Scio Drive-In Theatre - Ann Arbor MI

Address: 6588 Jackson Rd
City: Ann Arbor
State: MI
Zip: 48103
County: Washtenaw
Owner History:
Theater Type: N/A
Number of visits to this page: 14821

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Opened in 1953, under Arthur and Roger Robinson, who also operated the Ypsi-Ann and Willow Drive-Ins, the Scio originally could accomodate about 400 cars, and had a single 65-foot screen. In 1967, the General Cinema Corporation took over the Scio. Seven years later, under VIP Theatres, the Scio switched to adult films, which caused controversy because area residents complained that the racy fare could be seen from both Jackson Road and the nearby I-94 expressway. However, not only did the theater remain in operation (despite briefly being forced to close by the authorities in 1975), an adult bookstore was built on the drive-in's property, as well. By the late 70s, the drive-in was expanded to accomodate more than 700 cars. The Scio closed in 1985, and was demolished in 1991. The site remains vacant today. [Cinema Treasures]

Info Updates:
2/17/2011 - James Clavier
I rode into this drive-in more than once in the trunk. Anyone remember the Star drive-in restaurant at the corner of Baker and Jackson rd just to the west? I used to pick strawberries across the rd at Farmer Grants.
6/7/2008 - Nunya Bizness
The picture is correct. If you look, Don's bodyshop is sitting right near where the ticket booth was. BE CAREFUL if you try to drive in (pun fully intended) there for a look around. The treadles installed by VIP in the exit road are STILL THERE!!
I would love to go through there with a metal detector some time.....wonder what ever happened to the old fire engine that sat below the screen for years?
5/23/2004 - Unknown
Those "light poles" that are listed as illuminating the driveway were actually shining east so passersby could not see the X rated fare on the screen! Also, that arial view does not seem right. The screen back at the Scio faced due west, and the ramps were curved but ran north and south. Ithink this is the wrong photo. Miss their wet t shirt night. Thanks
1/6/2003 - WaterWinterWonderland
The lot is empty, although some driveways and foundations can still be seen. Also what appears to be lightpoles that once illuminated the driveway.
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