Tashmoo Park - Harsens Island MI

Address: Harsens Island
City: Harsens Island
State: MI
Zip: 48028
County: St. Clair
Number of visits to this page: 32237

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Harsens Island offered some of the best fishing and hinting ground in the St. Clair Flats. This era gave way to an entertainment growth, which brought about hotels, restaurants and an amusement park. The hotels that lined the river were splendid and magnificent, attracting sportsmen, but also lured many other by the islands charm and remote oasis. Amusement parks located on the island were quite popular. The White Star Line opened Tashmoo Park in 1897, equipped with a casino, dance pavilion, roller rink, recreation center and sports area. In 1899, the Line built the Tashmoo, a majestic 306-foot steam ship. If was the largest paddle-wheeled steamer on the lakes and could transport and accommodate 3500 passengers.

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Info Updates:
12/27/2013 - Bernard Licata
More information and artifacts from the good old days on Harsens Island and the Flats is available at the Harsens Island St. Clair Flats Historical Society Museum. The Museum is located in Sans Souci on South Channel Drive and Williams Street. Admission is FREE. If you are interested in visiting the Museum or have artifacts from the good old days, and are considering donating them, you will find directions and may contact The Society via our website at: www. hiscfhs. org. In July 2013, The Society sponsored and event called TASHMOO DAYS to commemorate the activities that occurred here a century ago. The Society is planning a similar event for 2014. on Saturday July 19. Check our website in April or Google 'Tashmoo Days Harsens Island' for more information on last years event. The Island is a great 'Day Trip', there are Bed & Breakfast accommodations, great food at the historic Schoolhouse Grille or the Sans Souci Bar where you sit within 100 yards of he passing lake land ocean freighters. (This is the narrowest part of the channel and they are very close. ) Brown Field, a large park, is close to the ferry landing and the pavilion is available for private party rental. We look forward to your visit. Best regards, Bernard Licata President Harsens Island St. Clair Flats Historical Society.
4/29/2005 - JJ Hile
There were many hotels that were on the Island and Flats. Only two of the main hotels are still standing. One is the old Forester or Gus Troutz hotel and the second is the Mervue, which is now the Idle Hour Club. I know of two houses that were hotels at one time that are still homes. The closest hotel to Tashmoo was called by many names, Lemke, Franks and Island Hotel. This one burned in the 1950s. The willow trees that were near it are still there though, just upriver from the park entrance.
1/18/2004 - WaterWinterWonderland
A recent trip out to Harsens Island revealed that there are a few remnants of the old amusement park still present. In particular, it appears the shell of the old dance hall is now being used in Tashmoo Marina. There were also numerous other structures on the premises that appeared to date from that time. I would be interesting to know where the hotels were, apparently there were several at one time, but I did not see any obvious candidates amongst the buildings and structures on the island. Seeing how beautiful the island is today reminds one of how great a location it must have been for an amusement park and resort destination.
Tashmoo Park - The Landing Then
The Landing Then
Tashmoo Park - The Steamer
The Steamer
Tashmoo Park - The Park Then
The Park Then
Tashmoo Park - The Landing Then
The Landing Then
Tashmoo Park - The Dance Pavillion Then
The Dance Pavillion Then
Tashmoo Park - The Dock
The Dock
Tashmoo Park - The Island
The Island
Tashmoo Park - The Landing Then
The Landing Then
Tashmoo Park - Old Advert
Old Advert
Tashmoo Park - Luggage Tag
Luggage Tag
Tashmoo Park - Ferry Entrance
Ferry Entrance
Tashmoo Park - Ferry Ride
Ferry Ride
Tashmoo Park - Dance Pavillion Now
Dance Pavillion Now
Tashmoo Park - Dance Pavillion Now
Dance Pavillion Now
Tashmoo Park - Vintage Photo
Vintage Photo
Tashmoo Park - Dance Pavillion Now
Dance Pavillion Now
Tashmoo Park - Marina Entrance Now
Marina Entrance Now
Tashmoo Park - Possible Remnats
Possible Remnats
Tashmoo Park - Possible Remnats
Possible Remnats
Tashmoo Park - Marina Building Now
Marina Building Now
Tashmoo Park - Marina Entrance Now
Marina Entrance Now
Tashmoo Park - Boat Landing Now
Boat Landing Now
Tashmoo Park - Vintage Standard Sign
Vintage Standard Sign
Tashmoo Park - Island Airport
Island Airport
Tashmoo Park - Ferry Entrance On Island
Ferry Entrance On Island
Tashmoo Park - San Souci Harsens Island
San Souci Harsens Island
Tashmoo Park - 2 Bucks Round Trip On The Steamer July 23 1943
2 Bucks Round Trip On The Steamer July 23 1943
Tashmoo Park - Ad From June 25 1950
Ad From June 25 1950
Tashmoo Park - Argument About A Saloon In The News July 29 1909
Argument About A Saloon In The News July 29 1909
Tashmoo Park - Article On Marina Aug 20 1962
Article On Marina Aug 20 1962
Tashmoo Park - Carousel Ponies Are Sold Oct 19 1990
Carousel Ponies Are Sold Oct 19 1990
Tashmoo Park - Ferry Company Setting Up April 24 1929
Ferry Company Setting Up April 24 1929
Tashmoo Park - Great Article On The Park July 3 1997
Great Article On The Park July 3 1997
Tashmoo Park - June 1956 Article
June 1956 Article
Tashmoo Park - Plan A Picnic Ad July 16 1927
Plan A Picnic Ad July 16 1927
Tashmoo Park - Steamer Put-In-Bay With Finzels Orchestra June 3 1940
Steamer Put-In-Bay With Finzels Orchestra June 3 1940
Tashmoo Park - They Even Had Bass Fishing July 14 1923
They Even Had Bass Fishing July 14 1923
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