place to integrate an oval. Put a Road Course, an oval and heck even throw in a dirt oval. strength in #s. Ever look at a proving ground from the air? they have it all. Toledo is far away from people on the North east side of the D and let's be honest, Toledo's regular program is severely lacking because no one down there supports the track enough to have more than one sparsely populated division on the 1/2 per regular show, it isn't even promoted on Detroit sportstalk radio and Flat Rock is just too small. No comparison to Mt Clemens, not even close. I won't even waste my time going to a 1/4 mile. I like staightaways. Tricity would be really cool cause it's a trick track. But it's still to far North for Metro Detroiters to sink their teeth into. You need a population to support a track. You need to draw people to a track that aren't willing to take 6 hours on a friday or saturday and spend 40 bucks in gas. They have to live near by. Your point about not promoting is well taken, but it looks to me like none of these tracks knows what a TV commercial or radio spot is. I call WDFN during the NASCAR show and say, "Hey, why aren't you taliking about local racing". Probably because only Waterford has the sense to advertise on the radio. If all the tracks got together and said we want a show on DFN or XYT there would be one.
4/27/2007 - Nate
but see the problem with that is that now you have to build a track around mt clemsons.yes it would be a great place to build one or reopen one.the market would be good but you do have flatt rock and toledo in that vicinity..but tri city could now be the only dirt track with ashfault half mile you could run them both on one night that would be so cool and completely original noone has that. the grand stands are still in good shape the consessions are in good shape.the rest rooms are good but could add more...the reason the track couldnt stay open is he didnt know how to promote the track and he didnt have to money to pay the supers there not going to cum out for 500 to win i wouldnt tires cost more the that and from week to week he would change the rules on would show up from the rules of last week and wouldnt b able to run becuz he change the rules thats not right.if only we could get like toney stewert and some of his friends to buy it,or even ed howe he knows what drivers what and what drivers need.chas could do it as well it is just a shame to see that track withher away like it is and noone caring
4/25/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
I like the idea of people doing something as a club, but thinking about it, as sad as it is to say, there are already two tracks right there, Dixe and Autocity. Could it compete, why didn't it last in the first place? Why not do something closer to Mt Clemens where there is a need to fill. Tri City is great if you live up that way, but for those of us in southeastern Mich it's a a pain in the butt to drive 250 miles and 4 hours round trip, especially with gas what it is. jJst wouldn't be feasible. I like the idea of taking extra land from Selfridge ANG across from the old site of MCRT.
4/24/2007 - Nate
i say we all pitch in and buy the track like the one guy said we cut the right deals we can get sponsors.i grew up at that track.that is a complete waste of one of the best tracks..they ran it right into the ground..pat burdow made me and my family welcomed at every race we got to be good friends with him.pete weiss was another one i love that track and with a little help it could be the same again as when i was a kid... i would love to get involved with anything on trying to reopen
4/24/2007 - Eric
Any idea what the price tag is?
4/8/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
I have to say, I like pavement better. I hope you open as something though.
4/7/2007 - bill murawski
Frank is the track opening as dirt hopefully, or boring pavement ?
4/3/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
I hope they fix the 1/2. Why would anyone want another 3/8 or smaller track. BORING! What should be done is a true half with longs straights, once again like Mt Clemens, you know for speed.
4/1/2007 - josh
Do you think the 1/2 mile will ever be raced again?
3/30/2007 - Frank A. Bateson
I would like to answer some of the questions and claims about Tri-City Motor Speedway. One, I own the track, two the track will not open in 2007 and three yes the track is for sale.I would really like to see the track open again.I know the race fans and the drivers enjoyed going there.If there is someone who is interested buying please let know.
3/29/2007 - josh
Ever since I was little I've went to tri city with my mom and dad. I have family that has raced their. I always loved friday nights, that was the day to go. I remember seeing Souve, Higgins, Pat Bourdow, and Norm Davis battling for the win. I hope nothing was done to the tricky 1/2 mile. I would love to see it open again so we can see the drive try to taim the track once again. And I would like to say i'm sorry for the death of Pat Bourdow. He was an excellent driver and person.
3/5/2007 - Randy
It is not always about one person funding a whole project. Just look at even the NASCAR owners, Rousch / Fenway, Sabates / Ganassi, can be about partnership. Also about sponsor involvement. For instance, if there is a landscape company up there that would want to get involved, the owners could put there name all over everything including the program and have them do the grounds. Same goes with an excavating company, towing company, beer, soda, etc. Just have to cut the right deals and fine 'racing enthusiast' companies to get involved. It's all about working together, not just one person pulling the wagon. That is just my take of it, I know, it is easier said than done...! I want to think positive that this track is not over...I hope it does not end up like Thunder Road's situation on a come back.
2/26/2007 - Sandi
Lenny: From what I heard from a realtor last spring, the owner (not Kamly's) wanted roughly $425,00 and that doesn't include the major renovation one would have to put into it. And if the Kamly's couldn't make a go of it at the price they paid, unsure how anybody but Bill Gates could afford to reopen the track. But hey, maybe there's somebody out there with deep pockets we don't know about.
2/22/2007 - BILL MURAWSKI JR
lenny the 1/4 mile was taken out for the dirt track. i would think there would be people willing to help ? if they knew the track was going to open. i think with the right staff the track could make lots of money. we need a good dirt in the in this location to open. the grounds do need work the track has been closed , i think for 4 years?
2/15/2007 - Lenny
I am new to the Auburn area. I have plenty of racing experience in the Northeast lower peninsula, including 1o plus years of complete racing season's at Onaway Motor Speedway. I have always wanted to race at the Tri-City Speedway and was quite disappointed to hear it was still closed down. A few questions i would like answered are; Is the track for sale? If so, how much? Does any one have pics of the torn up areas? And finally, if purchased, how much participation and co-operation would be available by driver's and/or community could a new owner expect? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
1/17/2007 - Adam Robison
History for now unfortunately. It sounds like the facility is really tore up and no one has the money to finish it. Sad.
1/15/2007 - JEFF YAX
Has anyone heard if Tri-City will even be open in 2007 or are they history? Jeff
1/9/2007 - Sean Fitzgerald
Hey Randy, it is a shame that these tracks are being killed by ignorant civic officials, incompetent ownership, and developer greed. I still say closer to the Detroit area would work. We need a large population base with enough entertainment $$ to make it work. I've only been to Northville Downs (or any horse track) once and all I kept thinking was, we could race cars year round here. Heated stands, and a bar and grill. Make it multi use. Build a place like that for racing, concerts, flea markets, trade shows, carnivals, fairs. Make it mostly indoors to keep down the noise. Then again, I am not Bill Gates.
1/2/2007 - Randy Adam
Bill / Sean, I wrote in Thunder Road's info that those potentional owners should look at purchasing Tri-City. If they want to invest and open a Northern Thumb track, this WOULD be the track to re-open as it does not need the amount of repair that Thunder Road would need. And the county/city would probably be more cooperative. Well, I can't wait for the 2007 race season to start...looks like it's back to the ole reliables of Flat Rock, Auto City, Dixe, Owosso, Owendale and all the others that are about a tank full of gas away from Det. I will still support local racing (tracks & drivers) no matter what. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL LOCAL RACE FANS and FANS of Waterwinterwonderland!!!
12/31/2006 - Bill Murawski Jr.
The new dirt track that they had put in would be a great place to race. I ran my car on it , its big wide and lots of room to race. dirt late models are the hot ticket, so are a good class of street stocks. this would be the track to get running.
12/29/2006 - Sean Fitzgerald
what a ridiculous waste of a potentially great 1/2 mile. All the tracks are getting TOO small.
12/18/2006 - Shane
Last I heard they were gonna use that for pit road
10/18/2006 - Jim Little
Using Google Earth you can see that the dirt track only covers the front stretch of the quarter mile. Meaning the surface of the 1/2 mile might still be good. Is the track for sale? It would be fun to see Ed Howe and Joy Fair go at it again.
9/30/2006 - Terry B
I remember in the 80's when Ed Howe brought a V6 out and mopped the feild. I miss going to the track on Friday nights!
9/26/2006 - Sean Fitzgerald
Actually it seems like running a track as a club with a strong business plan and or open minded ownership seems to work well at waterford. Maybe all of us that miss Mt. Clemens should start a club.
9/23/2006 - Jeff Baird
the track is ruined. ill try to get some pictures of it soon. i live only a few miles from it. i remember going there to see drivers like Ed Howe and Kenny Meylan race. its so sad when you see it. what a terrible shame. the historic Trick-Track... rubble. sad.
8/26/2006 - Bob Schnider
It looks like the only way a track can stay in business is run a low key operation.The trouble here they tried to be big shooters and their eyes were bigger than their wallet and they went belly up. BOB
8/22/2006 - Martin Lewis
Also, stopped by this summer...The track is done .............. Im afraid its my first win there in 85.
7/13/2006 - Ned
Went by recently. The place is in shambles. It looks like some of the half mile banking was dug out, perhaps used for the banking of the new dirt track or something? It is a pathetic ghost of what it once was. The worst part about it is that the "work" or changes that were recently done have done probably done so much damage to the place that no sane person would make a go of it again. This is pathetic.
6/28/2006 - Tim
I stopped by the track last week its in real bad shape ill be surprized if it ever opens again. What a lose i started going there with my dad as a small child. Sorry to see it go.
5/2/2006 - Fred Stuart
Tried to call the posted number today but it is disconnected. SOD has removed their date from the schedule on the website.
5/2/2006 - Sean Fitzgerald
What about someone going by the speedway who lives close on a Saturday?
4/30/2006 - JEFF BALDWIN
4/28/2006 - Sean Fitzgerald
Sad, that. Time for a good track near Detroit. A large popul;ated are would help a lot with money issues, I bet. I would have driven to Tri City too, but not often. Dixie was a haul last week, but worth it. Drivers and fans dont have gas money to go a million miles these days.
4/6/2006 - Danny
I wouldve got those issues resolved before putting the time and money into switching it over to dirt. Wouldnt surprise me though. Maybe next year!
4/2/2006 - Randy Adam
That is too bad...someone with the heart and drive to get a track opened and runs into a road block like that...
3/26/2006 - Chris Fobbe
There are some issues with a payment being made to the Batesons who used to own the track. Because of a decline in property value in the area of the track, the Kamlays feel they should not have to pay as much, and the Batesons disagree. Because of this, the tracks opening is in question.
3/25/2006 - Randy Adam
I am wondering if the track is actually going to be open for the 2006 season. No website (or the one that you can get on has nothing), no rules, schedule and if you call any phone # related to the track it is either disconnected or wrong. Anyone have a "real" update of Tri-City???
12/8/2005 - Chris Fobbe
The track plans on running Saturdays in 2006, with Modifieds, Limited Late Models, Street Stocks, and Mini-Stocks, and the possiblity of bi-weekly Super Late Models.
12/6/2005 - Randy Adam
From what I have read, Tri-City Speedway is planning on running Saturday nights as of right now for the 2006 season. There was suppose to be a Tri-City Spwy Meeting this past weekend. Not sure if that happened or what come out of it if it did happen.
11/18/2005 - Randy Adam
This is to Bill M., look at the Owendale site on here...they miss ya there! I am going to make it up there next year if it is a GO... Is there any idea of what night they will run?
11/17/2005 - Bill Murawski Jr.
The new dirt track is fast!!!!! It will be a vary nice place to race 2006.
10/25/2005 - Chris Fobbe
According to Jim Kamlay, Chris Kamlay basically himself, and according to Jim the track is crazy banked and wide. Cant wait to see it
10/12/2005 - Randy Adam
Bill M. Jr. is Tri City still doing the practice on Sats thru Oct? If you get a chance, try to get some pix to post!!!
9/25/2005 - Bill Murawski Jr.
The speedway is looking good. but needs lots of work. 9-24-05 I am taking my dirt car to try out the new dirt track!!!! You can practice every Sat, Sun 2 till dark.
9/7/2005 - Randy Adam
Any progress reports on Tri-City? Is the season still on for next year? Is the construction close to being done? Just wondering...
7/24/2005 - Chris Fobbe
It is a shame, the track has history dating back almost sixty years back, thats is the most unique half mile in the state of Michigan, now, its just pit lane for some dirt flingers.
7/18/2005 - Bill Murawski Jr.
This is not a shame in any way!!! If he runs the dirt track fairly & pays good, the cars will come. Next year when the track opens I am going to run there. I think this will take some owendale cars away on Saturday if he runs Saturdays. I think this is what the fans are looking for someing new to see.
7/6/2005 - Chris Fobbe
Yes, they are tearing apart the 1/4 mile, expanding it to a 3/8ths mile and making it dirt. They are going to be using the legendary Trick-Track Of The World, as pits. Its a shame.
7/6/2005 - Adam Brown
Stopped there today, 7-5-05. Asphalt is tore out and dirt is being put in place. Long ways from being done but they were working on it today. Should be a good place to go., Yes, they are tearing apart the 1/4 mile, expanding it to a 3/8ths mile and making it dirt. They are going to be using the legendary Trick-Track Of The World, as pits. Its a shame.
7/3/2005 - Randy Adam
Any word on what is going on with Tri-City. I had heard that it was going to be closed this 05 summer for a total renovation of the track, any truth to that? The renovating I heard is to revitilize the track to get competitors and fans back as the track was losing money each time the gates opened. I hope this track can make a comeback, there are already too many tracks that have went away....
12/29/2004 - Bill Murawski Jr.
2005 dirt !!! I will run on the new 3/8. Its about time a new dirt track comes to town!!! See you in the pits 09.
12/12/2004 - Gordon Wallace
Looks like Tri City will have a new 1/4 mile dirt track and the big track is pit row for 2005 running friday nights.
9/15/2004 - Teri
They are racing again at Tri-City as of the 2004 season.
8/8/2003 - Web
Tri-City Motor Speedway, the venerable half-mile/quarter-mile auto racing facility located near Auburn, is under new ownership this week. And the new owners hope to give area fans and drivers a glimpse of things to come by running an abbreviated schedule late this summer.

The Kamlay family - Jim, Loretta and sons Chris and Erik - purchased Tri-City earlier this week, according to Chris Kamlay.

We purchased the track from Frank Bateson and closed the deal Monday at 5 p.m.," said Kamlay, who added that the purchase price was $400,000.

Since then, weve been out here cutting down weeds and putting down fresh paint.

Those two tasks alone should keep the Kamlays busy for some time. The Batesons - Frank and son Bill - abruptly shuttered the track immediately after holding its mid-season championships on July 6, 2001. Since then, no racing has taken place.

Soon thereafter, Kamlay learned the track was on the market.

Its kind of a funny story, said Kamlay, owner of a landscape business and a regular driver at Owosso Speedway. I was on my way up to Whittemore Speedway for an enduro race and it got called by rain, so we turned around and headed back," Kamlay said.

"On the way back I remembered there was a track at Standish, so I stopped there and asked the owner if it was for sale. The owner said it wasnt, but that I might want to check on Tri-City.

"I eventually tracked down Frank Bateson, and he showed me around the place. It took about two years for me to get the money together, but to make a long story short, here we are."

Kamlay and his mother and father are from the St. Clair County village of Columbus,while Erik Kamlay is from Utica.

Kamlay isnt waiting for next spring to open the track. He plans to run a mini-season of sorts, starting Aug. 21 and running each Thursday night through September. If the Thursday schedule works, Kamlay may well stick to that day of the week for his 2004 shows.

Throughout much of its 50-plus year history (the track was built in the early-1950s), Tri-City has run on Friday nights.

"Were trying to reach the fans and reach the drivers," Kamlay said. "As for the track, I dont know how much well have done by opening night, but come spring well be ready."

Kamlay plans to run three classes during his abbreviated 2003 schedule - super late models, limited late models and street stocks. The top-line supers have not run at the track since the late 1990s, as the Batesons dropped the class due to low car counts.

"Ive already got 15 supers lined up, wanting to know when they can run," Kamlay said. "I think we can make it work here with those cars."

The Kamlays are the latest in a long string of people who have promoted the track - including five promoters and/or owners since 1990. When Tri-City closed over two years ago, both attendance and car counts were low.

"Being a racer, I know what the drivers need and what they want," Kamlay said. "And as for the fans, youve got to give them what they want, too.

"Youve got to have the place looking nice, youve got to have clean bathrooms, good food and clean stands. Im taking the good ideas Ive seen at other tracks and planning to use them here."

The track is tentatively scheduled to open at 2 p.m. on race dates, with qualifying at 6 p.m. and racing at 7:00.

For more information, Chris Kamlay can be reached at (586) 615-3784, while Eric Kamlay can be reached at (586) 675-8983.

Tri-City is located near the intersection of Eight Mile and Wheeler roads in Williams Township.
Tri-City Motor Speedway - April 2012 From Randy
April 2012 From Randy
Tri-City Motor Speedway - April 2012 From Randy
April 2012 From Randy
Tri-City Motor Speedway - April 2012 From Randy
April 2012 From Randy
Tri-City Motor Speedway - April 2012 From Randy
April 2012 From Randy
Tri-City Motor Speedway - April 2012 From Randy
April 2012 From Randy
Tri-City Motor Speedway - From Robert Krupa
From Robert Krupa
Tri-City Motor Speedway - From Robert Krupa
From Robert Krupa
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Front Straightaway From Chris Fobbe
Front Straightaway From Chris Fobbe
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Back Straightaway From Chris Fobbe
Back Straightaway From Chris Fobbe
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Curve From Chris Fobbe
Curve From Chris Fobbe
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Track From Chris Fobbe
Track From Chris Fobbe
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Another Track Shot Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Another Track Shot Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Concession Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Concession Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Tri-City Motor Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Tri-City Motor Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Tri-City Motor Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Tri-City Motor Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Tri-City Motor Speedway - From The Street Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
From The Street Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Grandstand And Tower Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Grandstand And Tower Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Grandstand Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Grandstand Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Loudspeaker With Beehive Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Loudspeaker With Beehive Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Start Finish Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Start Finish Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Ticket Booth Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Ticket Booth Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Tower Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Tower Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Track Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Track Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Tri-City Motor Speedway - June 2012 From Randy
June 2012 From Randy
Tri-City Motor Speedway - June 2012 From Randy
June 2012 From Randy
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Winter Shots From Chris Fobbe
Winter Shots From Chris Fobbe
Tri-City Motor Speedway - From Nathan Lehotan
From Nathan Lehotan
Tri-City Motor Speedway - From Nathan Lehotan
From Nathan Lehotan
Tri-City Motor Speedway - From Nathan Lehotan
From Nathan Lehotan
Tri-City Motor Speedway - From Nathan Lehotan
From Nathan Lehotan
Tri-City Motor Speedway - From Nathan Lehotan
From Nathan Lehotan
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Tommy Maier From Bob Wiergowski
Tommy Maier From Bob Wiergowski
Tri-City Motor Speedway - July 2021 Photo
July 2021 Photo
Tri-City Motor Speedway - July 2021 Photo
July 2021 Photo
Tri-City Motor Speedway - July 2021 Photo
July 2021 Photo
Tri-City Motor Speedway - July 2021 Photo
July 2021 Photo
Tri-City Motor Speedway - July 2021 Photo
July 2021 Photo
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Aerial Photo
Aerial Photo
Tri-City Motor Speedway - Aerial Photo
Aerial Photo © 2025 Over 87,929,491 Served