Flat Rock Speedway - Flat Rock MI

Address: 14041 Telegraph Rd
City: Flat Rock
State: MI
Zip: 48117
County: Wayne
Number of visits to this page: 42273

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Web

Flat Rock Speedway is on the west side of Telegraph Road just south of Flat Rock and south of Will Carleton Road. You cant miss it. This ¼ mile track was built in 1953 by Sheldon Hayes Sr. and was the first rubberized asphalt track in the country. Lee Petty, Richard Petty’s father, won a 500 lap race at Flat Rock in 1954 in a race sanctioned by NASCAR.

The rich tradition and history of Flat Rock Speedway is evidenced by the endless list of drivers that have made the hard left turn at the “Rock” over the years. Eddie Sachs, Gordon Johncock, Benny Parsons, Iggy Katona, Davey Allison, Michael Waltrip, Jeremy Mayfield, Gary Bradberry, Kenny Irwin, Tim Steele, John Anderson, Joe Ruttman, Danny Byrd, Mike Eddy, Junior Hanley, Jack Bowsher, and many other stars have competed at the speedway over the past 46 years.

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Info Updates:
5/16/2017 - Greg Adanti
Hey Tom glad you enjoyed reading about my uncle. They had a race called the Australian pusuit race that was fantastic I heard some tracks still have it. But they would line orange cones around the track and if the racer was passed on the track he was out of the race and they would race to the last car was left racing. Anybody remember the flag man Clem Van Rossen or John Toth driving TV4.
1/20/2017 - Thomas Porzondek
To Greg Adanti - Saw your post of December, 2015. I went to Flat Rock, Toledo, and many other race tracks over the years and also raced a few years myself at Auto City and Owosso Speedways. I remember all the guys you mentioned and Dick Mitchell was one of my favorites. Also remember a night at Flat Rock when Fran Harden spun, wound up sitting 90 degrees to the front wall and Dick Mitchell couldn't miss him and T-boned him. I talked with Fran at the funeral home in Lake Orion when Joy Fair died in December, 2011, and sorry to say Fran died in October of 2015. We had a great time talking about racing and Fran was one of the fan favorites every where he raced. I also remember Homer Newland quite well and I raced with his son at Auto City Speedway in the 1990's. The last time I saw Homer was in the pits one night at Auto City over by his son's car and sorry to say he is gone too. He was one heck of a racer in his time, he could race on dirt or asphalt it didn't make a difference. I loved his racing suit: blue work clothes and work boots. (That was in the late 1960's at Mt. Clemens Race Track).
12/27/2016 - Greg Adanti
My uncle Dick Mitchell was a successful race car driver Flat Rock Toledo and Mount Clemens. He drove the yellow #27. He was one of the first drivers to race there. He even knew Mario Andretti and he did sell in Arca that he moved to Daytona Beach. Does any one remember Ron Grana John Anderson or Fran Hardin?It was interesting to read about Homer Newland always wrecking because we seen him at Toledo actually go over the wall and then waving his hands up in the air saying that he was alright. It was my childhood growing up and I loved every minute!!!.
1/1/2015 - Mary Coughlin (Flor)
Looking for old VCR tapes from 1978 thru 1987 when I raced #37. Would love to copy If anyone has any or knows where I can find them would greatly Appreciate it. Want to show my Grandaughter. Thanks.
3/8/2014 - John Haven
Still looking for anyone who might have remembered Jerry (Cleo) West of Flat Rock dragging racing (I am sure Fords) at all the tracks in the late 1960's and early 1970's. Was there any records kept for those years in drag racing? Thank you.
5/29/2013 - Bill Simmons
I received a call last night that Mike Conboy passed away Sunday, May 26, 2013. Some of you may remember him, Big Mike raced the Captain America, Red White and Blue #44 Figure 8 car in the late 60's and early 70's. He attended the Figure 8 racers reunion last year. Superstition Funeral home 398 East old west Highway Apache Junction, AZ. 85119 480-982-2727.
3/15/2013 - Robert Lammy
where do I advertise a Race car for sale? I have a 1999 Ford Taurus for sale. call 989-653-2673.
1/13/2013 - Dale Mundy
looking for ron Granada. He lived in Charlotte,, nc in the early 70's. I'd like to contact him, so a phone or email address would be great.
5/14/2012 - paty gonzalez
I need to know price to get in and what days it is open and the time of the race. Do have handicap parking.
3/28/2012 - Mark Mitchell
To Tom Porzondek: My Dad didn't get into racing until the early 60's. Must have been another Bob Mitchell. He raced at Flatrock, Spartan, and on a rare occasion at Mt. Clemens or Toledo. Drove only the #13 car (except at Spartan when he had to add a 1 to it (131).
1/6/2012 - Madeline Dristy-Alestra
My dad Ross Dristy #72 loved driving the figure 8 with Lil Richard Simmons #771 (ILL spelled backwards and upside down). As a young girl I remember Pork Chop Early, Joy Fair and of course Little Bill Simmons. It was such a wonerful memory as a child that I still go to Flat Rock on Saturday nights and take my children. The kids love it just like I did. Thank you to all the drivers for the great memories and to my dad. They are memories I will never forget.
12/20/2011 - sTAN wILLIAMS
As a kid in the late 50's and early 60's I remember watching Joy Fair. He always amazed me. Even in the late 80's it seems I saw Joy at Flat Rock. His story that appeared in the Oakland Press after his death made me much more aware of just what type of man he was. Work all day in his garage, jump in the truck, drive to Oswego New York. (or where ever, race, jump back in the truck and drive all night to work in the morning. Because he raced 8 days a week if that possible. LOL Even if he never wanted to be the driver ,thats what the story said, he did a hell of a good job. Joy Fair deserves to be in the Nascar Hall of Fame!!.
12/11/2011 - Scott Daloisio
R. I. P. Joy Fair. My hero and one of the greatest - if not the greatest - short track drivers of all time.
12/11/2011 - Jerry Woods
Today Dec 10 2011 I spoke with Danny Byrd and he informed me that Joy Fair passed this am at the age of 82. RIP.
11/26/2011 - Jennifer Barber
The pictures look great ! I found some more pictures recently, and other stuff. I'll try to send them sometime. I love the old stock cars, but also love my new race cars. Me and my husband have a couple going right now. If anyone remembers Joe Barber #61, post a comment for me. Love the site, and thank you again for keeping the sport and these racers legacies alive !.
10/12/2011 - J.G.
terry have not heard from you in a while??.
9/27/2011 - JG
Terry I thought I sent this message already? We might want to try a different method to swap contact info??.
9/19/2011 - Terry Bennett-Gilliland
To J. Gucciard, I believe that would have been my brother Ronnie who was driving the Go-Cart. I do remember the Go-Cart though because one of our neighbors drove it down the street in Hazel Park and wrecked so that was the end of the Go-Carts.
9/18/2011 - j.Gucci
terry my dad told me about your go-kart with two 2 cycle engines that did about 60mph. you use to ride it at the track in the parking area. you were about 5 years old. haha.
9/16/2011 - JG
hey terry i have picture of #98 on the truck with dicks pure service painted on the side. If anyone can get terry and me in contact that would be great thanks.
9/14/2011 - j gucciard
i have submitted personal info for terry bennett and bill simmons. it has not posted yet. i would like them to recieve my contact info ,but i noticed with a search for terry all my contact info could be on the internet like bill simmons was with his post. If you can leave my name as initials J. G or email my submitted post directly to terry bennett. if not please notify me that my submitted post will not be posted and i will re do it. thank you very for the hard work for the great storys are fathers could tell. thanks again J. G.
9/14/2011 - jon gucci..
terry the#98 ford was my dads. my dad was on the team with your dad. I was at dick golds pure gas station a couple times. jim southern was another member of the team,he still has muffler shops on gratiot. hope we can meet my dad is 71 and tells the storys good. i know he would like to talk to your dad and i would love to hear them talk.
8/17/2011 - Roberta
Asking about Mike Butch Smith, Flat Rock Speedway - He was a driver in the 1960's and 1970's, his name was Mike Smith but he went by Butch. He passed away in 1987 so I don't have any memories of him or any pictures. I have Googled for pictures of drivers at Flat Rock Speedway in Flat Rock MI hoping I would find something, but I do not even know what number(s) he drove. I have tried searching for photos online hoping I would come up with something but I cannot. I was also told he painted some of the cars and did a lot of drawing, which I also take that after him. If anyone has any information and/or pictures please email the webmaster of this web site and he will forward them on to me.
8/3/2011 - Terry Bennett-Gilliland
Hey Randy, you were right 6 and Woodward was where the gas station (which was also a cab company) was located. My dad owned a Pure gas station at one time back in the 50's also. I sent Steve Wolski a few pictures this week and I will be sending many more in another week or so. Hope you and everyone enjoys them.
7/28/2011 - Terry Bennett-Gilliland
Thanks Randy and Jerry for your kind words. The picture at Motor City was my dad, Harmon Willcutt and my dad's brother (Buster Bennett) who was killed in an auto accident in 1953. I have the same picture. I went to visit dad yesterday and got his racing pictures and news paper clippings which I will copy and send to Steve Wolski to share with everyone. When we moved to Alabama in 1966 my dad continued to build race cars for a friend to drive at Birmingham International Raceway and my youngest brother Dwayne Bennett. When the Talladega track first opened Benny and his brother Phillip stayed with us and dad and I went to the track with them. Phillip is doing well as an announcer also. My dad built his own shop down here and worked until he was 81 years old!! He overhauled a couple of engines for me and was probably the most reasonable mechanic in this area. He did alot of work for very little money but he made alot of friends. I look forward to conversing with everyone and sharing our information.
7/28/2011 - Jerry Woods
Great Post Terry I remember your Dad as well Man the racing was Great back in those days. In 69 I worked with Benny when he had taken the Trudell Ford Building On Van Dyke North of 8 Mile and was Running a Factory supported effort in ARCA. That was the year of the Talldega coming out. After that Year he moved to NC to persue his NASCAR career. I continued over the next Few years helping others build and maintain there race cars In 78 I worked with Buddy Bennett In 79 I Finished my racng days with Danny Byrd at The Stan Yees Racing. I still stay in contact With Danny on a regular basis. Not sure If you ever talk to Danny But I bet he could share some Great storys about your Dad. Oh Yeah I remembe rBenny showing up at Mt Cleamons with the Yellow 58 Ford #98 for like a Mid season Race They may have been the night Homer newland tangled coming out of turn 4 on the dirt Going thru the retaining wall and almost to the seats No one was injured and racing resumed Seems I remember your Dads cars as Maroon in color.
7/28/2011 - Randy
Terry, check out Motor City Speedway on here, I posted a pic of your dad's 00 when he raced there (which Bill Hassle sent me). and I lived in Madison Heights on 10 mile (near couzens). I remember riding my bike over to the house to watch them all work on the # 98 (Sponsored by Northland Ford). And I talked to Benny about his start w/your dad and he totally gave credit to him as the one who got him interested in racing. And wasn't that gas station on 6 n Woodward, also ran (or maintained) a taxi cab service out of there?.
7/27/2011 - Terry Bennett-Gilliland
I have a story to tell everyone about how Benny Parsons got started in racing. My dad Wayne Bennett had been racing for 10 or 15 years and one night he and Dick Gold were on their way to the races and they stopped for gas at Harold Parsons' gas station in Detroit and they saw Benny and he asked where dad and Dick were going and they said to the race track would you like to go and that was the start of something great for him because under dad's and Dick's tutelage he gained a great deal of experience and by 1969 I believe he was racing in the ARCA circuit and after his racing career became an analyst for racing on a national level. It goes without saying that you never know what you can accomplish when you are around the right people that are willing to teach you what they know about the sport of stock car racing. When Benny was inducted into the Racing Hall of Fame in Birmingham, Alabama my dad was there as a guest. Imagine if dad had never stopped at that gas station. I always believed in my heart that my dad could have raced with the likes of Richard Petty, David Pearson, Cale Yarborough, Bobby and Donnie Allision if we had stayed in Michigan in the 1960's. I can also remember when my dad was working on his race car in Hazel Park, Michigan a neighbor would call the police because of the loud noise from the car, but they would just drive by and say hello! Dad would work at General Motors during the day and on his race car at night and we would be off to the races on Thursdays and Saturdays. That was truly some of the best times of my life as a child growing up in Michigan. We have a picture of dad with Homer Newland and Harmon Willcutt who was related to Bill Hasselle who also raced at Flat Rock. I will share this picture and many more in the coming weeks.
7/25/2011 - Terry Bennett-Gilliland
Hello race fans! I posted some information last night about my dad Wayne Bennett. When he first began driving at Flat Rock Speedway his car number was 00 and then when he raced at Mount Clemens and other tracks his number was 98 (the yellow car with #98 in blue). He raced with Danny Byrd and Joy Fair and numerous other good drivers. We have numerous newspaper clippings of all the races that he participated in during the l950's and 1960's as well as pictures that we will share soon. I remember going to the races like it was yesterday! There is nothing that can compare to the atmosphere and fun that we all had back in those days! I truly miss it.
7/25/2011 - Terry Bennett-Gilliland
My dad Wayne Bennett raced at Flat Rock Speedway back in the l950's and 1960's and was a successful race car driver. He could build his cars and driver them! He won countless races and also raced at other tracks around Michigan and other states. If we had not moved back to Alabama in 1966 he would have had a chance for a Nascar ride. He and Dick Gold were the guys who introduced Benny Parsons to the sport! I have some pictures of Flat Rock Speedway and some of the cars my dad raced and I will be sending them to Steve Wolski soon to share with everyone. My dad instilled the love of racing in all of my family. We looked forward to going to the races twice a week. It was truly a family outing! Dad would build his cars in his garage in Hazel Park, Michigan and we always had a crowd of people at the house. When we moved back to Alabama it was only a few years later that the track at Talladega was built and we were there for the first race to see Benny Parsons race! Now dad (who is 82 years old) watches the races on television every week.
7/24/2011 - Jennifer Barber
Does anyone remember a red 70's camaro with white bumble bee stripes on the back end with the #10 on the doors. I don't remember his name, but he was friends with my father. I have a picture of him winning around 1979 ? My dad Joe Barber #61 was a forgotten Michigan racing legend, he raced in the 60's and 70's at many tracks and won alot of races at Flat Rock. He was born in 1928, so most people that knew him have since passed on. I have many photo's, I'm currently trying to update to this site as well as the ARCA and Racers Reunion sites. thanks to all the racers out there !.
5/7/2011 - Karrie Ann
What time do the races start tonight at flatrock speedway Saturday May 07, 2011.
5/7/2011 - Chris Hutchison
Gary Lindahl I've been looking for a reference to Dick Cherry and the Bingo 15 car for years. Very few writers give him any credit at all. He was a very good friend of my dads, and I remember the first time I saw the car in front of Dick's garage. Any pic's would be greatly appreciated. Do you have any history on the contributions of Erv Morris. (hint: Fuel Injection). My uncle is/was Jim Cushman. First winged car ~ 1958.
4/24/2011 - Kevin Pelkey
Ralph (Butch) Pelkey hung around Flat Rock with his Dad, Raymond and his brothers Howard and Jerry who both raced V-8 figure 8 cars in the 1960s. Butch owned no. A-29 driven by his brother, Howard. Jerry drove no. 55(?) and a late-model for a guy named Bill Wood which was no. 58. That car was a 1961 Ford Starliner. Butch drove a street-stock in the late 1970s for a bit. Butch, Jerry and myself built a street-stock in 1980 no. 21. It was a lot of fun. That no. 21 car set a lot of records.
4/4/2011 - Scott Daloisio
I remember watching your Dad race Mark. Great memories of Flat Rock every Saturday night and Toledo most Sundays. Is the name you are thinking of Jerry Pelkey?.
3/30/2011 - Mark Mitchell
Kevin Pelkey: Are you related to Ralph? I remember spending literally hundreds of hours at Flatrock in the mid 60s when my dad raced the Figure 8: Bob Mitchell, the racing Lieutenant from Livonia Police I think that Ralph either had a brother that raced or he raced and had a brother that just hung around. What great memories.
2/24/2011 - Brian Norton
The 8th annual Racer's Reunion is coming up March 12th at the Toledo Speedway Bar and Grill. Doors open at 12:00 noon 'til 5:00. Everyone is invited and it's free. Bring your old photos and scrap books.
1/12/2010 - Gary Lindahl
Toxicmoe Funny you should mention the cow, a lady took my picture while doing the "Chicken Dance" at Flat Rock. had me sign it to put next to her picture of me on Dave the cow. People still talk about it at reunions as one of the funniest moments ever at Flat Rock. Racer reunion at Toledo Speedway bar and grill, starting around noon on Saturday, March 13th, 2010. Gary Lindahl. See Ya!
1/6/2010 - Toxicmoe
Hey Gary Lindahl, I know your getting a little older but, have ya rode any cows lately?
11/19/2009 - RODNEY SHALLOW
Many of my family members raced at Flat Rock Speedway in the 50's. In fact many of the vintage photo's on your web site I can identify. My aunt, Gladys Hood, is the woman in the back seat closest to you in the photo of the Powder Puff girls pace car photos. I have a photo that I would like to submit of my uncle, Jake Hood, who won many races and at least 1 championship at Flat Rock, including the figure 8 races. My mother was dis-qualified as a powder puff racer at Flat Rock when it was discovered that she was pregnant, with me. Thus the name Rod.
8/24/2009 - Jennifer Barber
JOE BARBER, #60 and #61, "Greatest driver of all time" he raced during the 1960's till 1980. R.I.P. , ............. i have hundreds of photos from 1969 - 1980, taken at Flatrock Speedway, i will share some with you soon, thanks. p.s. great site !!!
4/9/2009 - Doug Harlan
my dad was a photographer in the late 70 to early 80 have slide pics of midgets and late models from toledo and other local tracks some might be from the silverdoom a couple are pics of cale yarborough if anyone is interested please contact me 419 754 9694
7/22/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
So, is it not time for safer barriers at Toledo and other tracks. Toledo is very fast, and I have seen many hard hit's there as well as other tracks.
7/21/2008 - Randy
I am only posting this on the Flat Rock site as I know Toledo is affiliated with them.
My condolences go out to the Gibson family as Terry Gibson was killed while racing at Toledo Speedway this past Friday (7/18/08). Terry Gibson was from Ohio.
Always very sad to hear this kind of news.
6/12/2008 - Randy A
Flat Rock Speedway's biggest Late Model race of the season, the Moran Chevrolet 150, has now taken on an added flavor for the 2008 edition of the event. The Saturday, June 21 contest will now be known as the Moran Chevrolet/Stan Yee Memorial 150. Yee, a hugely successful car owner for over 40 years, passed away May 18, just 2 days shy of his 76th birthday.
2/17/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
Gary, I understand about the track remaining the same, I just wish it would happen, but wish in one hand Eh? I think bringing the AC and Dixe factory stocks to the Rock would be something I would go and see, and I did notice the improved schedule at Toledo. I think they also lack in the details department. Used to be catered by Subway, and now have really yucky sandwhiches. They could take a page from the Auto City or dixie menus. AC's walking taco is amazing! I wish I could have one right now, and a roll of tums. I think the reason I would like to see the supers and the sportsman at Toledo on the same night is because of the emotional investment of the two series together, I know the drivers. Traveling series are cool but it's not the same when you don't know the names. Maybe Dixie Toledo and AC should agree on sportsman rules and broaden there fields. But thanks for getting back to me, as always I love the job you do behind the mic.
2/16/2008 - Gary Lindahl
Sean thanks for the reply,I doubt that Flat Rock will ever change shape allthough the land is there.
the short track at toledo though, you just never know,we all know it would be better if it was bigger. The USA mods have been added to the ASA weekend at Toledo in April. We keep looking for dates for the mods,they are a neat division with great looking cars.As for the factory stocks, most of our drivers are local and bring em on open trailers, I'am not a rules guy so don't know the difference in rules between those tracks, but it seems on a track like Flat Rock they would all b competitive together. Be fun to see, we've seen the AC and Dixie bunch in action and who knows maybe an invite in the future. See Ya!
2/13/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
Yes Gary i looked and it is better. I still want to see michigan Mods run there. Toledo is by far the best yard arounded, that's what makes the less than stellar at times management soooooo frustrating. The 1/6 mile could easily be lengthed by increasing it's straightaways and it would impact the 1/2 mile sightlines zero. And even if it were widened a bit it would barely interfere. Also align the factory stock rules with Dixie and AC so something besides monte Carlos could race. As for the rock, if you look at the ariel of Flatrock from your own website the land to the south is just parking. Why not fix it and make it bigger?
2/12/2008 - Gary Lindahl
For those of you that are interested in looking for old pics, like Pete Bere who drove the #59 and more famously #28,once again there is a racers reunion at Toledo Speedway bar and grill, Saturday, March 15th from Noon til 6pm followed by a fan club meeting at 6:30pm for a full day of photo's and bench racing. This annual event has seen many former drivers along with current drivers show up.We encourage anyone with old pics fron any track to attend. this event was set up for all speedways, not just Flat Rock and Toledo. Aside to Sean, check the Toledo Schedule and look fopr more "two divisions on the half-mile events".We try the best we can to satisfy all concerned and appreciate fans like you Sean who voice their opinions in a nonconfrontational manner. we do listen. and thanks.
2/11/2008 - Ragtop Man
What an AWESOME site, love seeing these pics!

This is a million to one shot, but does anyone have pictures of a Flat Rock racer from the mid-60s by the name of Pete Bier ?

He ran a late'50s Ford, and lived kiddy-corner from our house in the othewise quiet neighborhood at Cherry Hill and Telegraph in Dearborn. When he would fire up the car to pull it out of the garage, check the timing, or just torque off the neighbors it would shake the walls blocks away.

Pete moved out in the late '60s, dunno whatever happened to him or the car, still a race fan and would love to find a pic to connect to the old days.

Even if you have a program with the numbers and driver names, please contact me.

Thank you!!!!
2/11/2008 - Sean Fitzgerald
Of course ARCA being ARCA, good luck with any sort of change. They still insist upon making the fans at Toledo sit through 2.5 hours of that putrid 1/6 mile for a 35 lap 1/2 mile feature. That's why we really need to support the guys like Joe at AC. He actually seems to listen to the fans.
12/6/2007 - Mary Coughlin
Thanks, for the tip. I'll give them a call in the spring.
12/5/2007 - Randy
Mary...I suggest contacting the track and get the tracks video person(s) name and #. I know they have a booth set up each and every week with videos for sale.
The Flat Rock # is: (734) 782-2480 - being it is the off season, might take a bit to get back with you.
12/5/2007 - Mary Coughlin
Does anyone know where I can get some of the old videos from 1979 thru 1987 of the Street Stock Racing at Flat Rock Speedway ?
7/5/2007 - Randy
The Michigan MADMEN were at it again on Saturday night with a 50 lap CRAZY figure 8 race...what a great show and thrilling as well. The Enduro 250 had it's moments as well. Good crowd and can't beat "the home of the $1 hot dog (lol)". This weekend is the tri-50's with fireworks. It is nice that this track keeps on going and going and going.
6/20/2007 - StrokerAce
I have some old pictures from the 60's of Flatrock & Toledo Speedway here. I will have to dig out and send/email to your web master. I even have some old 8mm tape of a 4 car dash at Toledo Speedway with Joy Fair in it. I put it on VHS years ago but you still had the flash of light and the noise of the projector on the VCR tape. I put it on DVD a few years ago but didn't take the noise of the projector out. I need to redo it and at least get the noise out. Don't know what to do about the flash of the light in the 8mm film to get rid of it. It been maybe 15 years ago I was up at Flatrock and had a picture of Joy Fair in a 68 Camero. Joy and Gilly signed it for me, it was old and wore. But the enjoyed seeing it. Anyone remember Hank Loyld I think he moved from Toledo to TN somewhere to be a prison guard.
6/11/2007 - Randy
This past Saturday night was a great turn out for the street stocks as 63 total SS were there for the 50 lapper. And 21 figure 8 cars thrilled the crowd with a 20 lap featur of there own. Good turn out of 4 cylinders as well. And the 'roll-over' car was some wild lookin Suz Sidekick (i think). All in all, good turn out of cars, people and couldn't ask for better weather for a race night. June 30th is a 250 lap Enduro with a scheduled 50 lap figure 8 according to GL (the announcer)
1/17/2007 - Dan Grinde
Brian Norton- That is an old old pic of my Dad, I thought that I had the only one that was still clear like that.
1/11/2007 - matthew zagar
In the spring of 1967 I was 13 years old and worked at Parkway Sinclair on the northwest side of Detroit. Mostly I pumped gas and cleaned up around the garage but one of the the pet projects of the station was to convert a '51 Merc 2-door into a figure-8 racer. I don't know who actually owned this car but it was to be driven by Ron Clore who was a mechanic (part-time I think) at the station. In a short time the Merc was converted from a pretty clean stocker to a ominous looking black racer numbered 444. A roll cage was welded in, a 5 gallon jerry can was installed behind the driver's seat. Numbers were painted on the doors and I was sure Ron and the 444 were soon to be a figure-8 legend at Flat Rock Speedway. As I recall, Raon and the 444 entered about four Saturday night figure 8 races. Each time the 444 qualified last or next to last. The 444 met it's demise when it was involved in a seemingly minor crash and shortly afterwards, my job at Parkway Sinclair ended also. Over the next four years I attended quite a few Saturday night races at the Speedway. At the time Joy Fair was dominant. It seemed the #1 Chevy he drove was the fastest car on the track each time I was there. I recall his winning effforts always seemed smoother than that of the other drivers and from my vantage point effortless, he was so slick!. I rooted for Ford drivers Harold Cook and Bud Pingston (I think those names are correct). They seldom could match up to the masterful Joy Fair in the feature races. One memory of the Flat Rock was the "poor porter" in the men's rest room. He would say lines like: " Don't forget to tip your poor porter, the poor porter has to eat too" . another favorite of mine was: "Come here early, stay here late, clean up all the s**t you make". Another time I heard him say when two cops came in to use the facility, "Don't worry gentlemen, this ain't the Po-lice station, this is the re-lief station". I no longer live in Michigan but someday I hope to see another night of Saturday night racing at Flat Rock.
12/5/2006 - Dave Lyall
John: I do not remember a Jerry West, (Although I may have met him on a causal basis) but I originally was from the East Side, and first Drag Raced at Motor City Dragway in New Baltimore (1957), and then on to Onadaga, Toledo, Stanton, Detroit Dragway and Milan, before touring nationaly. The only drag racers from Flat Rock I know are Arlen Fadley and Ed Bennett. If you have information about what cars, sponsors, clases and dates, that may jog my memory. Dave Lyall
11/8/2006 - John Haven
To Dave Lydall, do you or anyone you know, remember a drag racer by the name of Jerry (CLeo) West of Flat Rock Michigan (1950's and 1960's). I am sure he drove fords, but not sure what class. I know he raced in the Detroit area.
11/7/2005 - Keith
The Flat Rock Speedway is in Ash Township in Northern Monroe County, just south of Flat Rock, off Telegraph just before Newburg Road. Ive been meaning to see some races there someday. Seems like a popular place!
11/7/2005 - Dave Lyall
Flat Rock must be amoung the longest-operating tracks in Michigan. I went to the first race there as a boy of 13, with my older "buddies" from Campbells Gulf Service Station in East Detroit, who made the accross-town tow to make the first race with a pre-war Ford "Hardtop." The Gulf Station is long gone, my older buddies are mostly gone, and I have grandchildren older than 13, but Flat Rock is still running.
10/16/2005 - Sean Fitzgerald
Hey Randy, now if we only had....1 Billion Dollars.....Sean
10/12/2005 - Randy Adam
I agree, add a 1/2 mile to the existing track and youd have a great place for racing...expand with the times!!! A quarter and a half mile would be awesome!!!
10/8/2005 - Sean Fitzgerald
I know people who love it, love it, but man ARCA aught to make it a true half mile like Toledo.
9/29/2005 - Randy Adam
I cant believe someone does not have any archive pics for this track? Like Joy Fair, Danny Byrd, Dick Mitchell, etc.... I know they are out there!!! Last Enduro Race of 2006 is Oct 8th.
9/25/2005 - Don
Lets never forget the yellow school bus #1 Joy fair........Everyone tried to beat him but only a very lucky few ever did !!
12/17/2004 - Randy Adam
Besides a full schedule of the Saturday night regular racing there, they have, I think, 5 Enduro 250 races thru the year. On July 4th weekend, it was under the lights. Still the way it was racing. Oh, and they have some of the best stands Ive sat in!!!
6/8/2004 - Chuck Van Bibber
This is the place to be for Saturday night figure 8 schoolbus racing.
Flat Rock Speedway - 1967 Flat Rock
1967 Flat Rock
Flat Rock Speedway - Danny Byrd From Jeff Nolen
Danny Byrd From Jeff Nolen
Flat Rock Speedway - 2005 Season From Randy
2005 Season From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - 2005 Season From Randy
2005 Season From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - 2005 Season From Randy
2005 Season From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - 2005 Season From Randy
2005 Season From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - 2005 Season From Randy
2005 Season From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - 2005 Season From Randy
2005 Season From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - Aerial Shot
Aerial Shot
Flat Rock Speedway - Vintage From Randy
Vintage From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - Powder Puff Girls From Randy
Powder Puff Girls From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - 1960 From Randy
1960 From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - Older Program From Randy
Older Program From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - 2005 Program From Randy
2005 Program From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - 1960 Program From Randy
1960 Program From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - From Randy
From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - From Jennifer
From Jennifer
Flat Rock Speedway - 2007 From Tom
2007 From Tom
Flat Rock Speedway - From Jennifer
From Jennifer
Flat Rock Speedway - 2007 From Tom
2007 From Tom
Flat Rock Speedway - From Jennifer
From Jennifer
Flat Rock Speedway - 2007 From Tom
2007 From Tom
Flat Rock Speedway - From Jennifer
From Jennifer
Flat Rock Speedway - From Brian Norton
From Brian Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Lance Skotchers From Brian Skotchers
Lance Skotchers From Brian Skotchers
Flat Rock Speedway - Misc Flat Rock Pics
Misc Flat Rock Pics
Flat Rock Speedway - From Jennifer
From Jennifer
Flat Rock Speedway - Dave Vanisacker From Brian Norton
Dave Vanisacker From Brian Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Dick Myers From Brian Norton
Dick Myers From Brian Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - From Brian Norton
From Brian Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Gary Lindahl And Steve Bunge From Brian Norton
Gary Lindahl And Steve Bunge From Brian Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Ryan Newman From Brian Norton
Ryan Newman From Brian Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - From Brian Norton
From Brian Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - From Brian Norton
From Brian Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - From Brian Norton
From Brian Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - From Brian Norton
From Brian Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - 86 Baer Field Lm From Mike Duford
86 Baer Field Lm From Mike Duford
Flat Rock Speedway - 89 Buick V6 Late Model From Mike Duford
89 Buick V6 Late Model From Mike Duford
Flat Rock Speedway - Brian Norton
Brian Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Brian Norton 2
Brian Norton 2
Flat Rock Speedway - Brian Norton 3
Brian Norton 3
Flat Rock Speedway - Brian Norton Driving For Joy Fair
Brian Norton Driving For Joy Fair
Flat Rock Speedway - Brian Norton Driving For Joy Fair 2
Brian Norton Driving For Joy Fair 2
Flat Rock Speedway - Carl Dwain Park From Randy
Carl Dwain Park From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - Chuck Briggs From Brain Norton
Chuck Briggs From Brain Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Denny Pace From Brain Norton
Denny Pace From Brain Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Dick Crup From Brain Norton
Dick Crup From Brain Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Enduro Car From Mike Duford
Enduro Car From Mike Duford
Flat Rock Speedway - Fran Harden 1970 From Brain Norton
Fran Harden 1970 From Brain Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - From Mike Duford
From Mike Duford
Flat Rock Speedway - Grandstand From Randy
Grandstand From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - Harold Cook From Brain Norton
Harold Cook From Brain Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Heat Win From Mike Duford
Heat Win From Mike Duford
Flat Rock Speedway - Joe Ruttman John Marcum 1971 From Brain Norton
Joe Ruttman John Marcum 1971 From Brain Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Joy Fair And Joe Tangle From Mike Duford
Joy Fair And Joe Tangle From Mike Duford
Flat Rock Speedway - Joy Fair From Brian Norton
Joy Fair From Brian Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Paul And Joe From Mike Duford
Paul And Joe From Mike Duford
Flat Rock Speedway - Ray Alexander From Brain Norton
Ray Alexander From Brain Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Richard Simmons From Brain Norton
Richard Simmons From Brain Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Royce Cornett From Brian Norton
Royce Cornett From Brian Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Toledo  Gold Cup From Mike Duford
Toledo Gold Cup From Mike Duford
Flat Rock Speedway - Toledo Car From Mike Duford
Toledo Car From Mike Duford
Flat Rock Speedway - Track From Brain Norton
Track From Brain Norton
Flat Rock Speedway - Vintage Pic From Marty Bliven
Vintage Pic From Marty Bliven
Flat Rock Speedway - M 2012 Poster From Randy
M 2012 Poster From Randy
Flat Rock Speedway - Vintage Pic From Marty Bliven
Vintage Pic From Marty Bliven
Flat Rock Speedway - From Dennis Dennison
From Dennis Dennison
Flat Rock Speedway - From Dennis Dennison
From Dennis Dennison
Flat Rock Speedway - From Dennis Dennison
From Dennis Dennison
Flat Rock Speedway - From Dennis Dennison
From Dennis Dennison
Flat Rock Speedway - From Dennis Dennison
From Dennis Dennison
Flat Rock Speedway - From Dennis Dennison
From Dennis Dennison
Flat Rock Speedway - From Dennis Dennison
From Dennis Dennison
Flat Rock Speedway - From Dennis Dennison
From Dennis Dennison
Flat Rock Speedway - From Dennis Dennison
From Dennis Dennison
Flat Rock Speedway - From Dennis Dennison
From Dennis Dennison
Flat Rock Speedway - Old Ad From Ron Gross
Old Ad From Ron Gross
Flat Rock Speedway - Ad From Sep 5 1960
Ad From Sep 5 1960
Flat Rock Speedway - Aerial Photo
Aerial Photo
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