Flint Park - Flint MI

Address: Stewart Avenue and Dupont Street
City: Flint
State: MI
Zip: 48505
County: Genesee
Number of visits to this page: 58497

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Douglas Storrs

I worked at Flint Park Amusement from 1952 to 1960 for Walter Sala. I have fond memories of the park. I started working in the nickle pitch, the the basket ball game and then doing releifs and stocking the stands. Some of the people working ther we Gorden and his wife in the cigarette stand, John Hodge worked the highstriker, the Montpas, Dan, Elaineand Jack. Greg Spresney had the fish pond, Bill Shatles worked the icecream stand. My mother Madeline and my sister Alberta worked the main stand selling hot dogs and drinks. My father Earl worked on weekend doin reliefs.

I remember the Campbill boys working the wheel and nickle pitch. There are many others I knew. Sala was a great person to work for. At Christmas one year he invited all of his worker and families to a party in the skating rink where eyeryone skated, ate and received presents. He also had all of the families meet in Detroit for a boat ride to Bablo Island for the day of food and fun. That evening we all went to an amusement park in Detroit for an evening of rides. He did the twice, no cost to the families. I have movies that my dad took of these trips along with picture take at Flint Park of building new stands around 1956.

Info Updates:
7/16/2016 - brenda burda
Boy, was I stunned. This is a picture of me and my little brother Mike. The little girl in the background was my cousin, Linda. We used to go to the Flint Park once a year. What a big deal it was for us kids. We always wore our Sunday clothes. and our Moms would pack our lunch. This was a long, long time ago. My thanks to who ever took this picture, and who ever posted it. Brenda Trimble, and now Brenda Burda.
2/2/2015 - Norma Pippin
I used to go to Flint Park to roller skate, had my own skates and case. My brother who skated there and was an artist painted my name on the case in beautiful scrip. I think I also rode every ride out there. Was born at end of 1931, started going to Flint Park when I was about 8. We caught the bus at Saginaw & Hemphill Roads, rode all the way from there to Flint Park. Recently I found a ticket good for 100 points at Japanese Store, Flint Park and 2 tickets from Flint Park for Candy Kiss Coupon to be redeemed at Candy Booth. At my age now I would like to see that someone who collects Flint Park artifacts have them to treasure, will mail if info emailed to me.
1/13/2015 - Marsha Galbraith
My mom has talked about her memories of Flint Park, so I thought I'd interview her tonight. She is in her 100th year, just having celebrated her 99th birthday, and has an amazing memory! She lived on E. Stewart and spent a lot of time having fun at Flint Park with her family and as a young adult. Her dad used to take the large family on Hamady Days, when it was free to get in. Her sister, Genevieve (called Genny by her friends), worked at the roller rink there, selling tickets. My mom, Eleanor, told about being there the night of the accident with the flagpole sitter. There was loud music playing. The man's wife said it was the last night they were using that pole, as it was not in good shape. It was right by the dodge 'ems. There was absolute silence after he fell to his death. She remembers every detail of that night.
7/14/2014 - Ronald Sharp
I posted a couple of years ago while working on a book about Flint Park which I did not finish after I published a couple of mysteries. Now I am back at the Flint Park book. Any photos of the park, midway, or rides would help a lot. If you have memories of events there, such as when Adlai Stevenson spoke, or the Flying Wallenda performance would be great. Remember the annual Easter Egg hunt in the picnic ground next to the parking lot on Dupont Street? I plan to post portions of the book on this site as well as my own website, rfsharpbooks. com Anything you can remember will add color and authenticity to the story. It will be fiction so names and even settings will likely be changed. It will expand beyond the park to the city itself. I grew up at 713 West Stewart, directly across the street from the park until it closed in 1961.
3/25/2014 - Jerry Cox
Flint Park, what a thrill! We lived in the southend of Flint off of Fenton Rd. So it was a great thrill to go to the park. My dad, loved ammusement parks, so we visited many in the State. I remember in the 40's Hamady Brothers (grocery stores) gave out tickets to ride some of the rides free. Of course they never included the Jack Rabbit or The Bug, that cost about a quarter to ride. Through out my younger years I rode every ride in the park. We were there one evening when a performer would climb up a high flimsy pole and make it bend from one side to the other, and the crowd would scream as it looked like the performer was going to bend all the way to the ground. This particular evening the pole broke and he came tumbling to the ground. The crowd were all quiet as an ambulance came and took him to, I believe Hurley Hospital, and was said not to be hurt bad. That act, I don't believe, was ever used there again. Later as a young teeager some of my friends and I would catch the bus near Cody School on Fenton Rd & Neubert Street, ride downtown, and then transfer to the city bus that went to Flint Park. We would roller skate until 9pm, then catch the buses back to the southend. There was also a big dance hall there that was used during the late 30's - 40's. I wasn't old enough to remember much about that. But there was a tall redheaded lady that would walk fro the downtown area most every Saturday night and dance. She was nicknamed Big Red. Everyone knew her, but never bothered her. The area was nice in the 30's through the early 50's, then things went downhill. Prior to Flint Park, the main ammusement park in the Flint Area was Lakeside, not very far from the Flint Golf Club. I loved the old ammusement Parks!.
2/6/2014 - Danny Macko Feckovic
I was born in 1943 and grew up at 355 E. Baltimore. I went to Sacred Heart H. S. on Stewart Ave and I remember Flint Park very well. I spent many days as a kid riding the rides and just hanging around the park with friends. We fished & swam in Devil's Lake. I remember when Hamady Bros. grocery gave away free tickets to the park. We would ride the rides until we were sick! Too bad our kids & grandkids don't have a chance to experience something like this. An amusement park in the middle of a residential section of a city like Flint was a real phenomenon.
2/4/2014 - Lori Clark Malmstrom
My dad, Donald Clark, work at Flint Park in the late 40's early 50's. He grew up at 902. W. Baltimore. I just wanted to let those of you who may have know him, that he passed away in November of 2012. We are going to have a memorial for him sometime this spring at the Raincheck Lounge in Flint. He passed peacefully with his everlasting motto: I burn my candle at both ends, it cannot last the night. But ah my foes and oh my friends, it cast a lovely light.
8/25/2013 - Pat Kerr(Rutledge)
I grew up on Kermit St, which was across the lake from Flint Park. We sometimes got free tickets from our milkman for rides at Flint Park. when I got older, I use to roller skate at the roller rink. We also spent many hours in the winter ice skating on the lake. I can remember walking across the lake in the winter to catch the bus at Flint Park Lake.
5/7/2013 - David Bower
My name is David Bower and I grew up in the shadow of Flint Park on Baldwin Blvd. My entire family worked at the park at sometime or other. My father Ernest Bower worked as a security officer in the late 30s. My mother and sister sold tickets and my brother was a ride operator in the 40s. I remember 4 th of July's in the 50's when there were so many people at the park cars were parked up and down our street and even in our driveway. The whole neighbor hood would set on their porches to watch a wonderful Fireworks display. I also remember the free Circus acts that every one enjoyed very much. I have 16 mm film of a lot events at Flint Park that my father photographed in the 30s - 40s - 50s, someday I will put them on DVD.
4/24/2013 - Mark Hancock
My name is Mark Hancock and my mother & Dad met each other at Flint Park and shared 58 years of marriage until his passing in 2006. I don't remember the park at all, but I have heard stories about it my entire life. My grandmother (mother's mother) worked at the park and they rented a house from Howard Oviatt on Kermit Street. My folks often talked about the the roller coaster and other events. Sounds like it was a great place to be growing up!.
3/28/2013 - Linsey (Green) McLean
I lived for 5 yrs at 4018 Keyes and then moved to Kermit St. I remember Flint Park very well, like yesterday and I am 64. My Dad used to take me to the park after he got home from work and I could ride ay one ride that day. I spent all day trying to decide which ride I wanted. I never rode the Jack Rabbit as there was a size requirement and I was too small. My father said that it was not safe, even he would not ride it anymore,and that 2 people had died one night when he was there because they fell out on the top hill, landed in the tracks below and the coaster ran over them. The coaster had no breaks and no control after it was brought to the top of the first hill and let go. I remember an evil looking clown face that had ping pong balls that came out of the mouth. I saw one like that in KY at an antique store and it gave me the same stomach churning chills that it did when I was a kid. Should have bought the thing at the time!
2/24/2013 - Pat Valentine
My parents took me to Flint Park back in the 1950's. One summer I danced on Flint Park stage as a child. It was a great park. Pat Anger and his chidren were my neighbors while I was growing up on Flint eastside. Pat ,married a lady named Bobbie after his lst wife died. Pat always liked chatting abt Flint Park. Pat, I think died in the 80's. Flint Park was where I was first introduce to cotton candy. I loved riding on the Tilt A Whirl.
10/8/2012 - Kathy Hornes Bourne
Recently my sister's and I were talking about the amusement park at the end of Keyes Street. None of us could remember the name of the place, although we grew up at 3418 Keyes Street and spent alot of time there. Yesterday, I said to my sister go on google and see what you find and this is what we found. We were all born in the early forties, except for one sister, born in 1950. My memories of Flint Park are those of the nickel toss on the plates to win a prize. How I loved that game. I also remember the flag pole sitter. These are great memories for my sister's and I. Feel good memories of our younger years.
10/5/2012 - V Buchanan-Bean
I was born in 1951 and we lived on Proctor St. off of Pasadena Ave. As a small child I remember visiting Flint Park. For some reason my best memory is at Christmas there would be a big UnionToy Sale in the Roller Skating Rink and there were so many toys different toys you could by there. I remember the Easter egg hunts and trying to get some for my bag but there were always so many kids it was hard to do. They would take off running up the hill and step all over the eggs and break them. The carosel was wonderful but I am not real sure if I rode the Jack Rabbit. I would be in our back yard playing on the swing set and you could hear music from the park. Now here I am 61 years old and can still remember Flint Park better than what I remember happened yesterday.
8/1/2012 - Diane (Beck) Hebert
I lived at 3112 Keyes St,not far from the park. I loved going to the park as a child. I think my Dad (John Beck) was working at the park when he met my mother (Katherine Lehr). My aunt and uncle,Peg and George Bickersteth, performed aerial acts at the park. I remember the 1953 tornado and seeing a refrigerator wrapped up in a tree. I left Flint many years ago and have no pictures of the park. Thanks for sharing your memories and pictures.
6/28/2012 - Linda Wilson (Welker)
I grew up on Keyes St in Flint, Mi 1/2block from Flint Park. I remember it so well. I could see the top of the roller coaster from my bedroom window and listened to the climbing and then the screaming when it went down that first hill. I remember Mr Mac that ran the spook house, I think. He liked to work with wood and made me and sister little wooden ducks all painted. I thought i had a treasure when he gave them to us. I was 8 yrs old when Flint Park was torn down. I felt sad at the time. I have searched everywhere to find the history on this park but to no avail. I want to see old pics and find out who built it. So many good memories living on Keyes St. So sad to see that area has gone down. Mom would catch the bus at Dupont and Stewart and take us downtown to do all of our shopping. I thought as a kid that it was like walking the streets of N Y city. Forest Park was a popular place for us to walk to and spend the afternoon playing on the playground. It still sits on the corner of Dupont and Pasadena and runs down to Stewart. You couldn't pay me to go in there nowadays. Devils Lake is still on the west end of the park. Urban legend still says it has no bottom. I remember when new houses were being built on Moore St and a few basements kept falling in due to underground water from Devils Lake. My mother (Ann Welker) almost drowned in the lake when she was a child. She used to go dances at the park when she was a young woman. I am 59 yrs old now and all the memories of that area will be with me forever.
12/14/2011 - Dorian Gulledge
Wow what a cool site. I wasn't born when my family lived there but heard lots of stories. My grand parents managed the roller rink for some years in the 40's. There name was Wally and Ethel Kiefer. My mom was a competition roller skater in the late 40's. Her name was Yvette Kiefer. She and her friend Faith did a lot of practice at the rink. Also my uncle Kenny was there too. The whole family was skaters. I lived in Flint in the 70's but the park was gone at that time. My grand parents moved to Long Island New York and opened a new rink after they left Flint. (Bay Shore Roller Rink) Oh yea I think the lady organ player was named Bobbie. All are gone now except uncle Kenny. Keep up this good site.
9/25/2011 - Dave Ranville
Wish I would have found this site earlier. Nothing more to add than what has been written but I lived off of Pierson Rd north of St. Agnes School. About 4 or 5 miles from Flint Park when it was open. I used to go to sleep at night listening to the sounds of the roller coaster and the girls screams as it went around the tracks from that far away. We didn't have a lot of money so we did not go often but when we did it was an absolute treat.
7/19/2011 - David Strong
Our family lived on Race street a block away from Flint Park during the entire 1950s and moving in summer of 1961. The Jack Rabbit roller coaster was in the southwest corner of the park. I remember everything about the park and we could hear The Jackrabbit whenever the park was open. There was a kid's train in the park and the conductor was Mr. MacCumber. His wife made the park popcorn and they lived across from us on Race street. One great thing was the fireworks on 4th of July every year, and all us kids in the surrounding neighborhoods would simply spread blankets on our lawns and look up! My friend Kenny Fornier from Merrill elementary school on Flemming road took me on a tour of the park and we went through the creepy spook house when the park was closed - his dad and mom lived in the park and ran the roller rink. I remember the midway with the duck game. we would pluck out a floating duck from a troth and win a prize determined by a number on the bottom of the duck.
6/5/2011 - Dennis Whiteaker
I recently found a letter addressed to my great grand mother -Mrs Lottie Saiko. The letter is on Flint Park and Amusement Co. letter head. The letter is from Louis H. Firestone an says how sorry he is to here that she will not be back to work the next summer. Dated 4/13/55 an signed Louis H. Firestone an also a personal note -signed Doc. Also found some pics of the bosses in the head office-.
4/18/2011 - Jan Graham
My husband Richard (Dick) Graham, his brother Ron and their mother lived in the 2 story green apartment building (torn down now) across from the park on Flint Park Boulevard and spent most of their growing up years there. When it was dinner time my mother-in-law always had to go across to the Park and hunt them down. My husband always speaks so fondly of the Anger family and the Park He has such wonderful memories of the park.
2/2/2011 - Rodney Kurtz
I grew up in the Mayfair District in the mid 50's and 60's and I remember going to flint park as a very young kid. My parents wouldn't let me ride the Ferris Wheel, but what I remember the most was riding the BUMPER CARS, I had a blast. Till this day I remember the fun times I had at Flint Park riding those BUMPER CARS. I remember my mom reading in the paper that the park was closing, and I remember being real sad. As time went by, I remember driving down Pierson Road and seeing the park disappear. Back in those days there was a saying that Devils Lake had no bottom. Those rummers were still around years later. I wish I could go back to those days.
1/20/2011 - Patrick Young
In response to Ginger's entry on 12-17-09-My mother was Dorothy Young (Anger). I remember her telling me that my uncle was once married to a Nancy that died. For the life of me I can't remember which uncle it was. It was either my uncle Pat Anger or uncle Bill Anger. I believe it was my uncle Pat. My mom said Nancy was a wonderful person but died of what I believe she said was cancer. I'm guessing she died in the late 1960's or maybe early 1970. My mom said she wasn't very old.
1/24/2010 - Jill Oviatt
My grandfather is Howard Oviatt (Flint Park Gen Mngr), his son John Oviatt. I see that a few people here are looking for Flint Park photos. Remember the carnival acts that would visit the park? I had some wonderful black and white photos of the performer families posed in their costumes. Very cool photos! They were swiped from the military trunk they were in, or I got rid of them. I intended to frame them or donate them to Flint city!! Hopefully they'll find their way to this site. My memories of Flint Park are of my grandfather taking care of dusty grey cloaked men working the stations. It was a necessary community job and I understood Flint entertainment needs rite away!

10/6/2009 - Kyle
Yes, I believe the name of the roller coaster was The Jack Rabbit. That sounds familiar. I think the memory I have of it was from a July 4th celebration. I remember fireworks. I think they still had fireworks there on the 4th for a few years after the park had mostly closed down.
8/31/2009 - Judy
I was just talking with a neighbor about the old Flint Park. We were trying to remember the name of the wooden rollercoaster. Was it called the Jack Rabbit?
I went online to see if I could find any information and found this site.
7/3/2009 - Kyle Elliott
I found this site while searching for Flint Park Methodist Church. I grew up in Flint in the 50's and 60's and only have a dim memory of going to the park with my family before it was torn down. I remember seeing the old wooden roller coaster but we couldn't ride it because my Dad said they had closed it down because it wasn't safe anymore. I wish I could have seen it in it's hayday. When I was older I went to the park with my brother to ice skate. Mostly I fell down for a while and then went and drank hot chocolate until my brother got tired. I live in Florida now but I miss the North and visit when I can. When I retire I will move back. I went to Gundry school, Holmes Jr High, and Northwestern. I heard it's a charter school now. I was lucky to grow up in Flint when I did before the jobs started to disappear. Really, when I think of Flint I mainly remember that Northwest corner where we lived. Going downtown on the bus seemed like a journey to a foreign land. One post referred to an "urban legend" about the park sinking. I don't remember that but we had a legend about Devils Lake...it was supposed to be bottomless and anything (or anyone) that sank into it was never seen again!
6/16/2009 - Betty Liss
I barely remember the park .I was 5 I remember going there for an Easter egg hunt. My grandfather ran the train for a while.My mom and aunts (as teenagers )hung out at the skating rink. my mom said she was in dance competition.She met my dad there. I remember the pony rides and the boats that went around in a pool of water.my grandparents lived on Procter(Casons) My mom Maxine Cason.I think I have pics of me on the pony.
6/15/2009 - ron sharp
The park closed in 1962 or thereabouts and the rides and games were either dismantled and put on the road with traveling carnivals or just scrapped. The buildings stood vacant for a number of years, then were torn down. The mini-mall was erected a few years later over the spot where the ball field and parking lot were located. If you dare to walk back onto the property (corner of Stewart and Dupont) you may still find the raised platform where performances were staged, and maybe even a piece or two of sidewalk from the old midway. It's all overgrown - though the last time I saw it was several years ago and who knows what might be there now?
Still working on the book and any other memories of the people, place or events would be helpful -and any pictures that may have been taken there.
5/2/2009 - Jenifer Limron Leyda
I am the youngest daughter of JD Limron. My Brother and I have been trying to gather any information we can on our father since he has passed away. We knew he was in a band called the Flint Ramblers but are unable to find any information on the band. If you were one of the people who remember hanging out at flint park with my father, or anything else about him would you please contact us or post anything that will help with our search. Thank you, Jenifer Limron-Leyda
5/2/2009 - gregg limron
To the friends of JD Limron, glad to hear you speak of my dad that way, he is truly missed by family,friends. the reason i'v posted this is i have a post card of my dad with the Flint Ramblers ! and was trying to find any info? the band mate's names or a recording of all things would be great. please contact me for anything. stories,updates,names. we're having a family reunion in late June on my mothers side Crider's.would love to share your stories with them.
12/28/2008 - Ronald Sharp
I grew up on Stewart Avenue directly across from the park. I knew the Anger kids and the park was the playground for my brothers and me for our entire childhoods. There is so much to say, but I remember sitting on the front lawn and watching fireworks that would be shot off from the park on certain evenings.

I am working on a book based in part on Flint Park and am looking for more material, including pictures and other memories folks may have of it. If you have anything to add, please email me.
12/1/2008 - R
Mike talked about his memories in and around Flint Park. I was one of the guys he mentioned- although he misspelled my name. He said Ralph McQuarter when he should have said Ralph McWhirter. Also, Jim Kent is my brother in law. We all grew up just a half a block north of the park.

If Mickey sees this memo, I'd like to get in contact with him. I was surprised to hear that JD Limron had passed away.

My memory of the park is mainly about the ball field we had in their parking lot, the penny arcade, the roller rink and the jack rabbit. Good memories. I also remember when Adili Stevenson was running for president and he was at the park. On the speakers stand he sat with his legs crossed and he had a hole in his shoe. A Journal photographer won a Pulitzer for that photo.
10/27/2008 - Patrick Young
My mom grew up in the park. She talked about the park all of the time. She had countless stories of the park and most all of them were of the wonderful times and great people. I don't think a week went by where she did not share something about her experiences growing up there. The Beacher Tornado came up alot. She took me and my brother there many years ago. After a short walk through some weeds and tall grass she pointed to a vacant area that had once been her home. I remember looking around and thinking how hard it was to imagine being surrounded by an amusement park.

My mom was Dorothy Young (Anger), sister to Pat, Bill, Jim, Harry, Mary, Betty, Joanne, and Lenora. I miss you all and still savor the stories my mom, along with my aunts and uncles told of this place.
1/22/2008 - Betty Overmyer
My daughter wrote in to talk about Flint Park. My daughter Ginger was very interested in the Roller Rink where her father and I met. I spent alot of time there and in the park. My best friend was dating the Anger boy and they eventully got married. I lived a few blocks from the park and spent alot of time there.

We even rented the rink once after hours so we could skate. I would love to see more pictures of the park in the 50's as this is when I spent the most time there. We knew the owners and I have lost contact with my friend Nancy so no way to get anymore info.
10/6/2007 - Pam Thomas
I hardly remember Flint Park, its a distant memory. I would love to read more about it and see more pictures. It was a part of my parents lives here in Flint. I grew up here also but missed Flint Park. We need to review Flints great histroy. I remember cruising Saginaw Street in my late teens and as a young adult. I remember my dad buying hamburgers on Saginaw St (Beecher District) and feeding the whole family...5 burgers for a dollar. You could also get a 5 scoop ice cream for a dollar. I remember the '53 tornado. But Flint Park facinates me and I would love a site where I could go to read or see more.
8/6/2007 - Mike (mickey) Harper
Having read all the previous postings, I can feel the memories coming from down in my soul .....Flint park !!!! (god! what memories). I grew up in my grand parent,s home at 4610 Glenn Ave. My grandmother, Lottie Saiko started working at the park sometime in the early 1930,s ,as a ticket seller.She was the kind of woman,that would attract the friendship of just about anyone that she would come into contact with. One of her close friends from her earlier years was Mrs. "Gert" Johnson (later I would attend school and become not only friends,but developed a bond with her grandsons that would and has lasted a life time as Flint Park Laker's). Jack Johnson and I were close in our younger years as boy scouts (but thats another memory). Jack went on to not only work for the city of Flint, but to become a union official for the city workers. His brother Tom, followed in his fathers footsteps and became policeman. Not bad at all for a couple of ,depending on what side of the lake you grew up on (cross the laker's).I can't forget to mention another very good friend from across the lake who resently passed, Jerry Newman. I was Lucky to have Jerry as a friend for my entire life. Back to Flint Park. My grandmother was promoted to work in the office at the park. Her immediate boss was a grand gentleman named Howard Oviatte. Howard's boss was a very colorful man named "Doc Firestone". Just to mention a few people from the park, there was Mr. "Mac" he drove the train, his wife Mrs. "Mac" had the Popcorn stand (about a thousand nights of free leftover popcorn,thank you Mrs. "mac"). Pat Anger, now there was a man. Not only took care of all the maintainace in the park, but raised his family there also. Mrs. Anger operatrd the pull the string game, one sweet woman. Then there was Van , who operated the penny arcade ,can you imagine growing up and having a friend like Van and his son "tiny". All those amazing machines in the penny arcade" wow! . Yes, and there was Mrs. Wagner, she had the food stand across from the Penny Arcade. Her Daughter,Arlene married my Friend Jim Blue,who was called a stock boy (went on to become a Die Maker at GM). Her son Jerry Wagner, who I played baseball with at a very young age. Was a very talented left handed pitcher. I was later given the chance to operate the Carmel Apple, Cotton Candy Stand (directly across from the "Striker") ring the bell with the sledge hammer. My Boss was a man we called Sailor ( his name was Sala).This man was a remarkable guy. He could be a boss, mentor or a real friend . "sailor" if your still alive, i just want to say that I truely thank you....But not to leave out my friends with whom I spend countless days and nights in and around the park .... not in any particular order....Don Clark,Ron Graham,Jerry Sullivan, Bill Chambers,J.D.Limron (deceased),Ralph McQuarter,Jim Kent......You know living around the park enabled me to meet some very important people .....Gov.G. Mennen Williams....Adila Stephenson ....and numerous flagpole sitters ....Yours truely ..... Mike "Mickey' Harper.
5/1/2007 - Linda Cuz
I grew up on Dewey street, just north of Pasadena and east of Dupont. I can remember in the early 50s, sitting on the sidewalk on Dupont and Dewey and watching the 4th of July fireworks with all my little friends. Once each summer, Flint Park would have free ride day. You could go there and get a long row of yellow tickets for each ride. I can remember how crowded it was and all the rides. Of course, the Jack Rabbit was probably the most remembered. There were also many games you could play to try to win a prize. My parents (before they were my parents) used to visit the park when they were dating. I have the most wonderful picture of the two of them that was taken at the photography studio. My mother is sitting on a paper moon and my father is standing next to and behind her. It is one of my most cherished pictures. What a wonderful site this is! It sure took me back! If I close my eyes, I can see the ferris wheel, and merry go round and I remember the metalic smell of the roller coster rides. So, fun back then. We were so lucky to live down the street from a little amusement park sitting right near many residential homes. Dewey Woods was pretty neat as well. In the early fifties, my dad would take me there. We could feed the bears bread and honey through the fence! Can you believe, there was even a monkey cage there! Foxes and raccoons, too! And don't forget the frog pond just off Dupont street. Frozen over in the winter and kids skating late into the night. You could also go to the big skating rink at the other end of Dewey Woods on Detroit St. ( Now martin Luther King Street). Someone usually made a little bonfire and we would put our skate toes on one of the logs and sure enough, we would leave them in too long and feel our toes burning up! I got pretty good at untying my skates really fast. Thank you for this site. It's a real treat!
12/5/2006 - Dale Smith
My grandfather, Charles Reckerd, operated the Jack Rabbit roller coaster ride at Flint Park in the 1920's when the park opened. My mother, Ruth Verburg, went to the park when she was young and thought Charles was a nice man. As fate would have it, in 1947 Charles became her father-in-law. Charles retired in Chula Vista, California and died there in the early 1960's.
6/5/2006 - K M McCormick
I remember visiting Flint Park during the 50s while visiting grandparents but my memories are vague. Now Im trying to track down information about a giant Victrola that would have been installed there in the late 1920s or early 1930s. The Victor Company records show that a custom Auditorium Orthophonic Victrola was built for them and I vaguely remember a Great-Uncle mentioning a "giant record player horn" but I can find no other documentation. All I can remember clearly is the Tunnel of Love...it creeped me out. I loved the Tumblebug, though.
3/25/2006 - Ken Kaszubowski
I grew up near Flint Park in the 50s & 60s over on Marengo street. I have lots of memories of the park. In the summer when the breeze was blowing from the direction of Flint Park , you could here the sound of the train blowing its whistle, the screams of people on the Jack Rabbit roller coaster, and the sound of the Tumble Bug going around on its track. My mom used to take me and my sister Cookie to the park alot. Many times she would bring some of the neighbor kids with us. The carousel I loved very much, with its assortment of animals and horses. I always made a point to try and get the rooster to ride if I could. As the carousel rotated I loved listening to the Band Organ playing the carousel music. I think the carousel was a Dentzel machine , because I remember the Jesters way up on the out side rounding boards. Just east of the carousel was a ride called the Whirlwind. It was a type of rollercoaster that went on smaller hills really fast. It was a great ride that had these neat silver bullet shaped cars. To the left of the Whirlwind was the Spook House . I remember the creepy facade of the Spook House with this gorrila head looking out a window with bars. Then there was the smell of oil and grease of the cars that you road in while entering the SPOOK HOUSE. Remember the darkness, the twists & turns &the bells ringing horns blowing & screams of those in the cars ahead of you? What fun! Some other rides I remember where the Flying Scooters , the Whip, the Dodgem Cars, theTumble Bug, the kiddie rides, especially the wooden boats that went around in real water. In kiddie land they had the little hand cars that where on tracks. You sat down on this board platform that had a crank. As you turned the hand crank the little car was propelled down the track. What great fun. I think we all wish we had that in our own backyard. Another fun thing at Flint Park was the arcade building, with all-the fun games & pinball machines. I loved the fortune teller lady in the enclosed cabinet. You put a coin in the slot and the fortune lady would move her hand from side to side over some cards. A few seconds later your fortune would slide out of a slot at the bottom of the machine. Also in the arcade building was a Swami fortune teller. HE was scary. When you put your money in the machine, every thing lit up . The Swami like came to life, this weird erie music started playing and his eyes opened up with this red glow His head &hands moved from side to side. When he stopped moving your fortune was dispensed at the bottom. I remember going on certain nights because they would have live entertainment. We always got cotton candy & wondered how that sugar could be spun into that soft fluffy treat. Past the carousel going towards the back of the park was the tunnel of love ride that I believed had swan boats that went through a dark tunnel. The tumble Bug ride was across from it. Shooting galleries & games of chance where located near the Jack Rabbit roller coaster. You know I never did ride it,I guess I was to scared. The Ferris Wheel was in the back of the park. I remember at different times people staying on the Ferris wheel for weeks at a time, as a publicity stunt for the park. When we would leave the park we always went by the roller skating rink . There was always this roar of the skaters on the wooden floor, and that great skating music from the band organ. I would love to see some photos of Flint Park from those days. Especially the carousel, if any one has any please E-mail me. Thanks Ken Kaszubowski
4/8/2005 - Leona Weiss
My Grandfather was the manger of Flint Park and my mother worked and lived in the park. My Grandfather was Pat Anger and my mothers name was Mary Anger they are both deceased but they have always talk of the wonderful memories they had there it was torn down before I was born. There was a big write up on the park a few years back in the Flint Journal in Flint, MI they interviewed my mother and my Aunt Betty
2/7/2005 - Julie Campbell
During the 1950s I grew up with Flint Park. My father Albert Campbell ran the PITCH A NICKEL IN THE DISH stand. We had family and friends in other stands. Mrs. Wagoner sold the best hot dogs and ice cream sandwiches. Opal Witt and Ruby Campbell sold cotton candy. The both gave me the bits of cotton candy left behind. There was entertainment on the concrete stage behind the office. We enjoyed country music, rock and roll, Mexican music and dancers of all kinds. I would love to hear from anyone with information on the park . My mother Lenora, who worked with my dad at times is still living and I would love to share more of Flint Park with her. Thank you very much.
9/11/2004 - Irene McKay
Sorry, there is nothing there now but overgrown weeds.
Flint Park - 1956 Or 1957 From Betty Liss
1956 Or 1957 From Betty Liss
Flint Park - 1956 Or 1957 From Betty Liss
1956 Or 1957 From Betty Liss
Flint Park - Ticket Booth
Ticket Booth
Flint Park - Ferris Wheel
Ferris Wheel
Flint Park - Roller Coaster
Roller Coaster
Flint Park - Family Shot In Front Of The Fake Boat From Marsha
Family Shot In Front Of The Fake Boat From Marsha
Flint Park - Old Photo From Marsha
Old Photo From Marsha
Flint Park - Old Aerial
Old Aerial
Flint Park - 1954 Aerial Photo
1954 Aerial Photo
Flint Park - Current Aerial Photo
Current Aerial Photo
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